Real name): Ahmed
Age: 23
Name in game and rank in faction: Djokovic rank 5
How many hours can you play a day ?: 3-4 hours
Why do you want to apply for the tester function? (minimum 2 rows):I would like to help the development of the faction, as it is the faction in which I spent a lot of time and I want to make it look good with serious players who keep up the good work. I believe that in this way we can transform this faction for the better. In other words, I consider that I have made a pretty good mark on the faction's activity so far and I would like to contribute, after the break from this position.
Why do you think you are suitable for this position and why should we accept you and not another candidate? (minimum 2 rows):I consider that I am more experienced than the others , I was even responsible for testers, where I gave advice to those with the function of tester. This seniority, I think, helps me to know very well some players and how to approach them in different cases. i'm above, I am calm, I have patience and I really like to help the faction, to give tests with the candidates. Having a little experience behind me, I know how it works with this tester function and I don't think I would have problems, I would really manage. I'm right, I don't like cheating or anything.
How do you think you can help Tow Truck Company when you get the tester position? (minimum 2 rows): I want to say that I can help the faction in several ways. My job as a tester is to go through a more serious filter of the players accepted by the leader. I think that when you know who you are in faction, it is easier for you to work with those members, you know that you can rely on them and it gives you security. In other words, the more serious the players, the faster the faction develops.
What are the sources you will rely on when asking a candidate a question? (list at least 2 topics): Internal Rules , Legal & Illegal Tows
Will you accept your punishment if you violate the faction regulations and the rules imposed for the tester position ?: Yes.
Other specifications: Thank you for your attention.