O noua regula a fost implementata, va rog sa verificati topicul cu regulamentul intern.
Incepand cu data de 27.12.2021, in cazul mafiilor, pentru a oferi sublider unui membru (rank 6) acesta trebuie sa detina minim un rank 3 anterior in orice factiune, in ultimii 2 ani. Exceptie facem de la aceasta regula atunci cand liderul tocmai ce a fost promovat si isi poate aduce pe cine doreste el de incredere in factiune.
Daca cineva a fost banat pentru aimbot, pe langa interdictia de 30 de zile, o sa fie si o interdictie de 60 de zile in a primi rank 6 intr-o mafie.
Starting with 27.12.2021, in the case of gangs, in order to offer a subleader to a member (rank 6) he must hold at least a previous rank 3 in any faction, in the last 2 years. We make an exception to this rule when the leader has just been promoted and can bring whoever he wants to trust in the faction.
If someone was banned for aimbot, in addition to the 30days interdict, there will be a 60-day interdict to receiving rank 6 in a gang.