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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/22 in all areas

  1. Aplicatie respinsa, activitatea ta lunara nu este tocmai una de dorit, ai doar 10h jucate in 18 zile, te astept cu alta aplicatie cand iti vei imbunatati activitatea. Aplicatie acceptata, activitatea ta lunara de luna aceasta este foarte buna.
    2 points
  2. RO: Conducerea factiunii News Reporters respecta membrii care dau dovada de implicare in cadrul factiunii, activitate pe joc cat si de bun simt ca persoana. Astfel, membrii factiunii care depasesc un anumit prag al zilelor petrecute in factiune vor fi premiati cu beneficii folositoare in de-a lungul carierei lor de reporter pe server. Mai jos aveti lista premiilor in functie de zilele petrecute in factiune, de mentionat este faptul ca premiile care consta in Raport Optional pot fi activate doar in luna in care se atinge numarul de zile: La 90 de zile petrecute in factiune, veti fi premiati cu Raport Optional La 135 de zile petrecute in factiune, veti fi premiati cu suma de $100,000 La 180 de zile petrecute in factiune, veti fi premiati cu Raport Optional La 225 de zile petrecute in factiune, veti fi premiati cu suma de $150,000 La 270 de zile petrecute in factiune, veti fi premiati cu Raport Optional La 315 de zile petrecute in factiune, veti fi premiati cu suma de $200,000 La 360 de zile petrecute in factiune, veti fi premiati cu Raport Optional si cu suma de $250,000 *Dupa pragul de 360 de zile, premiile se repeta odata la 45 de zile, in aceeasi ordine. Pentru a putea primi aceste premii, trebuie sa nu aveti nicio sanctiune primita la ultima evidenta a orelor reale jucate din luna anterioara. Aceste premii de mai sus reprezinta un gest de multumire, cat si un stimul pentru reporterii care doresc sa ramana in factiune si dupa ce ajung la rank 5. De fiecare data cand un membru atinge un anumit numar de zile si este eligibil pentru a primi unul dintre premii, anuntul va fi facut in acest topic. EN: The leadership of News Reporters respects the members who show involvement in the faction, activity on the game as well as common sense as a person. Thus, faction members who exceed a certain number of days spent in faction will be rewarded with useful benefits throughout their career as a reporter on the server. Below is the list of prizes according to the days spent in the faction, it should be mentioned that the prizes consisting of the Optional Report can be activated only in the month in which the number of days is reached: At 90 days spent in faction, you will be rewarded with Optional Report For 135 days spent in the faction, you will be rewarded with $100,000 At 180 days spent in faction, you will be rewarded with Optional Report For 225 days spent in the faction, you will be rewarded with $150,000 At 270 days spent in faction, you will be rewarded with Optional Report For 315 days spent in the faction, you will be rewarded with $200,000 For 360 days spent in faction, you will be rewarded with Optional Report and $250,000 *After the 360 day threshold, the prizes are repeated once every 45 days, in the same order. In order to receive these prizes, you must not have any sanction received in the last evidence of the actual hours played in the previous month. The awards from above are a gesture of gratitude as well as a stimulus for reporters who want to remain in the faction even after reaching rank 5. Each time a member reaches a certain number of days and is eligible to receive one among the awards, the announcement will be made in this topic.
    1 point
  3. Felicitari! Bun venit in echipa, Misu e mandru de tine.
    1 point
  4. Nume: Fox.capybara Rank: 5 Aplic pentru echipa: Antrenor secund Motiv: vreau sa ajut echipa Fac parte din echipa: Nume: Instructori
    1 point
  5. Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: Paduu_22 Punctaj: 3/3 Alte precizari: -
    1 point
  6. Prea multe chestii cu Capybara, ce e mult strică.
    1 point
  7. Evidenta wars 15.06.2022 Nu s-au acordat sanctiuni pe scoruri.
    1 point
  8. Evidenta wars 14.06.2022 Nu s-au acordat sanctiuni pe scoruri.
    1 point
  9. leşinnnnnnn, luaşi ban o zi No Ragnar47[ToV] Dabrovsky[VODA] 15.06.2022 12:47 16.06.2022 12:47 route recording, nefiind la PC
    1 point
  10. Nick-ul tau: CLouD Rank: 5 Nick-ul celui testat: 1mihai12 Punctaj: 1,5/3 Alte precizari: Sa fie intr-un ceas bun
    1 point
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