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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/23 in all areas

  1. Nume: theoneuer Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/m1Bts2Z Alte informatii: - Feedback: -
    1 point
  2. Nick: RusKo. Data acordarii sanctiunii: 09.10.2023 Membrul sanctionat: Marineo Sanctionat cu: Avertisment Verbal + Amenda 50.000$ Motivul sanctiunii: Evidenta Wars 09.10.2023 (Absent 2/3) Dovada (video/screenshot): Topic Evidența Waruri Nick: RusKo. Data acordarii sanctiunii: 09.10.2023 Membrul sanctionat: MadalliNN Sanctionat cu: Avertisment Verbal Motivul sanctiunii: Evidenta Wars 09.10.2023 (Absent 1/3) Dovada (video/screenshot): Topic Evidența Waruri Nick: RusKo. Data acordarii sanctiunii: 09.10.2023 Membrul sanctionat: Madalinus Sanctionat cu: Avertisment Verbal Motivul sanctiunii: Evidenta Wars 09.10.2023 (Absent 1/3) Dovada (video/screenshot): Topic Evidența Waruri
    1 point
  3. Nick Lider: KeegaN.FLEX Nick-ul câștigătorului: Robinson. Rank-ul câștigătorului: 2 Numărul punctelor: 159 Săptămâna: 02.10.2023 - 08.10.2023 Dovezi: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/factions/factionReports/lvpd/2023/40
    1 point
  4. Nickname: Chandler Rank: SF Senior Instructor (3) Proofs: here
    1 point
  5. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 9/10/2023 > 15/10/2023 Hello instructors, We're back with New Weekly Mission: 1) Take a photo at the specified location while holding a "Katana" in your hand. https://imgur.com/a/wuTJ1R2 2) Take a picture when you've received payment for a job as a craftsman. 3) Take a picture when a contract assigned to a hitman has been executed. The Prizes for this weekly mission Are: First prize : $200,000 Second prize: $150,000 Third prize: $100,000 PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer ! enjoy Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:
    1 point
  6. Salutare dragi colegi, Urmatoarea regula din regulamentul intern a fost modificata astfel: ATENȚIE!!! Chat [/tx] a fost făcut cu scopul de a ne ajuta reciproc. Folosiți-l eficient în intervalul 08:00 - 22:00, dar nu numai continuand discutia pe [/sms] cu colegul care va raspunde. (Ajutor când cineva nu cunoaște o locație, repair/refill, parteneri de rob, locații unde se află radare, ajutor pentru bunker / quest / evenimente sau alte activitati de pe server in care ne putem ajuta daca avem nevoie) De acum, veti putea cere ajutor pentru aproape orice pe [/tx] in intervalul 08-22, doar cu rugamintea sa continuati discutia pe alte chat-uri cu colegul care va raspunde. Nerespectarea acestei reguli si transformarea chat-ului in [/f] si discutii, este sanctionata cu Faction Warn. Hello dear colleagues, The next rule in the internal rules has been modified as follows: ATTENTION!!! This chat was made with the purpose to help each other. Use it efficient in 08:00 - 22:00 interval, but not only by continuing the discussion on [/sms] with the colleague who will answer. (Help when someone don't remember a location, repair/refill, rob partners, locations where are radars, help with bunker/ quest/ events or other server activities we can help with if we need it) From now on, you will be able to ask for help for almost anything on [/tx] between 08-22, just please continue the discussion on other chats with the colleague who answers. Unfollowing the rule and use this chat like [/f] and discussiones, is sanctioned with Faction Warn.
    1 point
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