Salutare! Tin sa va informez ca anunturile de tip informative, despre comenzi precum [/wank], [/blowjob] si [/fucku], printre altele, sunt interzise. Daca trimiteti [/news] cu teme de genul, riscati sa fiti sanctionati conform regulii urmatoare: Orice anunț incomplet / greșit va fi sancționat cu $25,000 / avertisment verbal / faction warn, cu mentiunea ca in acest context, sanctiunea porneste direct de la avertisment verbal, fiind succedat de faction warn, daca se mai repeta abaterea.
Hello! I want to inform you that informative ads, about commands such as [/wank], [/blowjob] and [/fucku], among others, are prohibited. If you send [/news] with topics like this, you risk being sanctioned according to the following rule: Any incomplete / wrong announcement will be sanctioned with $25,000 / verbal warning / faction warn, with the mention that in this context, the sanction starts directly from the verbal warning , being succeeded by a faction warn, if the offense is repeated.