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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/24 in all areas

  1. Nick: meth.tn Rank:Rank 1 SF traine Amount donated: 20k Proofs:https: //imgur.com/a/donation-to-sfsi-HGPCIHV
    1 point
  2. Stima, Programul de vara intra in vigoare de Luni, 10.06.2024, la Tow Truck Company si va arata asa: Raport normal: Rank 1 - 35 tows, 10 repair, 10 refill Rank 2 - 30 tows, 7 repair, 7 refill Rank 3 - 25 tows, 5 repair, 5 refill Rank 4 - 20 tows, 10 others; Rank 5 - 15 tows, 10 others; Raport VARA: Rank 1 - 25 tows, 10 repair, 10 refill Rank 2 - 20 tows, 7 repair, 7 refill Rank 3 - 15 tows, 5 repair, 5 refill Rank 4 - 10 tows, 10 others; Rank 5 - 10 tows, 10 others; Acest raport va fi doar pe timp de vara! cu respect, Kristi72!
    1 point
  3. Regele Sorin le stie pe toate RESPECT
    1 point
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