Anunț Important / Important Announcement
Actualizare a Regulamentului General al Departamentelor :
Noua regula: 13.1.17 Atunci cand incercati sa preluati un suspect in vehiculul de munca si sunteti obstructionati de catre alti civili, aveti dreptul de a-i soma de 3 ori pe [/m] sa elibereze spatiu din apropierea vehiculului. Daca nu se conformeaza, civili vor fi sanctionati cu wanted pentru Neconformare Ordin. In cazul in care aveti spatiu in vehicul, acestia vor fi somati sa se predea. In cazul in care nu exista spatiu, vor fi somati din nou de 3 ori pe [/m] sa elibereze spatiul din apropierea vehiculului iar daca nu se conformeaza pot fi omorati cu wantedul pe care-l au.
Mai multe detalii Aici
Department General Rules Update:
The new rule: 13.1.17 When attempting to apprehend a suspect in the work vehicle and you are obstructed by other civilians, you have the right to summon them 3 times on [/m] to clear the space around the vehicle. If they do not comply, the civilians will be sanctioned with wanted for Disobeying Orders. If there is space in the vehicle, they will be ordered to surrender. If there is no space, they will be summoned again 3 times on [/m] to clear the space around the vehicle, and if they do not comply, they can be killed with the wanted level they have.
More details Here