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Everything posted by DareDeviI

  1. Nick: DareDevil Rank: 2 Actiune namecover: Wanted pentru posesie/folosire droguri Actiuni efectuate in saptamana: 30.05.2016 - 05.06.2016 Dovezi: Mr.Dns: http://imgur.com/a/9gSjd /// iProfessional: http://imgur.com/a/E8hUB Alte precizari: Confiscate drugs+wanted lui Mr.DnS si iProfessional
  2. Nick: DareDevil Rank: 2 Actiune namecover: Wanted pentru Posesie/Folosire Deoguri Actiuni efectuate in saptamana: 23.05.2016 - 29.05.2016 Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/3NVcM si http://imgur.com/a/AI0gJ Alte precizari: Wanted asupra lui D.I.M si Hayden.V2
  3. 9 maini al rand? Slabutz, a luat unu 17 la rand ieri [7/5/2016]
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