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Peleg last won the day on July 24 2018

Peleg had the most liked content!

About Peleg

  • Birthday 10/10/2001

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  • Real name
    Peleg Wissotsky
  • RPG Nickname

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Peleg's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

  • 100 Reactions Given
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  • 10 Reactions Given
  • 1 Reaction Given
  • 50 Reactions Received Rare

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  1. Nick: Peleg Rank: 1 Nick of the reported player: TROLLATIU[VODA] Level of the reported player: 32 Mystats bar of the reported player: [url="https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/TROLLATIU"][img]https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/bar/TROLLATIU.png[/img][/url] Description: he requested taxi and dm me when i arrived Proof:
  2. Please post again and fix the RPG bar link.
  3. Nick: Peleg Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Sanctioned member and his rank: Chma9_weldba9 Sanction: Verbal Warning Reason: Accepting [/needlicense] request from level 50+ Proof (Optional): - Other specifications?: Watch out next time.
  4. Added to the blacklist with 1 warning for DM.
  5. please fix the RPG Bar, instead of the link. copy the "Forum link" from rpg.b-zone.ro -> find player -> status
  6. Not enough proofs, next time take a proof of the actually DM (such as a video).
  7. Added to the blacklist with 1 warning for bad language.
  8. The player will be not added to the blacklist, Every player is free to post whoever he want whenever he want if he feel that player did something wrong. It's the leader's duty to close the post without giving any punishment if the proofs doesn't show that he did something wrong. If the player blackmailed you, you can post him to the admins with proofs (punishment: Warn).
  9. @AloneKiNG The player will not be added to the blacklist, please post again with the right RPG BAR (link) and not soemthing else.
  10. Nick: Peleg Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Sanctioned member and his rank: sicandr65] - Rank 1 Sanction: Verbal Warning Reason: Accepting [/needlicense] request from level 50+ Proof (Optional): - Other specifications?: Watch out next time.
  11. Added to blacklist with 1 AV for DM (He's not a clan member).
  12. @AloneKiNG The player will not be added to the blacklist, please post again with the right RPG BAR (link) and not a photo.
  13. He's already in the blacklist, he will get +1 warn.
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