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L o o d y

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Everything posted by L o o d y

  1. Nick: Loody Rank: 5 Am dat test cu: Termi Data: 24.05.2018 Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 3/6 Rezultat proba practica: 0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis 12-0-3-0=9 Observator test: Radu.G Alte menţiuni: Wb
  2. *Nume: Loody *Rang: 5 *Dovezi: https://prnt.sc/ji907k *Alte specificati : pwp
  3. Pisiiii cf ❤️

    1. Irina


      bine pisii, tu? :X

  4. *Nume: [TE]Loody *Rang: 5 *Dovezi: Kelton (also known as The Dean of the Community), a rare creature. Generally found in tropical Dillimore specifically in House ID 487. He is a big-sized admin 6 native to Los Santos suburbs. He is the highest rank among his species, and has the ability to manage all RPG B-zone servers. Although he's quite inactive, he is noted for his intelligence, fairness and impressive management skills. He also demonstrates a high sense of rekt, sarcasm and dark humor https://prntscr.com/imaahl . Studies have shown that Kelton can handle up to 1.89k bug reports, 2.17k complaints and 3.6k unban requests per day. Despite the results stated above, Kelton has never been spotted on [/hc] for the past several years. Though some helpers claim the opposite, there is no evidence that Kelton has lately engaged in in-game social behavior. He is rarely detected online, impossible to [/sms] and no way jose to be found outside of his nest. Recent studies, by the Founder Bobo, suggest that the most effective weapon that Kelton has acquired throughout the years is "Ban Remains" (Proof: https://prntscr.com/im94rz) . This powerful server-defence attitude has provoked hatred among many players. Yet, Kelton has managed to keep up with his loving ones https://prntscr.com/im93ro ||| https://prntscr.com/im95vn Overall, Kelton has performed a high level of both professionalism and sarcasm. Management isn't an easy thing to do. And managing a server like B-zone makes of you a https://prntscr.com/imagq5 *Alte specificatii: www.Loodypedia.com
  5. Nick: Loody Rank: 5 Am dat test cu: OmE Data: 20/02/2018 Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 0/6 Rezultat proba practica: 0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 2+6+3 = 11 (Admis) Observator test: Nephilym Alte menţiuni: Welcome!
  6. *Nume: Loody *Rang: 5 *Dovezi: ~~FBI rules for dem fools~~ Players think FBI is cool But they ain't knowing 1 rule They join, having no clue They only know that their name is Blue They even ask how to chat on /r and that's when we know, they ain't going far Do you know what FBI means? If you think it's about "rank", that's not how it seems. FBI deals with wanted three and four So if I /ms you once, better run to my door Cause if you don't, runner is what you recieve. And when you get killed like a pig, you'll feel the decieve. FBI, is about drugs posession and use And yes, namecover is meant to confuse Don't cry if we confiscate, it's not abuse It's something that takes talent, so enjoy the muse FBI is about getting Faction Warn in the day of rank up But we love our faction and we won't give it up A faction warn won't make us stop From waiting robbers, in Bone County drop! FBI, we are every gangster's nightmare No, need to run, cause /su is there We have no mercy to share. We are dedicated, join us if you dare. -Loody Shakespeare
  7. Nick: Loody Rank: 5 Am dat test cu: .Soufyen. Data: 12/02/2018 Rezultat proba teoretica: 2/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 0/6 Rezultat proba practica: 0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): 1+6+3 = 10 (Admis) Observator test: Nephilym Alte menţiuni: Welcome!
  8. Sal, kidda is mine, bft.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ViFoR


      Vreau ador! Dau back! :)):))

    3. W i s l e r

      W i s l e r

      Și eu vreau adorrrr

    4. S e b i

      S e b i

      Bună dimineața

  9. Mai cf pisi ? Miss you !!

    1. South Emerad

      South Emerad

      Hey vtm. Imi e deja dor de voi ??

  10. *Nume: Loody *Rang: 4 *Dovezi: https://prntscr.com/i3wmsz https://prntscr.com/i3wm44 https://prntscr.com/i3wlj0 https://prntscr.com/i3wkj4 https://prntscr.com/i3wjc3 https://prntscr.com/i3wiwo https://prntscr.com/i3wijs https://prntscr.com/i3whkk https://prntscr.com/i3wh1i https://prntscr.com/i3wgba https://prntscr.com/i3wfwa https://prntscr.com/i3wijs *Alte specificatii: pwp
  11. Nu avem antrenament/sedinta maine / We dont have meeting/training tomorrow.
  12. Name: Loody Rank: r3 Namecover action: https://prntscr.com/hceoot https://prntscr.com/hceowj https://prntscr.com/hcep4o https://prntscr.com/hcepjv Number of namecover action: 1x Drugs posession/use Other Specifications: pupic neph x2
  13. Name: Loody Rank: r3 Namecover action: https://prntscr.com/h92b8p https://prntscr.com/h92bgh https://prntscr.com/h92blr https://prntscr.com/h92bxr Number of namecover action: 1x Drugs posession/use Other Specifications: pupic neph
  14. Name: Loody Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://prntscr.com/gyxtfz https://prntscr.com/gyxtt6 https://prntscr.com/gyxu34 https://prntscr.com/gyxubs Number of namecover actions: x1 drugs Other specifications?: pwp
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