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L o o d y

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Everything posted by L o o d y

  1. Name: Loody Rank: 2 Action namecover : https://prntscr.com/gvnkxf https://prntscr.com/gvnl67 https://prntscr.com/gvnlkt https://prntscr.com/gvnlxn number of actions: x1 anything else to add: pwp
  2. Nick: Loody Level: 65 Factiune: FBI (RPG 1) Ce doresti sa le spui: Congratulations to everyone on this list !
  3. Nume: Loody Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://prntscr.com/gsv66t https://prntscr.com/gsv6pq https://prntscr.com/gsv72v https://prntscr.com/gsv7dj Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1 Alte precizari:
  4. Name: Loody Rank: 3 Namecover actions: https://prntscr.com/g24ast https://prntscr.com/g25fuh https://prntscr.com/g25g3f https://prntscr.com/g25gbv Number of namecover actions: 1xposesie/folosire drogur Alte precizari: Nope
  5. Name: Loody Rank: 3 Namecover actions: https://prntscr.com/fzbcw4 https://prntscr.com/fzbdte https://prntscr.com/fzbe0z https://prntscr.com/fzbe88 Number of namecover actions: 1xposesie/folosire drogur
  6. Name: Loody Rank: 3 Namecover actions: https://prntscr.com/fw0pz7 https://prntscr.com/fw0q6h https://prntscr.com/fw0qf0 https://prntscr.com/fw0qlx Number of namecover actions: 1 Other specifications? No
  7. Admin Alright down :))))) 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      @South Alright np np I had enough already :]]]]]]]]]]]

    3. South Alright

      South Alright

      crepe has been removed from the list.

    4. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      You have been demoted to single, pa.

  8. Admin Alright down :)))))

  9. Nume: Loody Rank: 3 Actiuni namecover: 1x Posesie/folosire droguri Numarul de actiuni namecover: request namecover: https://prntscr.com/fmgqww frisk: https://prntscr.com/fmgrf3 /su https://prntscr.com/fmgrq3 undercover off https://prntscr.com/fmgs7w
  10. Name: Loody Rank: 3 Name Cover Action: https://prntscr.com/fix260 https://prntscr.com/fix3qv https://prntscr.com/fix41l https://prntscr.com/fix4ip Number of namecover actions: 1x drugs possesion/use Other specifications: None
  11. When you have a Bae like mine ! <3 :)



      alright alright im trying to say looking like a princess



      ok happy im say you r a priness (not my) ithink sam one jalis after looking this comment


  12. Quote of the day: No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up and never give up!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. a r m y s
    3. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      te iubesc baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    4. a r m y s

      a r m y s

      Si eu baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  13. Believe that you can do it and you're halfway there.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      baaaaaaaaaaa Davo why u do dis to me

    3. Dave nWo

      Dave nWo

      You don't like lizards? :(

    4. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      Noooooooo, but if you like them then I do =]]]]]]]]]

  14. =))))))))))))))))))))))))) <3
    1. ToVarasu Dubeer

      ToVarasu Dubeer

      Nothing wrong here, i think...

    2. L o o d y

      L o o d y

      not until you understand arabic :))))))))))

    3. South Alright

      South Alright

      i agree with loody :)))))))))))))

  15. **I may walk slowly, but I never walk backwards ~~ Abraham Lincoln ~~

  16. Happ New Year Folks!! <3

    1. HancKs NoMercY

      HancKs NoMercY

      Happy new year


    2. CLouD


      I wanna have sex with you in the new year <3

    3. G T X

      G T X

      happy new year my fat girl

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