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Everything posted by VTFFLORYN69

  1. Nickname: [VTF]TONY Rank-ul pe care îl deții: 2 Nick-ul celui reclamat: detrixer123 Link-ul către contul celui reclamat: https://www.rpg2.b-zone.ro/players/general/detrixer123 Bara RPG a reclamatului (cea mică): Motivul: DM Dovada: (ScreenShot, Video):
  2. Nickname: [VTF]FLORYN Level: 37 Rank: 2 Motivul: Vreau sa merg dupa no-drept. Alte precizari: Multumesc.
  3. Nickname: [VTF]FLORYN Level: 35 Rank: 1 Deposited Amount: 10.000 $ Date and Hour: 10.02.2017 ; 21:02 Proof: http://imgur.com/a/qk6O6 Reason: -11 at war
  4. Nickname: [VTF]FLORYN Level: 33 Rank: 1 Deposited amount: 7000 Date and Hour: 02.02.2017 ;22:02 Proof: http://imgur.com/a/j3Bg4 Reason: -9 at war
  5. Nickname: [VTF]FLORYN Level: 33 Rank: 1 Deposited amount: 10.000$ Date and hour: 30.01.2017 ; 21:33 Proof: http://imgur.com/a/ysqoA Reason: Negative Score War
  6. Nickname: [VTF]FLORYN Rank: LS Supervisor (4) Nicku'ul celui testat: Gorbe Punctaj (x/3): 2.5/3 Rezultat:[Acceptat/Respins] Alte precizari: Welcome!
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