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About Boki

  • Birthday 07/06/1991

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Nick: B0ki [LCN] Rank: SF Manager (5) Date of test: 23/12/2018 Candidate: xpekt Score (x/3): 0/3 Anything else: Welcome to the faction, enjoy your stay with us.
  2. Nick: Boki_Lider [LCN] Rank: SF Supervisor (4) Date of test: 2/11/2018 Candidate: itzRazRo Score (x/3): 3/3 Anything else: I wish you better luck next time, and read the rules few more times before re-applying.
  3. Nick: Boki_Lider [LCN] Rank: SF Supervisor (4) Date of test: 25/11/2018 Candidate: assgoblin69 Score (x/3): 2.5/3 Anything else: Welcome to SFSI and enjoy your stay
  4. Nick: Boki_Lider Rank: SF Instructor (2) Amount donated: 30,000 $ Proofs: CLICK HERE Other specifications: Hello Ayoub and welcome to SFSI family. Come join us in the Discussions topic HERE, you should have posted your message in that topic rather than here because this topic is, as you can see, only for donations to faction safebox. Have a nice day.
  5. Thank you .JoJo and Khalsa for the warm welcome. In fact, I do have a question: when we get a client for a license test, which is the proper way to announce on /f : a) Name (ID) is with me for x license test (I found this in The Internal Regulation) or b) Name (ID) is with me to do the X license test (Member's Guide) ? I apologize if I posted this in the wrong topic but you said I can ask, so...
  6. Hello, my dear SFSI colleagues. I just wanted to say hi to all of you and to promise that I will be more active here on forum and I will try to do my job in game as well. Have a nice day.
  7. Link to the page: https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#Camper Identified passage: Returnare DealerShip: $26.000 Edited passage: The dealership refund price for this vehicle (Camper) should be $36.000 because 60% of $60.000 is $36.000, not $26.000 P.S. I hope I didn't post in the wrong forum section, if I did I apologize and please, correct my mistake.
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