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    Rogoveanu Alex
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  1. Nume: DRACU Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/iKAndMg Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 Wanted Posesie Drugs & Confiscate + Arrest Alte precizari: -
  2. Nume: DRACU Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/OIgju1p Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 Wanted Posesie Drugs & Confiscate + Arrest Alte precizari: -
  3. Nume: DRACU Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/QAN6EYh Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 Wanted Posesie Drugs & Confiscate + Arrest Alte precizari: -
  4. Nume: DRACU Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://imgur.com/a/Yry0jne Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 Wanted Posesie Drugs & Confiscate + Arrest Alte precizari: -
  5. Display Name: DRACULA Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil): Logo Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu): Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): - Tema (În caz că nu există o imagine): Ceva specific Paramedic. Text: .DRACULA Paramedic Field Chief Dimensiuni: Nu ma pricep, nu conteaza dimensiunea. Alte precizări: Multam.
  6. Frumos, ai +1, mai astept si altele.
  7. Display Name: DRACULA Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo/Cover Profil): Avatar Link către ultima cerere făcută (obligatoriu): Nu am mai facut . Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnătură): - Tema (În caz că nu există o imagine): Nu conteaza. Text: .DRACULA paramedic member (Stiti voi mai bine cum sa asezati) Dimensiuni: dimensiuni pentru un avatar, nu am preferinte. Alte precizări: Multumesc, toata lumea primeste +1
  8. Nickname:.DRACULA Rank: 2 Reason: I am not home for the meeting. Date of the meeting: 23.12.2018 Total number of pass requests: 2
  9. Nickname:.DRACULA Rank:1 Reason: There is no network in our city Date of the wars: 20.12.2018 Total number of pass requests: 1 Nickname:.vampire Rank:1 Reason:there is no network in our city Date of the wars: 20.12.2018 Total number of pass requests:1 I write this from phone.
  10. Nickname: .DRACULA Rank: 1 Reason: The weather is very bad here, i doesn't have internet, sorry for being late, but i without internet since 8AM Date of the wars: 04.12.2018 Total number of pass requests: 2/2
  11. Nickname: .DRACULA Rank: 1 Reason: I have to learn for tomorrow. Date of the wars: 03.12.2018 Total number of pass requests: 1/2 Nickname: .VAMPIRe Rank: 1 Reason: I am not home today, i will arrive tomorrow. I post instead of him because he can't. Date of the wars: 03.12.2018 Total number of pass requests: 1/2
  12. Nickname: .DRACULA Rank: 1 Reason: I`m not at home. Date of the wars: 30.11.2018 Total number of pass requests: 2/2
  13. Nickname: .DRACULA Rank: 1 Reason: I can't enter at wars, i have to go away from city. Date of the wars: 29.11.2018 Total number of pass requests: 1/2
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