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  1. Nick TZURY. Rank:1 Platesc amenda conform evidentei din data:02:09:2019 Sumă: 5k Motiv:absent 1/4 wars ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/3oJ9UFr Alte precizări: sal
  2. Avispa Rifa 0 - 15 Verdant Family Turf: Rodeo LS Time interval: 14:30-15:00 End time: 09.08.2019 14:59 Attack time: 08.08.2019 21:01 Am facut evidenta pe prezența Prezenti: Căpitanul Tzury Kyd.exe Wannabejo Dani016 Absenti: Askhanar Mr.leon(invoit) Co[d]at.exe(invoit) .low(invoit) Thebizi(invoit) Sa aveti un weekend plăcut
  3. Avispa Rifa 1 - 14 Vietnamese Boys Turf: Marina LS Time interval: 13:00-13:30 End time: 05.08.2019 13:29 Attack time: 04.08.2019 17:33 Se face evidenta pe prezența Prezenti: Iswitch Co[d]at.exe Dani016 Padin Thebizi Wannabejo Tzury. Low Absenti: Mr.leon 2/2 --》fw Kyd.exe(invoit) Rolanl(invoit) Askhanar Cine ma ajutat la war le mulțumesc foarte mult
  4. Avispa Rifa 1 - 14 Vietnamese Boys Turf: Richman LS Time interval: 13:30-14:00 End time: 05.08.2019 13:59 Attack time: 04.08.2019 17:33 Se va face evidenta pe prezența Prezenti: Padin Iswitch Kyd.exe Co[d]at.exe Tzury. Dani016 Thebizi Low. Wannabejo Absenti: Mr.leon Askhanar Rolanl(invoit)
  5. Avispa Rifa 7 - 8 69 Pier Mobs Turf: Jizzy SF Time interval: 14:30-15:00 End time: 30.07.2019 14:59 Attack time: 29.07.2019 16:46 900 secunde minim Prezenti: Rolanl Padin Tzury low Dani016 Absenți: Kyd.exe 1/1 fw Mr.leon 1/1 fw
  6. Avispa Rifa 0 - 15 El Loco Cartel Turf: Avispa Hills SF Time interval: 14:30-15:00 End time: 24.07.2019 14:59 Attack time: 23.07.2019 15:27 Minim 450 secunde Prezenti: Beast Overlord Tzury. Low. Mr.leon Rolanl Absenti: Katalinlegeto 2/3 Kyd.exe 2/3 Oreo 2/3
  7. Southern Pimps 9 - 6 Avispa Rifa Turf: Trashmaster SF Time interval: 13:00-13:30 End time: 24.07.2019 13:29 Attack time: 23.07.2019 15:16 450secunde minim Prezenti: Beast Overlord. Mr.leon Rolanl Kyd.exe Oreo Katalinlegeto .low Tzury. Avispa Rifa 0 - 15 El Loco Cartel Turf: Avispa SF Time interval: 14:00-14:30 End time: 24.07.2019 14:29 Attack time: 23.07.2019 15:27 450secunde minim Absenti: Beast 1/3 Overlord. 1/3 Mr.leon 1/3 Rolanl 1/3 Kyd.exe 1/3 Oreo 1/3 Katalinlegeto 1/3 .low 1/3 Tzury 1/3
  8. Avispa Rifa 1 - 14 El Loco Cartel Turf: Foster SF Time interval: 14:30-15:00 End time: 23.07.2019 14:59 Attack time: 22.07.2019 15:16 Prezenti: Beast Mr.leon Kyd.exe Absenti: Jack.own (invoit) Rolanl absent 1/2 Tzury. 1/2 Low (invoit) Oreo 1/2 Overlord 1/2
  9. Avispa Rifa 11 - 4 El Loco Cartel Turf: Trashmaster SF Time interval: 13:00-13:30 End time: 23.07.2019 13:29 Attack time: 22.07.2019 15:16 Prezenti: Askhanar Kyd.exe Oreo Mr.leon Rolanl Overlord Tzury. Absenti: Beast 1/2 Jackown (invoit) Low (invoit)
  10. El Loco Cartel 12 - 3 Avispa Rifa Turf: Trashmaster SF Time interval: 13:00-13:30 End time: 22.07.2019 13:29 Attack time: 21.07.2019 15:16 Prezenti : Beast Nikki.toreto Kyd.exe Tzury. Low. Spikezor Veteran Absenti: Mr.leon 2/2 ---> fw Jack.own (invoit) rolanl (invoit) oreo (invoit) Nikki.torreto 1/2 Overlord 2/2 ----> fw Askhanar
  11. El Loco Cartel 13 - 2 Avispa Rifa Turf: Foster SF Time interval: 13:30-14:00 End time: 22.07.2019 13:59 Attack time: 21.07.2019 15:16 Prezenti : Beast Nikki.toreto Kyd.exe Tzury. Low. Spikezor Veteran Absenti: Mr.leon 1/2 Jack.own (invoit) rolanl (invoit) oreo (invoit) Nikki.torreto 1/2 Overlord 1/2 Askhanar
  12. Nick: Tzury Rank: 3 Data la care nu poti veni: 20 iunie 2019 Doresc sa ma invoiesc la (war/antrenament/sedinta/activitate): war Lipsesc din motivul: sunt la munca nu pot ajunge Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: mersi , succes la war
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