Te-ai hotarat sa iti cumperi ceva de pe shop?
Vrei sa primesti un bonus pentru simplul fapt ca ai comandat ceva?
Ai nimerit unde trebuie!
Ce trebuie sa faci?
Dupa ce iti adaugi bani pe shop, prin orice metoda (transfer bancar, paysafe, SMS), trebuie sa apesi pe acest link:
Odata ce l-ai apasat, poti comanda ce doresti, iar dupa iti vei primi bonusul de la mine.
Este foarte simplu!
Care sunt ofertele? Ce primesti in schimb?
1 euro cumparat prin link = $20.000 de la mine pentru comanda
5 euro cumparat prin link = $120.000 de la mine pentru comanda
10 euro cumparat prin link = $200.000 de la mine pentru comanda
20 euro cumparat prin link = $350.000 de la mine pentru comanda
30 euro cumparat prin link = $450.000 de la mine pentru comanda
40 euro cumparat prin link = $650.000 de la mine pentru comanda
50 euro cumparat prin link = $1.000.000 de la mine pentru comanda
100 euro cumparat prin link = $2.000.000 de la mine pentru comanda
Informatie importante!
Daca nu accesati linkul special inainte sa comandati produsul, nu veti primi nimic!
Repet, acesta este linkul: https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4497
Dupa ce comandati gold, trebuie sa postati o poza in acest topic. In meniul de sus, apasati ORDERS. Faceti o poza cu print screen si dupa veti posta dupa urmatorul model:
Am comandat gold in valoare de:
Data in care am comandat:
Alte precizari:
Eu voi verifica pozele voastre, dar voi verifica si pe site daca ati efectuat sau nu comanda. Nu aveti cum sa ma pacaliti!
^ Singurul link de pe care iti aduce bonusuri extra atunci cand comanzi ceva ^
Spor la comenzi!
Have you decided to buy something from the shop? Do you want to receive a bonus for the simple fact that you ordered something?
You got it right!
What you have to do ?:
After adding money to the shop, by any method (bank transfer, paysafe, SMS), you must click on this link:
Once you have pressed it, you can order what you want, and then you will receive your bonus from me.
It's that simple!
What are the offers? What do you get in return?
1 euro bought through the link = $20.000 from me for the order
5 euro bought through the link = $120.000 from me for the order
10 euro bought through the link = $200.000 from me for the order
20 euro bought through the link = $350.000 from me for the order
30 euro bought through the link = $450.000 from me for the order
40 euro bought through the link = $650.000 from me for the order
50 euro bought through the link = $1.000.000 from me for the order
100 euro bought through the link = $2.000.000 from me for the order
Important information!
If you do not access the special link before ordering the product, you will not receive anything!
I repeat, this is the link: https://shop.b-zone.ro/aff.php?aff=4497
After ordering gold, you must post a picture in this topic. In the top menu, press ORDERS. Take a picture with print screen and then you will post according to the following model:
I ordered gold worth:
Date I ordered:
Other specifications:
I will check your pictures, but I will also check on the site if you have placed the order or not. You can't fool me!
^ The only link on that brings you extra bonuses when you order something ^