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Everything posted by lamapedro111

  1. eu nu fac nici de pe 1 da pai de pe 2 :DD dar se merita daca ai timp si chef
  2. buna idee @MorarDavid,in rest ce faceti dragi colegi?
  3. Nume:Pedro Rank:2 Dovada:https://imgur.com/gallery/PT9oeZb Alte informații:Frumoasa misiune si lejera.
  4. Nume:Pedro Rank:1 Dovada:https://imgur.com/gallery/4udZZu2 Alte informații:Cea mai grea misiune de pana acum
  5. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:LAU,DjC,.Jon,Zizu,catalynn,WiSsh The amount of the fine: 200.000$ Reason: Absent at activity Proof (obligated):Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: -
  6. Nickname:Pedro Meeting / Activity: Activity Date and hour: 17/05/2021 19:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received:AloneKING,Lil.Kayn won 808 gold each from Mohab.  Other mentions:Thanks for your special prize today Mohab!!!
  7. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:Sasuke.Vulcanizare The amount of the fine: 2.000$ Reason:Afk on (i) Proof (obligated):https://imgur.com/gallery/75Bueeo Other specifications: -
  8. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:Seecron. The amount of the fine: 2.000$ Reason:Afk on (i) Proof (obligated):https://imgur.com/gallery/vkURKaX Other specifications: -
  9. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:Horiaa The amount of the fine: 25.000$ Reason:Late at the activity 10-20 minutes Proof (obligated): PM |Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: -
  10. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:ZanaMaseluta.,[mr]baha,arjun4237,Ionut1869,Le0nard0,TiganuTau,kokos,WiSsh,[Mr]Mohab The amount of the fine: 200.000$ Reason: Absent at activity Proof (obligated):Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: -
  11. Data viitoare fara minesweeper xD,Paste fericit B-zone!
  12. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:[mr]baha,mihaiMNA[1],pr_edward,Ionut1869,DjC The amount of the fine: 200.000$ Reason: Absent at activity Proof (obligated):Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: -
  13. Nickname:Pedro Meeting / Activity:Activity Date and hour:05/04/2021 19:00 Statistics (Present / Absent members): Winner/s name/s, Prize that they have received:mushroom won 2 times(50k from 2v2 duels,100k from Simon Says),Chand (100k from trivia),Lil kayn(50k from 2v2 duels) Other mentions:Hope you enjoyed it!
  14. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:Alexandra987,Mitica_BIKERU,[Mr]baha,SasukeSenpai,JamL,DjC,reidbachahd,Ratoi.Stapinul,Akki,Zizu,chief The amount of the fine: 200.000$ Reason: Absent at activity Proof (obligated):Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: -
  15. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss (6) Member that get the fine:[Mr]baha.,WiSsh,Mitsurugi,Ionut1869,reidbachadh,Gicu,DjC,Ratoi.Stapinul,Akki,.Jon The amount of the fine: 200.000$ Reason: Absent at activity Proof (obligated): Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: -
  16. Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss Member that get the fine:WiSsh,Akki,Mitsurugi,Alexandra987,JamL,[Mr]baha,mushroom,zizu,.Jon,reidbachadh The amount of the fine: 200.000$ Reason: Absent at activity Proof (obligated): Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: - Nick:Pedro Rank: SF Under Boss Member that get the fine:Sir.Razvi The amount of the fine: 25.000$ Reason:Late at the activity 10-20min Proof (obligated): Meeting/Activities Statistics topic Other specifications: -
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