Nick: Zantex_x
Rank: 5
Data: 19.12.2024
Am dat test cu: Julio.PALESTINE
Teorie (x/3): 1/3
Practic (x/5): 0/5
Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Admis
Alte precizari: -
Nume: [AIM]Zantex.
Rank: 2
Actiuni namecover:
Numarul de actiuni namecover: 1x posesie/folosire drugs + confiscate drugs
Alte precizari: Spor la toata lumea si fara sanctiuni.
• Nick: Adex • Rank: SF Senior Instructor (3)
• Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR):
• Name and level of the player: .Andi , level 67 • Date of offense: 27/12/2021 • Reason: attack me without any reason • Evidence: • Anything else?: nothing
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