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About viar.

  • Birthday 10/18/2004

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  1. Nickname: Hassan Rank: SF Senior instructor (3) Proofs: >> Click Here <<
  2. • Name: Hassan • Date of publication of the newspaper: 21.09.2023 • The paper was edited by [/f]: https://imgur.com/a/5yZvl20 • Newspaper picture (proof): https://imgur.com/a/xcCIBKK • Other clarifications: - thanks
  3. • Nick: viar • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Date of test: 13/09/2023 • Candidate: Quasike • Score (x/3): 0.5/3 • Oserved by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Welcome
  4. • Name: Hassan • Date of publication of the newspaper: 11.09.2023 • The paper was edited by [/f]: https://imgur.com/a/L7bSr0B • Newspaper picture (proof): https://imgur.com/ipSeMNs • Other clarifications: -
  5. • Nick: viar • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Date of test: 09/09/2023 • Candidate: sollaS • Score (x/3): 3/3 • Oserved by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Better luck next time.
  6. First place: @XenoOon Second place: @denis.eXe Third place: @Chandler See you all again next week!
  7. Weekly Mission by - SF School Instructors Hello instructors, we're back with new SPECIAL Weekly Mission: 1. Sell 20 Artifacts in the Trader shop. 2. Reach Tier 4+ [/reward]. 3. Take a picture with two Paramedics in front of the Church LV. 4. Take a picture with Sabre Christmas and Voodoo Decorated in front of the SFSI HQ at the time. 5. Finish one Solo rob with success. 6. Re-create the following 3 Photos, (Click here), Make sure to: toggle off your minimap & chat before taking the screenshot (you can do that by pressing at F7 button twice in your keyboard. 7. Finish Dimitri Mission once. 8. Pay a ticket once. 9. Offer to 5 different players with level between 1 and 5, $100 each via /pay, (/id should appear in the picture). 10. Sell 10 Licenses to the level (1-49). The prizes for this Weekly Mission are: First place: 750,000$ - Secret vehicle+ Choice One of the special Prizes (Job skill up, Level UP, 300 Gold, Free hidden, Free VIP Random crate, spin, fragment). Second place: 500,000$ - Half Activity Raport for the next week. +Choice One of the special Prizes (same) Third place: 300,000$ Choice One of the special Prizes (same) PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer ! enjoy Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs: Prize you want:
  8. First place: @Prince_Yunus Second place: Third place: See you all again for next week!
  9. • Name: viar • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Statistics: • Member with less than 15 hours played: - • Member with less than 8 hours played: 1 • Proofs (Optional): - • Anything else?: -
  10. • Nick: viar • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Date of test: 30/08/2023 • Candidate: Tuesday • Score (x/3): 2/3 • Oserved by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Welcome to the SFSI
  11. Weekly Mission - by SF School instructors 28/08/2023 => 03/09/2023 Hello instructors, We're back with New Weekly Mission: - Finish 3 Delivery at 3 different places of the Trucker job (total 9 Delivers) [1] Las Payasadas (LV) [2] Whetstone (SF) [3] East Los Santos (LS) {Make sure to take SS when you deliver to the place} The prizes for this weekly mission are: First prize: $200,000 + Half Activity Raport for the next week Second prize: $150,000 + permission to wear Leader Skin for next week Third prize: 100,000$ PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer ! enjoy Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:
  12. • Name: Hassan • Rank: 1 • Package number: Package no. 4. (40 ads) • Announcement: Clanul VODA recruteaza membri activi, cu minim nivel 30! Puteti aplica doar pe website! • Published ads (proof): https://imgur.com/a/OG52IKN • Other specifications: I forget to take other screenshots of bundle announcements, so believe me of beginning in this faction.
  13. • Nick: viar • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Date of test: 21/08/2023 • Candidate: darling • Score (x/3): 1/3 • Oserved by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Welcome back to SFSI
  14. First place: @Quan Second place: @Jelo Third place: See you all again next week!
  15. • Name: viar • Rank: SF Under Boss (6) • Date of test: 07/08/2023 • Candidate: .[Victor]. • Score (x/3): 2.5/3 • Oserved by (only for testers with less than 3 test-logs): - • Anything else: Welcome to the SFSI.
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