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AIM raul1275

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Everything posted by AIM raul1275

  1. Update regulament RO: O noua regula a fost adauga in Regulamentul Intern cat si in topicul "Învoiri activităţi | Activities consent", regula este urmatorea: Orice invoire facuta/editata in timpul warului este nula. EN: A new rule was added to the Internal Regulation as well as to the topic "Activities consent", the rule is as follows:Any request made/edited during the war is void.
  2. RO: O noua regula a fost adauga in Regulamentul Intern cat si in topicul "Învoiri activităţi | Activities consent", regula este urmatorea: Orice invoire facuta/editata in timpul warului este nula. EN: A new rule was added to the Internal Regulation as well as to the topic "Activities consent", the rule is as follows:Any request made/edited during the war is void.
  3. Evidenta ore jucate pe luna septembrie Membri care nu au 30 zile in factiune: twentyone, laflame, tavarasul.nasul, alynush.72regele, oreo
  4. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: alynush.72regele Motiv: absent wars 30.09.2022 (1/1) Sanctiune: fw Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: slimingnon Motiv: absent wars 30.09.2022 (1/1) Sanctiune: fw Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: .wsk. Motiv: absent wars 30.09.2022 (1/1) Sanctiune: fw
  5. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: laflame Motiv: absent wars 29.09.2022 (1/2) Sanctiune: avertisment verbal+ amenda $30.000 Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: alynush.72regele Motiv: absent wars 29.09.2022 (1/2) Sanctiune: avertisment verbal+ amenda $30.000 Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: laflame Motiv: acumulare x2 av Sanctiune:fw
  6. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: laflame Motiv: absent wars 28.09.2022 (1/2) Sanctiune: avertisment verbal+ amenda $30.000
  7. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: laflame Motiv: absent wars 27.09.2022 (4/4) Sanctiune: fw Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: twentyone Motiv: absent wars 27.09.2022 (4/4) Sanctiune: fw Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: cosmin Motiv: absent wars 27.09.2022 (4/4) Sanctiune: fw Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: hertix Motiv: absent wars 27.09.2022 (3/4) Sanctiune: avertisment verbal+ amenda $30.000 Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: aardeisomalez Motiv: absent wars 27.09.2022 (1/4) Sanctiune: amenda $15.000 Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: urssv6 Motiv: absent wars 27.09.2022 (1/4) Sanctiune: amenda $15.000
  8. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: slimingnon Motiv: absent wars 26.09.2022 (1/2) Sanctiune: avertisment verbal+ amenda $30.000
  9. Nickname: raul1275 Rank: lider Am dat teste cu: oreo Rezultatul probei teoretice (x/3):0.5/3 Rezultatul probei de arme (x/5):5-0 pt el Rezultatul (admis/respins):admis Alte precizari:Welcome!
  10. ANUNȚ IMPORTANT! RO: Daca in timpul war-urilor un membru foloseste limbaj vulgar pe [/f] aceasta o sa fie sanctionat cu demitere. EN: If during the wars a member uses vulgar language on [/f] this will be sanctioned with dismissal.
  11. Nick batlerap1 Rank 1 Data activității 22.09.2022 Ma invoiesc de la War Motivul plecat A câta învoire este pe săptămâna asta: 1/2 Alte precizări am fost rugat de acesta sa ii pun invoire
  12. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: agent.nikolas Motiv: absent wars 21.09 (1/1) Sanctiune: fw
  13. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: agent.nikolas Motiv: absent wars 20.09 (2/2) Sanctiune: fw Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: factot.bossulica Motiv: absent wars 20.09 (2/2) Sanctiune: fw
  14. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: xdarks Motiv: parasire turf Sanctiune: fw
  15. Nick: raul1275 Rank: lider Membrul sanctionat: masa7u.braileanu Motiv: dm aiurea Sanctiune: fw
  16. Anunt important De maine 15 Septembrie warurile devin obligatorii astfel ca orice absenta fara inactivitate/invoire o sa fie sanctionata. From tomorrow, September 15, the wars become mandatory, so that any absence without inactivity/invocation will be sanctioned.
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