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Everything posted by XES

  1. 20 EURO GRATIS - Haideti.
    Miercuri este extragerea LIVE.
    1. V2002


      Sunt inscris man, si poate ai mana buna :D 

  2. Castiga si tu acum 20 EURO GRATIS, succes.
  3. Topic inactiv, daca vrei sa il redeschizi, PM.
  4. Topic inactiv, daca vrei sa il redeschizi, PM.
  5. Topic inactiv, daca vrei sa il redeschizi, PM.
  6. Topic inactiv, daca vrei sa il redeschizi, PM.
  7. Topic inactiv, daca vrei sa il redeschizi, PM.
  8. ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 15.06.2017 Castigator: Skrill3xJR Premiu: 50.000$ Dovezi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEmZPYjEIQw&t=3226s Min 40 Sold cheltuit pana acum: 310.000$ ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 16.06.2017 Castigator: Reck Premiu: 50.000$ Dovezi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xetobLSkqk Min 34 Sold cheltuit pana acum: 360.000$ -----------------------------------
  9. ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 19.05.2017 Castigator: BigDevil Premium: 30.000$ Dovezi: Sold cheltuit pana acum: 260.000$ -----------------------------------
  10. ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 10.05.2017 Castigator: Lordinho Premium: 30.000$ Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/GhV7K ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 230.000$ -----------------------------------
  11. ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 2.05.2017 Castigator: Sniper_ Premium: 30.000$ Dovezi: https://postimg.org/gallery/so8yas2i/dffa4801/ ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 200.000$ -----------------------------------
  12. AdmBot auctioned Biz 74 / Level: 15 / Price: $15,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (22.04.2017, 20:01:01) [biz 74] Auto Auction ended. Z3dY0w[ToV] paid $115,775,000 (winner SQLID: 1016795 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:13:17) AdmBot auctioned Biz 83 / Level: 15 / Price: $15,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (22.04.2017, 20:14:16) [biz 83] Auto Auction ended. Teylo paid $51,003,000 (winner SQLID: 85876 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:17:51) AdmBot auctioned House 14 / Level: 7 / Price: $4,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:18:49) [House 14] Auto Auction ended. [uS]SwE.[RS4L] paid $19,062,000 (winner SQLID: 912826 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:21:52) AdmBot auctioned House 217 / Level: 10 / Price: $3,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:22:51) [House 217] Auto Auction ended. [$]zEu.[b0T] paid $10,862,001 (winner SQLID: 1095214 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:28:31) AdmBot auctioned House 565 / Level: 30 / Price: $1,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:29:30) [House 565] Auto Auction ended. BraxtoN paid $8,778,069 (winner SQLID: 834832 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:36:52) AdmBot auctioned House 33 / Level: 10 / Price: $1,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:37:51) [House 33] Auto Auction ended. [uN]TitanuL paid $4,249,322 (winner SQLID: 953805 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:43:09) AdmBot auctioned House 334 / Level: 9 / Price: $900 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:44:08) [House 334] Auto Auction ended. masamangdeMONyo29 paid $1,304,900 (winner SQLID: 909295 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:48:39) AdmBot auctioned House 365 / Level: 15 / Price: $1,500 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:49:38) [House 365] Auto Auction ended. Elvisano_voievod paid $3,002,500 (winner SQLID: 1062980 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:52:05) AdmBot auctioned House 381 / Level: 5 / Price: $500 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (22.04.2017, 20:53:05) [House 381] Auto Auction ended. Piftel.BELEAUA[nWo] paid $583,500 (winner SQLID: 807126 / Old Owner: -1) - (22.04.2017, 20:57:58)
  13. AdmBot auctioned Biz 68 / Level: 15 / Price: $40,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (20.04.2017, 20:01:39) [biz 68] Auto Auction ended. [uS]Tomii paid $138,011,000 (winner SQLID: 731862 / Old Owner: -1) - (20.04.2017, 20:05:20) AdmBot auctioned House 3 / Level: 5 / Price: $5,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (20.04.2017, 20:06:19) [House 3] Auto Auction ended. Teylo paid $33,879,907 (winner SQLID: 85876 / Old Owner: -1) - (20.04.2017, 20:20:23) AdmBot auctioned House 45 / Level: 10 / Price: $10,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (20.04.2017, 20:21:23) [House 45] Auto Auction ended. Strandy[VODA] paid $23,003,000 (winner SQLID: 160002 / Old Owner: -1) - (20.04.2017, 20:24:37)
  14. AdmBot auctioned Biz 1 / Level: 30 / Price: $50,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: Business - (19.04.2017, 20:01:33) [biz 1] Auto Auction ended. JaParpale paid $148,363,376 (winner SQLID: 892721 / Old Owner: -1) - (19.04.2017, 20:21:32) AdmBot auctioned House 20 / Level: 25 / Price: $25,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (19.04.2017, 20:22:33) [House 20] Auto Auction ended. PerkeBEAST paid $108,201,000 (winner SQLID: 952209 / Old Owner: -1) - (19.04.2017, 20:28:14) AdmBot auctioned House 489 / Level: 20 / Price: $15,000,000 / Bid: $1,000 / Type: House - (19.04.2017, 20:29:16) [House 489] Auto Auction ended. macabru[ToV] paid $22,070,333 (winner SQLID: 23315 / Old Owner: -1) - (19.04.2017, 20:38:04)
  15. ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 18.04.2017 Castigator: Keennot Premium: 30.000$ Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/8ecUw ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 180.000$ -----------------------------------
  16. Română In acesta saptamana, 19-22 aprilie, vom incepe licitatiile pentru mai multe case si bizuri de pe server. Trebuie sa aveti banii in BANCA daca doriti sa participati la licitatie. Cum funcționează sistemul de licitații? - la ora 20:00 se va porni automat licitația pentru prima casă. - pentru a vedea dacă se află o licitație în desfășurare folosiți comanda /auction - pentru a participa la o licitație folosiți comanda /participate - pentru a părăsi o licitație folosiți comanda /leaveauction - pentru a licita folosiți comanda /bid care adaugă la suma deja licitată și prețul setat pentru pasul minim sau comanda /bid <suma> pentru a licita o sumă personalizată care este cel puțin egală cu prețul setat pentru pasul minim. - licitația se va încheia automat după câteva minute de la ultima folosire a comenzii /bid. - câștigătorul licitației va fi ultima persoană care a folosit comanda /bid și va intra în posesia bunului câștigat în mod automat indiferent că e online sau offline când se încheie licitația. - banii vor fi automat extrași din contul jucătorului indiferent că e online sau offline după finalizarea licitației. - după ce se încheie o licitație va începe automat următoarea. Miercuri 19.04.2017 Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza: Biz 1 ( Gun Shop Las Venturas ) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/cf9s8LW - Licitatia incepe de la 50.000.000$ House 20 (Palat Vinewood) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/sBB9WlA - Licitatia incepe de la 25.000.000$ House 489 (Casa HQ NR) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/fb0MKnu - Licitatia incepe de la 15.000.000$ Joi 20.04.2017 Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza: Biz 68 (Benzinarie Vinewood) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/FCVe9IC - Licitatie incepe de la 40.000.000$ House 45 (Vinewood) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/JJ90kTP - Licitatie incepe de la 10.000.000$ House 3 (LS langa benzinarie) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/9Z3v8p5 - Licitatia incepe de la 5.000.000$ Vineri 21.04.2017 Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza: Biz 74 (Benzinarie SF) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/czmIIYw - Licitatia incepe de la 15.000.000$ House 14 (LS) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/nrBhG91 - Licitatia incepe de la 4.000.000$ House 565 (LV HQ TTB) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/D9uyADs - Licitatia incepe de la 1.000.000$ Sambata 22.04.2017 Urmeaza sa scoatem la licitatie bizuri si case importante, dupa cum urmeaza: Biz 83 (Benzinarie LV) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/bBFk4vd - Licitatia incepe de la 15.000.000$ House 217 (HQ TTB LV) - ora 20:00 - http://imgur.com/Gh0eDhG - Licitatia incepe de la 3.000.000$ Succes. English In this week, 19-22 april, we will start the auctions for houses and business from the server. You need to have the money in the BANK, if you want to participate at auction. How does the auction system work? - at 20:00 the automatic auction will start for the first house. - to see if there is an ongoing auction you can type /auction - in order to participate in an auction you can type /participate - to leave an auction you can use /leaveauction - to auction you can use /bid which adds to the already auctioned sum the price of the minimum bid which has been established or the command /bid <amount> in order to auction a personalized sum which is at least equal to the price of the minimum bid which has been established. - the auction will automatically stop after a few minutes since the last use of the /bid command. - the auction winner will be the last person who used the /bid command and will receive the goods automatically no matter if they are online or offline when the auction ends. - the money will be automatically extracted from the player's account no matter if he is online or offline. - after an auction ends another one will automatically start. Wednesday 19.04.2017 We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows: Biz 1 ( Gun Shop Las Venturas ) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/cf9s8LW - The auction will start from 50.000.000$ House 20 (Vinewood) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/sBB9WlA - The auction will start from 25.000.000$ House 489 (HQ NR) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/fb0MKnu - The auction will start from 15.000.000$ Thursday 20.04.2017 We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows: Biz 68 (Gas Station Vinewood) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/FCVe9IC - The auction will start from 40.000.000$ House 45 (Vinewood) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/JJ90kTP - The auction will start from 10.000.000$ House 3 (LS near Gas Station) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/9Z3v8p5 - The auction wil start from 5.000.000$ Friday 21.04.2017 We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows: Biz 74 (Gas Station SF) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/czmIIYw - The auction will start from 15.000.000$ House 14 (LS) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/nrBhG91 - The auction will start from 4.000.000$ House 565 (LV HQ TTB) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/D9uyADs - The auction will start from 1.000.000$ Saturday 22.04.2017 We will be auctioning important business and houses, as follows: Biz 83 (Gas Station LV) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/bBFk4vd - The auction will start from 15.000.000$ House 217 (HQ TTB LV) - at 20:00 - http://imgur.com/Gh0eDhG - The auction will start from 3.000.000$ Good luck.
  17. ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 15.04.2017 Castigator: nsq Premium: 30.000$ Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/QKDaW ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 150.000$ -----------------------------------
  18. ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 14.04.2017 Castigator: Sharon Premium: 30.000$ Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/L95Eb ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 120.000$ -----------------------------------
  19. Multumesc Adrian28 pentru logo. Aici o sa postez eventurile facute de mine pe RPG1, impreuna cu dovezi si premiul. Eventurile o sa fie spontane pe RPG1 si dovezile o sa fie postate aici. Lista donatii: Racalu - 65.000$ ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 13.04.2017 Castigator: Duncan.exe Premium: 30.000$ Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/RI5Mc ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 30.000$ ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 13.04.2017 Castigator: [sOS]eduard Premiu: 30.000$ Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/qWCyB ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 60.000$ ----------------------------------- Data eveniment: 13.04.2017 Castigator: IamGold, Leviathan, Misuu.SAVAGE. Premiu: 30.000$ Dovezi: http://imgur.com/a/6jrsf ​Sold cheltuit pana acum: 90.000$ ----------------------------------- Cine doreste sa ofere un mic AJUTOR pentru aceste evenimente o poate face prin [/transfer] si sa imi ofere o poza prin PM sau sa vorbeasca cu mine inainte. Dupa cum bine vedeti o sa aveti dovezi la fiecare eveniment, deci banii nu o sa ramana la mine.
  20. Impreuna cu AUDI_RS8 ma voi ocupa de acest topic. Va rog sa imi trimiteti mie PM cu recordurile voastre si daca aveti alte sugestii le astept cu mare drag. ✉
  21. * Nume în joc: Just.xeS * Contract http://imgur.com/a/cxufe
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