1801 -
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ManxXxL's Achievements
About Me
Sa va spun pe scurt povestea mea pe B-Zone.
M-am apucat de acest server prin septembrie 2011. Ca orice incepator am muncit la diferite slujbe incercand sa fac bani. Factiunile mele le puteti vedea mai jos. Pot sa spun ca in fiecare m-am simit bine, chiar daca in unele nu am stat prea mult. Si am continuat sa tot joc pana in ziua de azi. Functii mari pe server nu am obtinut deoarece nu ma implicam foarte mult, incercam sa ma distrez cat mai mult si sa nu inervina monotonia. De un singur lucru nu imi pare rau ca am jucat pe acest server. Acesta sunt prietenii pe care mi i-am facut si cu care m-am distrat alaturi de ei. De aceea va spun sa nu va jucati pentru avere sau mai stiu eu ce, jucativa pentru prieteni ca doar cu ei ramai dupa ce nu o sa te mai joci. Aceasta a fost scurta mea poveste de pe B-Zone. Sper ca nu v-am plictisit cu povestea mea. Acum am sa amintesc cativa din prietenii mei cei mai buni:
Caball, Atandu, FalauS, DjProject, Marynyk, [iB]Laurentiu, Kobra, Flay, Rowe, maxtr3me2008, Alakazam, Mafyoto, Gabos_GL, [sQ]Watson, Skeletul, Sonny, Darius, StaVrosS, Adytzin., Sedativ, Zokke, Haze, [mR]CreePer.
Daca am uitat pe cineva il rog sa imi dea PM, deoarece sunteti multi si poate nu imi veniti toti in minte.
My career on RPG Server 1
1.Vietnamese Boys (Cuneo Family) - Leader: Carlos_Smit - Rank 1
2.The Tsar Bratva (Corleone Family)- Leader: dRe - Rank 1
3.Southern Pimps (Paterno Family) -Leader: Ecs7azy - Rank 1
4.Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family)- Leader: Oantzah - Rank 2
5.Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family) - Leader: Micku7zu - Rank 2
6.LS Police Department - Leader: Kelton - Rank 3
7.Green Street Bloods (Stracci Family)-Leader: Jack - Rank 1
8.LS Police Department - Leader: Kelton/ FlameS - Rank 1
9.Green Street Bloods (Stracci Family)-Leader: ShinyShadow - Rank 1
10.LS Police Department - Leader: FlameS - Rank 1
11.Paramedics - Leader: Coreneliu - Rank 1
12.LV Taxi - Leader: Dienutza - Rank 2
13.Southern Pimps (Paterno Family) -Leader: LoLLiPoP - Rank 1
14.Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family) -Leader: aLyn.MasTer. - Rank 2
15.Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family)-Leader: Oantzah -Rank 1
16.The Tsar Bratva (Corleone Family) -Leader: Razvan14 - Rank 2
17.School Instructors -Leader: M.Andrei - Rank 1
18.LS Police Department - Leader: Teylo - Rank 2
19.Tow Truck Company – Leader: Thomas_Jefferson - Rank 1
20.LV Taxi –Leader: ALex - Rank 1
21.Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family)-Leader: Kobra - Rank 3
22.The Tsar Bratva (Corleone Family)-Leader: Nielsen- Rank 1
23.Avispa Rifa -Leader: Marco - Rank 2
24.SF Police Department -Leader: Seba97 - Rank 1
25.Tow Truck Company -Leader: Blue_Blood - Rank 1
26.Red Dragon Triad - Leader: MefX/ NowaY25 - Rank 1
27.Southern Pimps - Leader: Sonny/ Shooter - Rank 3
28.SF Police Department -Leader: Seba97 - Rank 1
29.Red Dragon Triad - Leader: Andreilolzaa/ Slade/ N.Cristian - Rank 4
30. 69 Pier Mobs - Leader: James - Rank 2
31. Green Street Bloods - Leader: MaXim.7 - Rank 2
32.The Tsar Bratva - Leader: Blexu - Rank 1
33. LS Taxi - Leader: KenShy- Rank 5
34.Tow Truck Company -Leader: Paul - Rank 2
35.LS Police Department - Leader: Bawz - Rank 2
۞ SA:MP Info ۞
Nick: ManxXxL[Legend]
Level: 214
Clan: OLD
Warns: 0/3
Premium Account: Yes
Faction: Los Santos Police Department
Job: Any
Hours played: 13800+
Personal Car: Yes
Personal Motorcycle: Yes
Bussines: No
House: No
۞Faction Info ۞
Faction: Los Santos Police Department
Rank: Detective (2)
Leader: Bawz
Sub-leaders: Pikovit / Slvking
FWarn: 0/3
Member Since: 13.07.2024
Time Spent: 1 month+
۞ Clan Info ۞
Clan Warnings:
Member Since:
Time Spent:
۞ Personal Car Info ۞
Model: BulleT / SandKing / Hotring A
Hidden: Yes / Yes / Yes
Color 1: 226 / 229 / 211
Color 2: 222 / 211 / 155
Kilometers: 23000+ / 46000+ / 16000+
Standard Price: $1.570.000 / $920.000 / $8.000.000
۞ House Info ۞
House ID:
House Type:
House Interior:
House Level:
۞ Forum Info ۞
Display name: ManxXxL
Member title: Red Dragon Triad
Active Posts: 2600+
♣ Forum B-Zone member since 18.09.2011 ♣
♣ RPG member since 01.09.2011 ♣
♣ Time spent on community: 13 years+ ♣
Previous Skins:
Vietnamese Boys (Cuneo Family) - - Picciotto (1)
The Tsar Bratva (Corleone Family) - - Picciotto (1)
Southern Pimps (Paterno Family) - - Picciotto (1)
Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family) - - Soldato (2)
Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family) - - Soldato (2)
LS Police Department - - Sergeant (3)
Green Street Bloods (Stracci Family) - - Picciotto (1)
LS Police Department - - Officer (1)
Green Street Bloods (Stracci Family) - - Picciotto (1)
LS Police Department - - Officer (1)
Paramedics - - Canditate Paramedic (1)
LV Taxi - - Taxi Rookie (2)
Southern Pimps (Paterno Family) - - Picciotto (1)
Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family) - - Picciotto (1)
Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family) - - Soldato (2)
The Tsar Bratva (Corleone Family) - - Soldato (2)
School Instructors - - Trainee (1)
LS Police Department - - Detective (2)
Tow Truck Company - - Trainee (1)
LV Taxi - - Trainee (1)
Red Dragon Triad (Barzini Family) - - Sgaristta (3)
The Tsar Bratva (Corleone Family) - - Picciotto (1)
Avispa Rifa - - Minnion (2)
SF Police Department - - Officer (1)
Tow Truck Company - - Trainee (1)
Red Dragon Triad - - Blue Lantern (1)
Southern Pimps - - Fattam (3)
SF Police Department - - Officer (1)
Last Update: 13/08/2024