Name the game:TrNA
Age (real):18.
Gender (male / female):Male.
How long play on the server? :More than 7 months.
Previous factions:Cuneo Family , Tattaglia Family , Taxi cab Company , National guard , Hitmen agency
Rank last facton: Rank 1 Hitman agency
The reason you left / were you fired the former Faction:I got kicked because I took contract on 6 minutes wait btw 10 minutes
Had the highest rank in any faction (faction Specify): Tattaglia rank 2 Leader : Kelton , National Guard rank 2 Leader : dRE
Why you want to join the agency? :Because It's where I can do my favorite job which is perform contracts silently
What you think handles this agency? : Trade human's life for money
Do you know Hitman Agency rules and read at least once Info, orders and Agency skins? :Yes, I do.
You understand that we are an agency of assassins seriousness and jokes and stupid not to have the point? :Yes Jokes are away from Hitmans behavior
You had a history of one or more members of Hitman Agency?:Yes
Have you ever been a member Hitman:Yes
Reason exit / dismissal of Hitman (in case you've been):My contract Has left the game I announced to gethit but no rank +3 answered I took contract on 6 minutes btw 10 minutes by wrong and bullz007 got me and anthony. kicked me it was in my test period time.
How many hours per day give this game without afk? :5-6 Hours per a day.
Previous nicknames:None
Consider that you have the ability to perform a contract without problems? :Yes
You have the ability to write grammatically correct?Yes
Picture of / stats (+ mandatory civil occur / time when it is done) and detective skills to: Click please
Warn'uri many of the game? (specify why):0/3
Have you ever been banned from any particular reason? (states and why):No
You're a BlackList'ul factions? (specify which):No
Are you willing to pay to be removed from the eventual BlackList?:Yes
Other specifications? :It's about a month which I'm staying to join H.A I didn't make any application for another factions.