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CBN Toriino

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Everything posted by CBN Toriino

  1. Noapte Buna totii , cya tomorrow , i will give maps of stars tomorrow cya goodnight
  2. @, @, merci mult , si FBI va ureaza un Paste Fericit alaturi de cei dragi! ..
  3. @@Thewest9,ce noob esti , sparade cont http://om.the-west.ro/west/ro/player/?ref=west_invite_linkrl&player_id=10704&world_id=9&hash=97e2 , take this and runn baybe ! @@Bobo, noul sparade/scam/taspa dati ban la el ! check other factions/clans discussions
  4. Neata agentii , ce facetii? , ? @, eu am dat + la tine , ! dami un +
  5. @,i thought that we got a new members in my inactivity time @,:PPP , el.Chico doesn't want 100k + infernus ... ce noob goodNIght
  6. @@CBN Royal,but momentan u still leader no? as a leader u still accepting applications and doing wars , giving fws and ... managing avispa ...untill the new leader will be chosen , anyway u are a big nab goodNight all
  7. @,we have 3 turfs LS and we will have more soon we are the best , best wishes for all the map but royal noob avispa vs sp ha?
  8. @@CBN DemonXAleX,Gg demonXAleX , good JOb , suntem smecherii da da Noapte Buna
  9. Noapte Buna Southern Pimp , royal esti un nab!!
  10. SaLLuT medci , ce facetii? welcome celor Noi!! @,tule , wtf u are noob at war i killed u 1000 time and u ARE A BIG LAGGER!! [b4L]Tule , i'm BiLLy. from sp nab red dragon triad
  11. @,SaLLuT ce facieti?? , ba fearless dami weapons mod tine are bun !! , poza e extra !!!
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