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CBN Toriino

Social Media Manager
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Everything posted by CBN Toriino

  1. neatza FBI , , ce facii agentii?? @,ohoo vaga xD you like to be dancer like them xD , nub , dc esti inactive!!
  2. Nume: [T]orii[N]o Level: 40 Factiune: F.B.I Mesaj: Felicitari si succes , Congrats Guys , hope for better!
  3. welcome celor noi in factiunea , Noapte Buna Totii This is a littel video from rpg 2 , with my leader sucker!
  4. @@Seky, <333 ch0sen trolled xD http://imgur.com/a/EUlOg suntem smecheriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! , Torii SEF , ch00sen smecher!!
  5. goodNight paramedic // Noapte Buna pâramedic
  6. welcome on B-zone comunity bro ;D , enjoy B-zone!
  7. Neata totii , @,si tu ma abest va fi fw xD =]]]]]]))))))))]]]]]]]]]] , ba vaga in ce tare esti pe rpg 1?
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IySyCsvZ3zI
  9. SaLuT Guys , what's up?!! @@Carn,lool , carn , u were kidding him xD , shh don't let vaga see this xD
  10. welcome bro , enjoy b-zone comunity
  11. @@TepaN,Thank you Bro its a nice one
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