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CBN Toriino

Social Media Manager
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Everything posted by CBN Toriino

  1. Noapte Buna agentii , cya maine pe sedinta ! vreau totii membrii online va rog !
  2. @,))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) de unde a luat ma?? very funny , xD , ''exec e slab''
  3. Nuu , FBI Castiga , FBI Power <33 , totii virifica event-ul topic , prima event-ul
  4. @@CBN BuLy,SaLLUT BuLLy ! , ca cei mai buni sa castige FBI!
  5. @,ma don't worry , totii are licente 200+ , si daca ai deagle we buy licente befor!! , si bfta S.i
  6. @,Nu ma , n-am roman sunt englez ba , ca stiu romana , nu mult , FBI CASTIGA OLympics!!
  7. @@CBN Vercetty Estate,baaa , FBI va castiga ma , daca esti lider civil , nu catigam ,
  8. SaLLuT sp , vote pe B-Olympics http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/207823-b-olympics-rpg2-votare-vote/ !!
  9. @,No yet , they didn't chosed the co-organizers yet , but i wish to be and i applied for , and i'm waiting the answer
  10. @,No man , everything will be good and we won't have problems , we Studied everything and all Situations about players and preparations , but we wish the server will be in a good status ,
  11. @,even if u know how it will be and how carn thinks , but don't forget he isn't alone working on this organization ..and untill now he did a greatest work so imagine the rest , don't u think that it will be a normal olympics? and events? i don't think So it will be special ones , Lets See
  12. @,but this time is diffrent isn't normal events from players , this is the olympics everything will be better and more fun , don't forget that we are preparing for the best olympcis which u won't forget it , u just check and enjoy
  13. @, SaLLut D4nYe1 si Totii liderii , The Locations and the time will be announced once , the olympics will start , for the moment u can find more info in B-Zone Olympics Regulament/Rules or contact [CBN]Carn ! , we are waiting u to Join us , enjoy !
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