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Everything posted by Whisper.

  1. Long Time Noob ❤️


    1. Parker X

      Parker X

      hahaha xD still a live ?

  2. Whisper is back after 5 years inactiv...... xD

    1. Parker X

      Parker X


    2. TLG ghiNda

      TLG ghiNda

      Try lemonparty, meatspin

    3. Whisper.


      LoL aLGeria :D


  3. RW SweeT Listen bb <3 PixeLL felicitari pentru (baby) Power !
  4. Nickname: [ZEW].Whisper Rank: 5 Reclam pe: [bOSS]KaZzYy Bara mică RPG: Deoarece: DM vs member Hitmen agencY Martori: Video HD Dovezi:
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