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Everything posted by rikos

  1. Nick: rikos Rank: Admin A fost sancţionat membrul: LowRider64 L-am sancţionat cu: 3/3 FW Motiv: Unannounced inactivity. Dovezi: logs Alte precizări: -
  2. Nick: rikos Data sancţionării: 4/3/2017 A fost sancţionat membrul: Pik[Y] Sancţionat cu: 3/3 FW Motivul: Unannounced inactivity Dovada: logs Alte precizări: -
  3. Nick: rikos Rank: admin Sancţiune: 3/3 FW Membrul sancţionat: .MrDragos[Junior] Motiv: Unannounced inactivity Dovezi: logs Alte precizări: -
  4. Nick: rikos Rank: admin Data sanctionarii: 4/3/2017 Membrul sanctionat: WeedShop Sanctionat cu: 3/3 FW Motivul: Unannounced inactivity Dovada: logs Alte precizari: -
  5. @@iLuSi0N, because maybe the other admins (including me), didn't find that these members can handle the leadership. It's not something personal. You as a member, you can only vote one of the members being on the list and not choose who will be on it.
  6. @@iLuSi0N, it's not only the leader who decides who will be on the list. Admins 4+ decide too, so a leader can't choose 100% by his own.
  7. @@iLuSi0N, I won't discuss it here, from where he came to the list. @@Cutiuta, yes you can vote from site. There won't exist any vote at 20:00. @, no there won't be any vote in game. You will vote from RPG site until 19:00.
  8. Because RPG site got updated, the voting will take part there. It will start tomorrow at 12:00 and it will finish at 19:00. After 19:00, we will have a winner. You can find the polls here.
  9. Nick: rikos Rank: leader Membrul sancționat: Macklemore. Motivul: Unannounced inactivity. Dovezi: RPG site. Sancțiunea: 3/3 FW. Alte precizări: Good luck.
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