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About Numinex

  • Birthday 03/21/1998

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  • Location
    Alexandria , Egypt
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Numinex's Achievements


Collaborator (7/14)



  1. Nick: Numinex Rank:6 I took a test with:Zeom Date of test:11/8/2017 Accepted / rejected:Accepted Result of weapons test:7/8 Other specifications:Congracts. Nick: Numinex Rank:6 I took a test with:TheONeuer Date of test:11/8/2017 Accepted / rejected:Accepted Result of weapons test:7/8 Other specifications:Congracts.
  2. Numinex

    Welcome Ak

    Welcome , Btw Try to Follow the Model Post for ''Welcome topics'' You can Edit it right now
  3. Nick: Numinex Rank: 6 Date of sanction: 11/8/2017 Sanctioned member and his rank: Irina (Rank 3) Sanction: AV Reason: Caps Lock at (/R) Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Watch your language next time
  4. Nick: Numinex Rank: 6 Am dat test cu: Wshynn Data testului:11.8.2017 Admis / respins:Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme:5/8 Alte precizari:Congratulations.
  5. @Dub exeACCEPTED , Contact rank 5+ for Test @dudstyrne ACCEPTED , Contact rank 5+ for Test
  6. Transfer Request :ON Recrutez Membrii pentru echipa S.W.A.T / S.W.A.T is Recruiting!!
  7. Nick: Numinex Rank: 6 I took a test with: Trafalgar.D.Law[DeV] Date of test: 10/8/2017 Accepted / rejected: Accepted Result of theoretical test: 1.5/3! Result of practical test:5/8! Other specifications: Welcome to Our Jungle!
  8. Nick: Numinex Rank: 6 I took a test with: ionut155 Date of test: 9/8/2017 Accepted / rejected: Rejected Result of theoretical test: 3/3! Result of practical test: -/-! Other specifications: GooD LucK Next Time!
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