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Everything posted by Numinex

  1. hahahahaha Yea i am in Top Records for Rejected Applications xD
  2. khalsa answered 3 request that there is no activity at 25.01 and you make once with same date xD
  3. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 17.1.2015 •Candidate: DariusPayne •Score (x/3): 2/3 •Anything else: Welcome To the jungle !
  4. What wrong with these people. They only do the good things when I be away .... activites
  5. another way Go to more option post then click on Bc codes and choose member , will apper a small window write the member name then press ok
  6. C'mon you do activity when I be away ?? You can't wait me ? I like when you do activity or meeting ... but too bad we dont get it daily .. :/
  7. Another idea xD Make a group and steal the bank :V
  8. Lol looks like a good future Khalsa don't forget if you got a boy name it Ziad like me xD
  9. If you sent to me a ticket still too far Its good idea about live so all can attend the mirrage And who didn't attend get faction warn xD
  10. Yeeeee bravooo khalsa xD I am sure oroxii love you too Well this is the end of the story ? I think its started to be more exciting Edit .. And be sure I can't come to india to see the wedding party its too far ..
  11. Oroxii says : yes Now you can be husband and wife Khalsa you can start kissing xD
  12. Khalsa you daa best ..cause of updates on rob time This means more chances to rob = more money
  13. another Rob Fail .... this System is really hard you have 30 Sec .. to stole the store and escapes before get wanted 6 ... No one can Success The rob .. there is a photo posted by some one of FB There is no way !!
  14. The new Rob System is now At Rpg 1,2,3 it's Amazing but have good side and bad Side ... Good Side is : That if you were too fast and have a good plan and passed the rob you will get good Rewards ... Bad Side is : if the leader got Crashed all team will get fail and that , what happened to me i Failed 7 Instructors With me Because i got Crash While stealing the store and all got Waned 6 (no Drept) ... -.-
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