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Everything posted by Numinex

  1. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 12.12.2015 •Candidate: GiGiNebunul •Score (x/3): 3/3 •Anything else: Read the rules good at the next time , Good luck !!
  2. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 12.12.2015 •Candidate: PelegWisso •Score (x/3): 1/3 •Anything else: Welcome !!
  3. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 12.12.2015 •Candidate: MRaiMis •Score (x/3): 3/3 •Anything else: You are not Ready Yet ! , Good luck next time
  4. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 11.12.2015 •Candidate: Slenderman •Score (x/3): 3/3 •Anything else: You are not Ready Yet ! , Good luck next time
  5. Also Egyptain Education is more different than other countries ..
  6. High School Grade 3 all i know exams will start at january but don't know yet which day ..
  7. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 10.12.2015 •Candidate: XanXus •Score (x/3): 2/3 •Anything else: Welcome to our family
  8. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 10.12.2015 •Candidate: Mihai07 •Score (x/3): 2.5/3 •Anything else: Read the Rules again !! , Welcome
  9. At January but i don't know which day yet i will start ... They will announce it at school
  10. •Nick: ZiaD414 •Rank: 4 •Date of test: 9.12.2015 •Candidate: Balvin. •Score (x/3): 1/3 •Anything else: Welcome
  11. SF SI Rank 4 !!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. MikeTyson Trimisu Domnului

      MikeTyson Trimisu Domnului

      i look like a nerd huh..... POST POST POST POST POST POST POST POST POST

    3. Numinex


      Caps Lock in my status ? post !! FW

    4. MikeTyson Trimisu Domnului
  12. @Khalsa Ji Finally we can have any job , Thanks khalsa
  13. C'mon ... i got many shocks :// Edit: and i think i got up to enough
  14. After Hard Day work , We Having Fun With Some Races
  15. SF School Instructors Rank 3 !!

  16. Profile Updates !

  17. You Only Live Once !!

  18. It's Down For all but it's weird i can see my self online at Rpg site
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