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Everything posted by Kojaa

  1. @@Count LuNg ZEW you use cheat or what ? i see the bans what happen xD ?
  2. Nick : Kojaa Rank : 1 La ce ma invoiesc (sedinta/antrenament/activitate/war): war Data la care nu poti veni : 20.07.2015 Lipsesc din motivul : i have problems Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana: 1 Alte precizari: i will try to fix problems before war
  3. ROB LS Taxi / Tsar Bratva / El Loco Cartel / Avispa Rifa ROB LS Taxi / Tsar Bratva / El Loco Cartel / Avispa Rifa
  4. @ can u do avatar and logo for me ? Avatar : Kojaa Logo : Loco cartel Kojaa and Put 2 tec9 Please Thanks
  5. Who have Quest Map ?

  6. Nick: Kojaa I want(avatar/signature/userbar/logo etc.): logo Picture(optional): Theme(in case you didn't posted a picture): Text: i want to Change Necomercial To Kojaa and Change M4 To Tec9 Size: Other details:
  7. i'm thinking now to Join Green Streets Bloods Or 69 Pier mobs Khalsa any way thanks you for everything
  8. Why She didn't Chose : Gnar , Dianna , Lucian , Zed , Graves , Shaco , Garen Is a noob champ he level up to 12 and he buy warmog he will bee unstoppable :v
  9. You Choise only This Noob Champions Laura ?
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