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Everything posted by V O L K A N O

  1. Nick: [rTn]BechiR. Facțiune: ~ Level: 28 Răspuns: Hermes
  2. Nick: BechiR.[bTD] Factiune: RDT Mesaj: Felicitari tuturor.
  3. Your nick: [ThL]BechiR. Your rank: 2 The small rpg of complainant player(minimum level 5): Reason for your report: He kill me Concrete proof(pictures or video): http://imgur.com/CZZw45Q Your nick: [ThL]BechiR. Your rank: 2 The small rpg of complainant player(minimum level 5): Reason for your report: He kill me Concrete proof(pictures or video): http://imgur.com/2dLwZ7D
  4. Your nick: [ThL]BechiR. Your rank: 2 The small rpg of complainant player(minimum level 5): Reason for your report: Someone Do Service Medic When i reach he reffuse to take heal and he attack me with 3 players Concrete proof(pictures or video): http://imgur.com/Obo7Avl,lnJ2o5v
  5. http://i.imgur.com/mWBqnbt.jpg "harta LS-LV-SF"
  6. Your nick: [ThL]BechiR. Your rank: 2 The small rpg of complainant player(minimum level 5): Reason for your report: He attack me Concrete proof(pictures or video): http://imgur.com/a/O8JAR#2
  7. Your nick: BechiR.[nWo] Your rank: 1 The small rpg of complainant player(minimum level 5): Reason for your report: He Attack The.Emperror And me Concrete proof(pictures or video): http://imgur.com/jVK2ZJf
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