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About AlexCez

  • Birthday 09/26/1999

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    Campina, Romania
  • Hobbies
    RPG 4

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  1. 9 years together! Dear friends, we're happy to announce that we managed to reach 9 years of B-Zone Community's activity! We won't stop here! We prepared the biggest update of all this 9 years. The next 9 years will be celebrated together having fun, drinking and partying! Punishments wipe B-Zone gives players with penalties a new chance! We chose to wipe all accounts’ punishments from the RPG servers so that we can enjoy the festive events together! Life’s better without ban, warn, jail, suspend or mute logs. Also the interdictions will be removed. Even if some have stumbled over time, now it is the time to be better and fairer. Kelton is waiting to tell you that the ban won’t remain this time. Anticheat Waiting’s over! The anticheat system has been launched on the RPG servers. We all want to be a fair community. So, we do our best to keep the fun close and cheats away! May only the best win the wars from now on! The anticheat aims to keep up with the new trends at all times! For starters, the anticheat is facultative. You can download and test the anticheat by visiting the following link: https://b-zone.ro/ac/ Special mission The missions system has come with a new update! In this period, an old character is back with a new mission. The character is the well-known nea Mirel, B-Vlog’s host. He can be found, sleeping in his popular Tampa. You’ll have to help old Mirel with preparations for community’s days. He will reward you with $20.000 and 5 Mission Points (MP). You may complete the mission every 4 hours. 9 things to do Mainstream things like repairing your car or gobbling a hotdog, that you’ve been doing every day, now gain a new meaning! In the festive period you’ll recieve a daily task, and after finishing all 9, you’ll be rewarded with 600 Gold. Be careful not to miss one of the days! The prize won’t be awarded for partial completion of tasks. No wanted for illegal jobs Those in the departments are tired of giving you wanted when you want to make some "clean” money, so between September 1 and 9 you will not get wanted at the following jobs: pocket thief, drugs dealer, arms dealer, and car jacker. Now it’s the ideal time to make money easier and to advance in skill! Good luck! Non-stop robs To take advantage of the remaining holidays and the nights spent in front of the computer, we offer all players the opportunity to rob the bank whenever they want, without any time restriction. So take the chance, steal as much as you can until you fill your pockets. If your pockets aren’t enough, you can use other players’ too. Half Jail Time A new update never comes by itself. After our new jail has been implemented, we announce you that the jail time was halved for all players because all players became better now that they can’t play with cheats on cops anymore. 2xRP & Level UP For each payday you’ll recieve 2xRespect Points at the price of one. Also, each 9 hours spent on the server you’ll recieve a Level UP. Use the [/levelup] command to find out when you’re able to advance in level. You can recieve one Level UP per day at most, and the played hours get saved for the next day. Only now you may level up like others do in an year’s time. Quest The B-Zone Staff liked “palinca” so much at the last meeting that they hid 150 bottles for you. Whoever finds them, can taste them, and will recieve $250.000, 20 Respect Points, 10 Rob Points, 10 Escape Points, 200 Gold, a Car Slot, a Tampa, a Level UP and a bottle of Fanta for the hungover ones. Gift We’ve arranged a spot so special and unseen on other competitor server, at Los Santos Mall. There you can have booze, “manele”, and 7-star women. Use the [/getgift] command to recieve between 10 and 50 Gold, between $5.000 and $25.000, between 1 and 5 Respect Points or between 1 and 5 days of Premium Account. Treasure Hunt As Bobo was recording a new episode, Allice stole some goods for you and hid them along the map. This treasures can bring you a week of Premium Account, a Level UP, a Car Slot, 10 Respect Points, $25.000, 100 Gold, Bronze/Silver/Platinum Skin, Tampa, Banshee, Sultan, Infernus, Cheetah and Maverick only if you subscribe to their channels. B-Days Roulette The spinner became obsolete, so we started spinning the roulette. If you have enough force in your wrists, you can win a Car Slot, 30 days of Premium Account, 200 Gold, NRG-500/Sultan/Elegy/Flash/Sandking. The drawings will take place starting 12 o’clock, one every 3 hours. DeathMatch & Last Car Standing If you’re tired of getting wanted everytime you make DM and you don’t want to visit our new Jail, then you can DM like crazy and crash like those in Fast and Furious. The best DM-er of you all can win $50.000 and 200 Gold. There will be 9 events daily, once every 2 hours, starting 09:30. Trivia If you are a big fan of ”Who Wants to be a Millionaire”, then for certain you will like participating in the Trivia event. Answer the questions we ask correctly and you can win: $5.000, 5 Respect Points, 50 Gold, 5 Rob Points, 5 Escape Points, 3 days of Premium Account. Optional Faction Reports Good news for faction members. During the community days your activity report is optional, so you can party like mad in Alhambra with your friends so you can take advantage of all the events that will take place. We're waiting for you! Let's all of us shout: "B-Zone is greater!" and next year let us meet with the greatest GTA V server, at least from Romanias! rpg.b-zone.ro rpg2.b-zone.ro rpg3.b-zone.ro rpg4.b-zone.ro rpg5.jucausii.ro mix.b-zone.ro
  2. 21.02.2017 # Adăugate informații suplimentare în articolul Shop: Clear Faction Punish.
  3. 19.02.2017 # Adăugate informații despre comanda [/playedtime] în aricolul Alte sisteme: Payday. # Actualizate informații in articolul Alte sisteme: Blacklist in conformitate cu ultimele update-uri. # Corectată o greșeală de scriere în articolul Bizuri: PnS. # Actualizată o imagine din pagina Alte sisteme: Tutoriale pentru jucatorii vorbitori de limbă engleză. # Corectat pasajul 'General characteristics' din articolul Factiuni: Descriere generală intrucât era tradus în română. # Actualizate imaginile cu HQ-uri din articolele facțiunilor. # Alte modificări minore.
  4. 13.02.2017 - 15.02.2017 # Actualizate informatiile din articolul Comenzi uzuale: Case pentru a se conforma cu ultimele update-uri. # Actualizate informatiile din articolul Alte Sisteme: Escape intrucat erau eronate. # Actualizate informatiile din articolul Alte sisteme: Telefon pentru a cuprinde variante secundare ale comenzilor disponibile. # Actualizate informatiile din articolul Alte sisteme: Events in unele locuri eronate. # Actualizat topicul Alte sisteme: Waruri pentru a cuprinde cele doua noi tipuri de waruri de pe serverele RPG.
  5. 08.01.2017 # Actualizat installer-ul in format .exe pentru GTA San Andreas intrucat cel precedent nu era o versiune clean.
  6. 05.01.2017 # A fost adaugata forumla de calcul generala pentru orele necesare avansarii in nivel in articolul corespunzator. # A fost adaugata formula de calcul generala pentru banii necesari avansarii in nivel in articolul corespunzator. # Au fost adaugate nivelele minime pentru utilizarea comenzilor: - [/ad]; - [/w]. # A fost specificat nivelul minim necesar cumpararii unei noi masini. # A fost specificat nivelul minim necesar vanzarii masinii de tutorial. # Au fost adaugate nivelele minime necesare achizitionarii licentelor in articolele corespunzatoare factiunilor de instructori. # A fost adaugata cautiunea in functie de wanted level in articolul Alte Sisteme: Jail
  7. 04.01.2017 # Schimbate numele paginilor din categoria "Vehicles" astfel incat sa nu se mai faca confuzii intre vehiculele standard, premium si cele din shop. # Adaugat articolul Premium Vehicles unde sunt listate doar vehiculele ce necesita cont premium. # Efectuate corectari in articolele din categoria "Vehicles".
  8. 18.12.2016 - Christmas Update # Actualizate informațiile tutoror facțiunilor cu privire la numărul de mașini disponibile și modelele acestora. # Actualizat link-ul de download pentru Audio Plugin din pagina Tutorials:Audio Plugin Installation. # Adaugată varianta in limba engleză pentru pagina Tutorials:Audio Plugin Installation. # Actualizată pagina Comenzi Uzuale:General în paragrafele cu informație învechită. # Eliminate unele comenzi care nu mai există din același articol. # Corectate unele greșeli din pagina Shop:House Interiors. # Adăugate informații suplimentare despre utilitatea comenzilor în articolul Comenzi Uzuale:Banca. # Suplimentate informațiile din articolul Alte Sisteme:Tutoriale. # Eliminate unele paragrafe din articolul Comenzi Uzuale:Chat intrucat nu mai exista pe server comenzile descrise. # Actualizată pagina de start pentru a cuprinde link-uri utile catre forumul si site-ul RPG4. # Actualizat sidebar-ul întrucât să afișeze mai multe articole de interes. # Actualizat conținutul paginilor in limba română pentru articolele: - Alte sisteme:Achievements - Alte sisteme:Blacklist - Alte sisteme:Clans - Alte sisteme:Dice - Alte sisteme:Droguri - Alte sisteme:Email - Alte sisteme:Escape - Alte sisteme:Events - Alte sisteme:Friend - Alte sisteme:Jail - Alte sisteme:PIN - Alte sisteme:PayDay - Alte sisteme:Race - Alte sisteme:Referral - Alte sisteme:Rob - Alte sisteme:SafeZone - Alte sisteme:Slots - Alte sisteme:Telefon - Alte sisteme:Trade - Alte sisteme:Tutoriale - Alte sisteme:Wanted & Clear - Alte sisteme:Waruri - Bizuri:24/7 Bizuri:Alte biz-uri - Bizuri:Arene - Bizuri:Benzinarii - Bizuri:CNN - Bizuri:Cluburi & Baruri - Bizuri:Descriere Generala - Bizuri:FastFood-uri - Bizuri:Magazine de arme - Bizuri:Magazine de haine - Bizuri:PnS-uri - Bizuri:Rent - Bizuri:Restaurante - Bizuri:Tuninguri - Bizuri:Tuninguri:Loco Low Co. - Bizuri:Tuninguri:TransFender - Bizuri:Tuninguri:Wheel Arch Angels - Buy Vehicles - Case:Descriere Generala - Comenzi uzuale:Altele - Comenzi uzuale:Banca - Comenzi uzuale:Bizuri - Comenzi uzuale:Case - Comenzi uzuale:Chat - Comenzi uzuale:Cont - Comenzi uzuale:General - Comenzi uzuale:Joburi - Comenzi uzuale:Locatii - Comenzi uzuale:Premium/Donatii - Comenzi uzuale:Vehicule - Factiuni:69 Pier Mobs - Factiuni:Avispa Rifa - Factiuni:Descriere Generala - Factiuni:El Loco Cartel - Factiuni:FBI - Factiuni:Green Street Bloods - Factiuni:Hitmen Agency - Factiuni:LSPD - Factiuni:LS School Instructors - Factiuni:LS Taxi - Factiuni:LVPD - Factiuni:LV School Instructors - Factiuni:LV Taxi - Factiuni:Mayor - Factiuni:National Guard - Factiuni:News Reporters - Factiuni:Paramedics - Factiuni:Red Dragon Triad - Factiuni:SFPD - Factiuni:SF School Instructors - Factiuni:SF Taxi - Factiuni:Southern Pimps - Factiuni:The Tsar Bratva - Factiuni:Tow Truck Company - Factiuni:Verdant Family - Factiuni:Vietnamese Boys - Joburi:Arms Dealer - Joburi:Bus Driver - Joburi:Car Jacker - Joburi:Car Mechanic - Joburi:Detective - Joburi:Drugs Dealer - Joburi:Farmer - Joburi:Garbage Man - Joburi:Lawyer - Joburi:Lumberjack - Joburi:Miner - Joburi:Pocket Thief - Joburi:Quarry Worker - Joburi:Transporter - Joburi:Trucker - Main Page - Pagina principală - Shop:Buy Gold - Shop:Cash Money Packs - Shop:Change Nickname - Shop:Change sex - Shop:Clans - Shop:Clear FactionPunish - Shop:Clear Warn - Shop:Discounts - Shop:Extra vehicle slot - Shop:Hidden color - Shop:House Interiors - Shop:Premium Account - Shop:Vehicle KM reset - Shop:Vehicule Premium - Tutorials:Audio Plugin Installation - Tutorials:SAMP Installation - Vehicule Standard - Website:Account Recovery - Website:Ban list - Website:Clans - Website:Contul meu - Website:Factiuni - Website:Leader Panel - Website:Players - Website:Reclamatii - Website:Staff - Website:Statistics - Website:Updates - Website:Wars Crăciun fericit!
  9. 10.12.2016 # Actualizată pagina Tutorials:SAMP Installation și adaugată o nouă formă de instalare a jocului (executabil cu instalare automată).
  10. 10.12.2016 # Creată pagina Alte Sisteme:Race unde este descris sistemul de curse prin [/race].
  11. 01.12.2016 # Corectată o greșeală de prețuri în articolul Vehicles:Premium Vehicles. # Corectată o eroare de repetiție în articolul Vehicles:Standard Vehicles. # Corectată o greșeală de scriere în articolul Factiuni:SF School Instructors. # Adăugate imagini cu interiorul tuturor HQ-urilor facțiunilor în articolele corespunzătoare. # Corectată o eroare de listare a vehiculelor facțiunilor în paginile: - Factiuni:LSPD; - Factiuni:LVPD; - Factiuni:SFPD; - Factiuni:LS Taxi; - Factiuni:LV Taxi; - Factiuni:SF Taxi. # Creată pagina Alte Sisteme:Events. # Actualizate articole în urma ultimului update.
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