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RW Amigo

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About RW Amigo

  • Birthday 05/25/1999

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    my hobbies it s playing football and B-zone rpg 2-3 and i like make new friends in this Game

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Explorer (5/14)



  1. Nick: Zokee Rank: 1 Motivul absentei: bro i relly i have 2 exams tommrrow i cant come Data war-urilor: 15.02.2016 Numarul total de invoiri:1
  2. Nick: Zokee Rank: 1 Motivul absentei: i can t come I have problem in pc Data war-urilor: 11.02.2016 Numarul total de invoiri:1
  3. Nick: Zokee Rank: 4 Dispatcher Data: 30.12.2015 Am dat test cu: Kropper Rezultat regulament (x/4): 0,5/4 Rezultat traseu (x/6): 1/6 Rezultat final: Passed! Alte precizări: Welcome
  4. Nick: Zokee Doresc (Avatar/Semnatura/Userbar/Logo): Avatar Imagine (obligatoriu pentru semnatura): - Tema (In caz ca nu exista o imagine): girls,Boys,nature......etc Text: Zokee Dimensiuni: Pentru un avatar Alte precizari: Thanks!iHope you help me with a good idea and please don't forget i want it with effects.good Luck!
  5. Nume: [MwP]Zokee Rank: 4 Nume candidat: [TsF]S[ou]nD. Proba teoretica: 0/3 Proba practica: 3/5 Rezultat (Admis/Respins): Admis Alte precizari:
  6. Nume: [MwP]Zokee Rank: 4 Nume candidat: [A]ndrei95 Proba teoretica: 2,5/3 Proba practica: 1/5 Rezultat (Admis/Respins): Respins Alte precizari: good luck !
  7. Welcome wolf_Blood! Si Uccmanl I wish profiting 4/4 the war in absentia
  8. Nick-name:[MwP]Zokee Rank:3 Ma invoiesc de la:War Motivul pentru care nu pot veni:i have some Works i will absente Data:08.06.2015 Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2 Alte precizari:thank you Nale ​
  9. Nick-name:[MwP]Zokee Rank:2 Ma invoiesc de la:WAR Motivul pentru care nu pot veni:i have school Data:12.05.2015 Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2 Alte precizari:Bafta la WAR Nick-name:[MwP]Zokee Rank:2 Ma invoiesc de la:WAR Motivul pentru care nu pot veni:i have school Data:12.05.2015 Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2):1/2 Alte precizari:Bafta la WAR
  10. hello all have a nice day hello all have a nice day hello all have a nice day hello all have a nice day worng!!
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