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Everything posted by hassen10legend1

  1. Good luck new leader ... i hope you keep working harder and harder .
  2. Sure we'll do , Good luck in 69 piers mobs i hope a higher rank for you and termi , and i wish that you defend our hq SFSI , and enjoy free licenses ... Also i count on you to be the man of the War .
  3. Good idea , But before posting it in suggestion topic , try to improve it a little bit and find its benifits .
  4. You need license For free ? Use /event .. Now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hassen10legend1


      No , only in rpg 1 , lvsi leader is making event , free licenses and without test


    3. C a s s i o

      C a s s i o

      AA ok thx, !! i'm leader on RPG3 not one sorrry

    4. Dion ibe
  5. Do you suffer from dm-ers , sure who don't , Just say stop to dm and vote my suggestion (count on you ) http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/262148-add-cmds/#entry3947903

  6. starr First of all check topic ''announcment" , second rank 1 can give license (except mats + weapons ) , third rank2+ should help on giving license (mats + weapons) and r1 should SELL 12 licenses . For more information visit Topic ''announcment''
  7. Old but gold http://imgur.com/GqNjfL6,gbPXh5r,7pWNV7D,FmG1XZY,NBImio2,ljmhujf,QbHXm7t,tjU5fmD,xuMSHb2,M57Xnoe,gEscIno#10

  8. BEST MEMORIES *link http://imgur.com/GqNjfL6,gbPXh5r,7pWNV7D,FmG1XZY,NBImio2,ljmhujf,QbHXm7t,tjU5fmD,xuMSHb2,M57Xnoe,gEscIno#10
  9. Skill 5 in rob , Rank 2 in daniel.Xd , Joined SFsi hassen10legend1 , Joined SFsi .hitman.

    1. Rastafari


      Te-ai saturat sa intri pe tot felul de comunitati ''fantoma'' care dispar dupa o luna?

      Real-Zone este comunitatea de samp care iti ofera un mediu linistit de a te juca alaturi de tovarasii tai intr-un mod cat mai placut pentru cei care vor sa isi atinga scopul in viata lor virtuala.

      Comunitatea noastra de samp pune foarte mult accent pe calitatea jucatorilor, deci in cazul in care doresti sa joci pe un server de calitate, poti alege sa fi membru al acestei comunitati...

  10. bony_be and charger [nWo] and [uS]mr.fofo are rank 2 ; conG for them
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