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Coronas xSLiM

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About Coronas xSLiM

  • Birthday 07/18/2001

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  • Hobbies
    World of Warcraft, League of legends, SA-MP.

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Coronas xSLiM's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)



  1. Nume: xSLiM. - Rank: 1 - Tipul de pachet: 3 - Anunţul: Ale[K]s. vinde afacerea Plane Rent LV la pretul de 150.000.000$ si casa cu ID-ul 29 la pretul de 50.000.000$. - Anunturile publicate: - - Alte precizari: Cancelled package, the client wants to edit it. (I'll return his money when we meet in-game)
  2. salkf am 10 ani si joc doar fortnite si maincraft
  3. Nick : $Pow$ Rank : 1 Motivul invoirii: Nu pot sa vin.. scuze. Datawarului la care nu poti veni : 16/5/2018 Alte precizari : Salut.
  4. Your nickname: xSLiM. Rank: Leader Punished member: royal.xd Punishments: rank down Date: 01.12.2017 Reason: 0 Hours played on November. Proof: Website Other specifications: -
  5. Your nickname: xSLiM. Rank: Leader Punished member: Mossan[iSiS] Punishments: FP 60/60 Date: 24.11.2017 Reason: Banned Proof: Website Other specifications: - Your nickname: xSLiM. Rank: Leader Punished member: FoxSkird Punishments: FP 60/60 Date: 24.11.2017 Reason: Banned Proof: Website Other specifications: -
  6. Your nickname: SorynN. Rank: Leader(admin) Punished member: .Alonso Punishments: FP Date: 21.11.2017 Reason: Limbaj vulgar. Proof: PM. Other specifications: -
  7. Your nickname: xSLiM. Rank: Leader Punished member: Mossan[iSiS] Punishments: FW Date: 21.11.2017 Reason: Deathmatch (PM) Proof: PM Other specifications: -
  8. Your nickname: xSLiM. Rank: Leader Punished member: [B].P0s3id0n. Punishments: 10FP (3/3 FWs) Date: 20.11.2017 Reason: Unannounced inactivity Proof: Website Other specifications: -
  9. Your nickname: xSLiM. Your rank: Leader Tested player: Anjo. Theory test score (x/3): 2/3 Practice test score (x/5): 3 Final answer (Accepted - Rejected): Accepted
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