Pentru a aplica intr-un departament (inclusiv in SFPD) trebuie sa fi avut minim Rank 3 intr-o factiune inferioara (Gang/Pasnica) sau superioara (Hitmen Agency).
Cine aplica fara a respecta aceasta conditie va fi respins automat.
*Nota pentru membrii actuali: Ganditi-va foarte bine inainte de a depune demisia.
Deasemenea am adaugat o noua sectiune la aplicatie:
Astazi, 16.09.2013 s-a finalizat parteneriatul cu cei din Avispa Rifa. In timp ce noi le vom oferii servicii cu pretul minim (/lawyer), ei ne vor oferii toate serviciile lor cu 1$ (arme, refill si repair). In plus, businessurile detinute se vor deschide/inchide la comanda membrilor din orice factiune. Daca vad un comportament lipsit de respect fata de orice membru Avispa Rifa, veti fi sanctionati ca atare.
To apply in a department (including SFPD) you must have Rank 3 in a previous inferior faction (Gang/Peaceful faction) or superior (Hitmen Agency).
Players who don't respect this requirement will be automaticaly rejected.
*Note for current members: Think well before posting the demisal request.
Also i added a new section in application:
Today, 16.09.2013 a new partnership was established with Avispa Rifa. While we will offer them (/lawyer) with the minimum price they will offer us refill,repair and guns for 1$. The businesses that members from SFPD and Avispa have can be opened/closed by other members from those two factions. If i notice a bad behaviour towards an Avispa Rifa member, you will be punished.