In saptamana 23.12.2013 - 01.01.2014 raportul de activitate nu este obligatoriu.
Cine reuseste sa faca raport best (peste 100 puncte roads, peste 140 puncte swat) va primi +3 rapoarte (nu +2).
Primele de Craciun se vor da incepand cu Sambata (21.12.2013) pana Marti (24.12.2013).
Pentru a primi banii trebuie sa ma contactati in joc (/r /sms etc).
Banii se dau in functie de rankul vostru, deci:
- Rank 1 = 10,000$
- Rank 2 = 12,000$
- Rank 3 = 15,000$
- Rank 4+ = 20,000$
Pe 29.12.2013 NU se vor tine antrenamente sau sedinte !
In the period 23.12.2013 - 01.01.2014 the activity report will not be mandatory (not obliged to do it).
Who manages to make best report (over 100 points roads, over 140 points swat) will get +3 reports (not +2).
Christmas bonuses will be given starting from Saturday (21.12.2013) untill Tuesday (24.12.2013).
To get the money you must contact me in game (/r /sms etc).
The money will be given by rank:
- Rank 1 = 10,000$
- Rank 2 = 12,000$
- Rank 3 = 15,000$
- Rank 4+ = 20,000$
On the 29.12.2013 there will be NO trainings or meetings held !
1. Xtazy - a primit prima
2. Adolfe - a primit prima
3. Hero - recived the bonus
4. Dajicu - a primit prima
5. Sasa_sale - recived the bonus
6. liewo - a primit prima
7. silver - a primit prima
8. dany - a primit prima
9. kadircenko - recived the bonus
10. RazvyBest - a primit prima