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Prince Shaikh BTD

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Everything posted by Prince Shaikh BTD

  1. Nick: Prince_Shaikh[bTD] Date and hour: 13.01.2016 15:11 I gave test with: The.Emperror[bTD] Teoretical test: 0/3 Practical test: 5/5 Final result: Passed Other specifications: Welcome To Paramedics!
  2. Bored :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hutwsay Zuz

      Hutwsay Zuz

      another status? fu

    3. SunY ALi

      SunY ALi

      Dr is passing his time on staus :P

    4. Prince Shaikh BTD

      Prince Shaikh BTD

      no not wank ya spammers on my status especially this old noob man -_-

  3. Hi,

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Prince Shaikh BTD

      Prince Shaikh BTD

      hhhhhhhhhhhhh server off so everyone came on forum xD + RPG sites down too :P

    3. innocent


      Illuminati powerrrr

    4. GF AbRaKaDaBrA
  4. Hello paranabis server is working? not working at me :/
  5. ._.

    1. TSK Ossie3

      TSK Ossie3


    2. B Zone Hemu
  6. 150 maps on my profile UNDER SPOILER CHECH OUT.

  7. Nick: Prince_Shaikh Date and hour: 8/12/2015 7:45 I gave test with: Densy. Teoretical test: 3/3 Practical test: 5/5 Final result: PASSED Other specifications: Welcome to Paramedics!
  8. ......................................................................................

    1. GF AbRaKaDaBrA

      GF AbRaKaDaBrA


  9. Check out the special prizes everyday:http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/308254-rpg-advent-calendar-2015/#entry4655093

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