Nick: Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Lider)
Sanctioned the member: Ionut.20CM
Reason: Limbaj [/f].
I have sanctioned with a: Faction Warn.
Proofs: La cerere.
Other specifications : -
Nick: Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Lider)
Sanctioned the member: Allexandruu.
Reason: Reclamatie PM.
I have sanctioned with a: Faction Warn.
Proofs: La cerere.
Other specifications : -
Nick: Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Lider)
Sanctioned the member: NewTone300iQ
Reason: Reclamatie PM.
I have sanctioned with a: Faction Warn.
Proofs: La cerere.
Other specifications : -
Nume: [GF]Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Lider)
Data: 09.11.2019
Am dat testul cu: [GF]Darwin..
Teoretic(x/3): 0/3
Practic(x/3): 0/3
Anything else?: -
Nume: [GF]Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Lider)
Data: 09.11.2019
Am dat testul cu: Persie
Teoretic(x/3): 0/3
Practic(x/3): 0/3
Anything else?: -
Nick: Darwin
RPG Bar (mic):
Nick-ul celorlalti participanti (daca exista): Persie, Andrei.HYENA
RPG Bar (mic) al celorlalti participanti (daca exista): ,
Alte precizari: Mersi!
Nick: Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Leader)
Sanctioned the member: VasiDauPentruNaos
Reason: Banat pentru chests.
I have sanctioned with a: Demitere
Proofs: Website.
Other specifications : -
Nick: Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Leader)
Sanctioned the member: Andrei.SarpeleThau
Reason: Limbaj vulgar
I have sanctioned with a: Demitere (60 FP)
Proofs: La cerere.
Other specifications : -
Nick: Darwin
Rank: SF Boss (Leader)
Sanctioned the member: TOKYO
Reason: Fraudare test.
I have sanctioned with a: Rank Down
Proofs: Forum, la cerere.
Other specifications : -
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