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  1. Sniper Elite III este un joc video tactical shooter, dezvoltat de Rebellion Developments și publicat de 505 Games pentru platformele Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 și Xbox One. Jocul este un prequel al lui Sniper Elite V2 (2012) și este cel de-al treilea titlu din seria Sniper Elite. Acțiunea din Sniper Elite III are loc cu câțiva ani în urmă față de V2, avându-l în prim-plan pe ofițerul Karl Fairburne, de la Office of Strategic Services. El participă la conflictul Nord-African din timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial, unde află de construirea unei arme minune de către ofițerii naziști. Gameplay Jocul păstrează mecanicile jocului Sniper Elite V2. Jucătorul călătorește prin câmpurile de luptă din Africa de Nord. Luneta este arma principală a jucătorului, iar armele adiționale includ mitraliera și pistoalele, cu sau fără amortizor. Pe lângă grenade, jucătorul poate amplasa bombe, mine și dinamită. Binoclul poate fi folosit pentru a depista inamicii din câmpul vizual, dezvăluindu-le poziția și mișcările. Jucătorul-personaj trebuie să-și țină respirația pentru a trage în linie dreaptă. O iconiță roșie va apărea prin lentilă, marcând punctul de impact. Pe tot parcursul jocului, se află părți de arme; acestea pot fi găsite prin prădarea morților, și pot fi folosite în meniul dinaintea începerii unei misiuni; meniul îți permite și să îți alegi echipamentul. Mecanicile de stealth au fost refăcute. O iconiță cu un ochi se închide sau se deschide pentru a arăta nivelul de detecție al jucătorului. Soldații inamici vor avea și un cerc deasupra capetelor pentru a indica starea de alertă. Jucătorii sunt forțați să se mute pentru a preveni detecția, iar o imagine cu o fantomă albă va marca ultima poziție în care a fost văzut personajul, inamicul fiind nevoit să caute o zonă mai vastă. Ca și în jocul anterior, zgomotele puternice pot fi folosite pentru a masca tragerile cu luneta. Un sistem cu puncte a fost implementat pentru asasinările stealth sau cu luneta, iar acumularea de puncte va duce la avansarea în grad. Jucătorii pot cerceta harta pentru a colecta diferite iteme speciale, precum carduri de colectori, sau pentru a debloca cuiburi pentru lunetiști. Paginile de jurnal furnizează informații despre evenimentele poveștii jocului. Sistemul bullet cam cu raze X al lui V2 a fost păstrat și el. Noul joc arată și restul sistemelor muscular, scheletic și cardiovascular, pe când jocul anterior arăta doar structura internă a organismului. Jucătorul poate trage în continuare în vehicule, iar acum poate avea șansa de a ținti motorul și, în acest fel, să distrugă vehiculul respectiv. Modul multiplayer Modul multiplayer al lui Sniper Elite III le permite jucătorilor să intre în luptă cu alți jucători. Există 5 tipuri de bătălii: Team deathmatch, Deathmatch, Distance King, No Cross și Capture the flag. Jucătorul poate alege dintr-o gamă largă de hărți cu medii deschise.
  2. Mad Max este un joc video de acțiune-aventură, a cărui acțiune are loc într-un mediu open world și care este bazat pe universul seriei Mad Max. Dezvoltat de Avalanche Studios și publicat de Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, a fost lansat pentru Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 și Xbox One în septembrie 2015. Feral Interactive a publicat versiunile pentru OS X și Linux. Are loc într-un ținut postapocaliptic, ce constă în deșerturi, canioane și peșteri. Jucătorii îl controlează pe Max Rockatansky prin ținut în timp ce acesta caută răzbunare împotriva unui grup de raideri, conduși de Scabrous Scrotus, care i-a furat lucrurile, și împreună cu ajutorul său, Chumbucket, dorește să construiască mașina supremă: Magnum Opus. Jocul pune accent pe lupta între vehicule, în care jucătorii se folosesc de armură și arme pentru a se lupta cu inamicii, pe lângă tehnicile de wrestling și box ce pot fi folosite în afara mașinii. Jocul conține și un ținut numit „The Big Nothing”, ținut teoretic nesfârșit, pe care jucătorul îl poate explora. Alte două jocuri Mad Max, dezvoltate de Cory Barlog și Interplay Entertainment respectiv, erau în stadiul de producție înainte de anunțarea acestui joc, dar niciunul nu a fost lansat. Cu toate că Mad Max nu are la bază filmele seriei, se inspiră din universul acestora, iar creatorul francizei, George Miller, a fost consultat în timpul pre-producției jocului. Avalanche Studios a găsit dezvoltarea unui joc cu lupte între vehicule o provocare, din cauza lipsei de experiență în domeniul jocurilor de acest fel. Anunțat la Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013, jocul a fost refăcut în timpul dezvoltării, iar versiunile pentru PlayStation 3 și Xbox 360 au fost anulate din cauza limitărilor hardware. Lansarea sa a fost programată inițial pentru anul 2014, însă a fost amânată pentru septembrie 2015, la câteva luni după lansarea filmului Mad Max: Fury Road, al patrulea film din serie. Mad Max a primit recenzii mixte spre pozitive din partea criticilor. Laudele au fost adresate cadrului și mediului jocului, graficii, dar și luptelor între vehicule, în timp ce criticile au fost îndreptate spre designul obiectivelor jocului și poveste. Jocul a devenit al optulea cel mai vândut joc din SUA în luna septembrie 2015.
  3. Risk of Rain 2 is an upcoming third-person shooter roguelike video game being developed by Hopoo Games. It is a sequel to Risk of Rain, and is being supported by Gearbox Publishing. The game was released in an early access version in March 2019, with Hopoo Games anticipating about a year of work before they push a final release. Gameplay Risk of Rain 2 follows a similar approach as the first title, in which one to four players must progress through ten levels while avoiding attacks from alien creatures. On each level the goal is to locate a teleporter, randomly located on the level; once activated, the players must defend themselves from an onslaught of aliens, including boss characters until the teleporter is fully active. Killing aliens gains experience and currency; the currency can be used to purchase various upgrades from automated stations on the level. Upgrades offer a wide range of boosts to the players carrying them, and provide both synergistic effects and the potential to stack to if multiple copies of the same upgrades are acquired. However, the strength, difficulty, and numbers of aliens increase every five minutes, thus making the game harder the longer the players stay on any level. In the metagame, players unlock access to new playable characters, upgrades, and game modifiers by completing certain in-game achievements; once unlocked, new characters or modifiers are available to select from at the start of the game, or the new upgrades can start appearing randomly in-game. Risk of Rain 2 features most of the same creatures and items from the first game, but transitions the game from a 2D platformer to a 3D environment. Sistem requirements Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: Windows 7 or newer, 64-bit Processor: Intel Core i3-6100/AMD FX-8350 Memory: 4 GB Ram Graphics: GTX 580/AMD HD 7870 DirextX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Storage: 4 GB available space
  4. O descriere a serialului: Fostul agent guvernamental Raymond „Red” Reddington a scăpat de arestare timp de decenii. Dar el se predă brusc FBI-lui cu o ofertă pentru a ajuta la capturarea unui terorist cu condiţia ca el să vorbeasca doar cu Elizabeth „Liz” Keen, o tânăra şi frumoasă specialistă a FBI-ului. Trailer: Poze: Părere personală: Un serial bine facut, plin de suspans, actiune si drama. Sursa: filmeserialeonline.org
  5. Description: Imagine that you are in the Middle Ages. It’s the time of castles, knights and the Crusades. Now imagine that you are a brilliant military leader with your own troops. What could prevent you from conquering the world? Perhaps just a lack of free time. Get ready to spend hours glued to your computer, capturing the enemy fortresses and the surrounding land, and forming militias! This game is a unique genre to the world of casual games, but combines classic elements of strategy, simulator, and resource management games. Get ready to play forty five gripping levels in the woods, in the desert, the snow and even on the lava covered moon! Three different difficulty modes will challenge even the best strategy experts. Indeed you’ll need to master various tactics and strategy. Unlike all traditional strategies, LandGrabbers is very bright and cheerful. Try it – we're sure you'll get hooked! Free Game features: - Addictive and unique gameplay; - Gorgeous graphics; - Three gameplay modes; - More than 40 levels; - Funny achievements; - Entertaining music. Source: http://www.gametop.com/download-free-games/landgrabbers/
  6. Description: In a fantasy kingdom, men, elves and dwarves have lived peacefully together for generations. But their carefree way of life has long been a source of envy among the creatures of darkness. After decades of preparation, an army of orcs, goblins and trolls have launched an invasion, and are threatening to bring ruin to the once peaceful world. Shadow Kings allows the players to set up own cities and the first challenge will be produce resources and building up their settlement and the next one have to build up and army against dark forces of evil. Decide about fate of your town and inhabitans, their fate is in your hands. You will have to conquer enemy outposts and fight epic battles. Shadow Kings is a MMO building strategy game. Playing together in alliances and navigating complex diplomatic possibilities demand strategic skill, while regular events and new content ensure lasting enjoyment. Everything what I say with beautiful and cute graphics. Sounds like awesome experience, isn't it? Game Requirements:- File Size: 1 Mb; - Microsoft Windows operating system; - Easy game removal through the Windows Control Panel. Source: http://www.gametop.com/download-free-games/shadow-kings/
  7. Magicmaker - (PC/ENG/2014) English | PC | 2014 | 207 MB Genre: Action | Role-playing | Fantasy Magicmaker is a spellcrafting-focused platformer dungeon-crawler where you can be the wizard you've always wanted to be! Magicmaker is powered by an amazing Spellcrafting system that can make nearly anything. Have you ever wanted to shoot poisonous lightning lasers? Throw freezing fireballs? Build turrets that fire waves of miniature suns? Or summon hordes of adorable jelly minions? How about firing lasers that shoot exploding black holes that suck out your enemies' life force? You can totally do that in Magicmaker. What kind of wizard will you be? Probably a really cool one, I bet. Spellcrafting System that can create over 2 million combinations! Robecrafting System for passive effects! Equip special artifacts with unique powers! Total Wizard Customization! Randomly Generated Levels! Charming, colorful paper-craftesque art! Genre:Action - Role-playing - Fantasy Works on:Windows (Vista, 7, 8 ) Languages:Audio and text: English Modes:Single-player Released:September 22, 2014 Size:206 MB Company:Tasty Stewdios LLC / Tasty Stewdios LLC Minimum system requirements - Windows: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 Memory: 1 GB RAM, Hard Drive: 300 MB available space, Sound Card: Any, but there are currently some issues with Audigy sound c Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6312969-magicmaker-gog.htmlards.
  8. Beast Boxing Turbo Publisher: Goodhustle Studios, Inc. Developer: Goodhustle Studios, Inc. Genre: Action, Indie, Sports Size: 116.79 MB An artfully designed first-person boxing game with freestyle arcade action in which you punch a turkey in the face. Beast Boxing Turbo is a challenging first-person boxing game with fast-paced freestyle boxing action. You play a secret human boxer in a beastly world. She's outmuscled, undersized, and in way over her head. Can she master the skills needed to get to the top of the legendary boxing leagues of Beasthalla? Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6238312-beast-boxing-turbo-prophet.html
  9. Director: Amit Ravindernath Sharma Producer: Boney Kapoor Sunil Lulla Sanjay Kapoor Sunil Manchanda Naresh Aggarwal Production Co: Sanjay Kapoor Entertainment Eros International Cast: Arjun Kapoor Sonakshi Sinha Manoj Bajpai Rajesh Sharma Shruti Haasan Himanshu Singh Kader Khan Genre: Action Drama Movie Duration: 2 hours 39 minutes Description: A corrupt politician gets infatuated with a morally upright student and will go to any lengths to marry her. But she spurns his advances and seeks shelter with a boy her age. Personal opinion: Tevar never really manages to rise above its so-stale-it-smells formula. Bajpayee gives a threatening and towering performance, but he cannot make up for the mediocre music, run-of-the-mill action and a particularly poor last half hour. Images: Trailer: Source
  10. Description: Screencheat is a chaotic online and offline split-screen multiplayer shooter that forces players to rethink the way they approach conventional multiplayer games. In the Screencheat arena, fast reaction times aren't enough to keep you alive. When everyone is invisible, players will have to master the art of taking a not-so sneaky look at their opponent's screens and working out where they are based on uniquely coloured areas of the map and distinctive landmarks. Screencheat pays homage to iconic competitive first-person shooters such as Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Halo, by blending the elements everyone loves about those games and shaking it up with its own unique take on the genre. When everyone's used to playing by the rules, can you adapt to unconventional gaming quick enough to get the upper hand? Features: Eight unique weapons - You won't find any iron sights here, just weapons of chaos like the Blunderbuss, grenade launcher and the Chefolet pulse cannon.Six colourful maps - Each map in Screencheat has been handcrafted to feature distinctive areas and landmarks to help you hunt down your opponents.Six game modes - Take well known modes, add in a healthy serve of crazy and you've got yourself a ton of fun.Four player split-screen local multiplayer, or four player split-screen online multiplayerController supportSteam achievements + Trading CardsMay or may not be Lance Armstrong's favourite game Publisher: Samurai Punk Developer: Samurai Punk Genre: Action, Indie Release Name: Screencheat.v2.2.0.4.Retail-CORE + MacOSX Size: 219.43 MB / 253.61 MB Source: http://www.freshwap.me/6167175-screencheat-v2.2.0.4-retail-core-macosx.html
  11. Director: Shaad Ali Producer: Aditya Chopra Production Co: Yash Raj Films Cast: Govinda Ranveer Singh Parineeti Chopra Ali Zafar Genre: Action Movie Duration: 2 hours 8 minutes Description: A contract killer wants to reform for love; but wait, will the ones who order him to kill, allow him to listen to his dil? With mafia killings being a regular feature of the Indian city underbelly, the trigger-happy twosome goes about their work without remorse. Personal opinion: Out of exasperation I made a call to one of my close friends. Well, I did expect the film to be reasonable if not good. The film has Govinda, one of my all time favourite. Alas! Images: Trailer: Source
  12. Roundabout Publisher: No Goblin | Developer: No Goblin | 2.3 GB Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie Roundabout is a ’70s B-Movie game where you drive a constantly revolving limousine! Pick up passengers, find secret collectibles, take on dangerous missions, and fall in love in an open world puzzle adventure. Roundabout is the debut title from No Goblin, a studio founded by designers of games like Destroy All Humans!, The Gunstringer, and Rock Band! In Roundabout, you need to pick up passengers and drive them to their destinations. The catch: your limousine is constantly spinning in circles! To move around in Roundabout, you need to time your limousine’s movement with the constant rotation in order to curve around obstacles, buildings, and more. Set in 1977, Roundabout tells the rise to fame story of Georgio Manos, arguably the world’s most famous revolving chauffeur. While driving players around the town of Roundabout, players will learn about the dizzying highs, terrifying lows, and secret loves of a revolving limousine driver. You’ll experience the seventies in the only authentic way possible: with full motion video set in the interior of a limousine. Features - Drive a constantly revolving limousine through the crowded streets of Roundabout. - ’70s B-Movie Full Motion Video throughout the game adds a new spin to a classic rise to fame story. - Open world puzzle action, featuring dozens of twisty streets, collectible pickups, and purchasable properties. - Upgrade your limousine with new hats, horns, and paint jobs. - A full suite of challenges to compete against your friends in. - Dedicated eSports speedrun mode. Roundabout is the only official eSport endorsed by a talking skeleton. - Big Head Mode. Also a number of equally fun game modifiers and extras that are not Big Head Mode.: Source: http://www.freshwap.me/5750768-roundabout-postmortem.html
  13. Director: Siddharth Anand Producer: Prashant Shah Production Co: Fox Star Studios Cast: Hrithik Roshan Katrina Kaif Ron Smoorenburg Jawed El Berni Danny Denzongpa Javed Jafrey Pavan Malhotra Genre: Action Romance Duration: 2 hours 36 minutes Description: After 150 years, an Indian robs the Kohinoor diamond. And thus begins the cat-and-mouse game as the international mob and the Indian Secret Service (ISS) officials hunt him down. Personal opinion: Bang Bang is an amalgam of exotic locations, power-packed action and good looking actors. If that's enough good for you, if you are still looking for the story hit the next screen and watch Haider. Images: Trailer: Source
  14. Iron Sky: Invasion Complete (PC/ENG/2012) English | PC | 2012 | 887 MB Genre: Action, Simulation, Strategy In the near future, mankind faces the greatest threat to its posterity ever in recorded history: an invading Nazi horde, reborn in the depths of space! An armada of Fourth Reich ships, built in secret at a hidden base on the moon, descends upon the Earth to rain terror and destruction. But this is not done without resistance. A cadre of crack space pilots have stepped forth to defend Mother Earth from becoming the new Fatherland of this twisted regime. A lone pilot, entering the hangar to see three state-of-the-art, prototypes ships awaiting him, knows he is the only one who can save Planet Earth. It is up to him and his brothers in arms to ensure that humanity stays free of the yolk of Nazism for good and all. Our Complete release includes: Iron Sky: Invasion (main game) The Second Fleet DLC Meteorblitzkrieg DLC 1- Unpack, burn or mount 2- Install the game 3- Copy the cracked content from PROPHET dir 4- Go To Hell Source: http://www.freshwap.me/5624948-iron-sky-invasion-complete-prophet.html
  15. Gauntlet Developer: Arrowhead Game Studios | Publisher: WB Games | 2.4 GB Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG The classic Gauntlet 4-player co-op action gameplay returns in a completely new experience! Battle the endless hordes of foes as you and your friends fight for treasure and glory via both local and online co-op multiplayer. Invade the Darkness this Summer on PC and Steam Machines! Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061558210-gauntlet-tptb.html#.VCPhe1d_2W8
  16. Orcs Must Die 2 (PC/ENG/2012) English | PC | 2012 | 868 MB Genre: Action, Strategy, Indie Youve tossed, burned and sliced them by the thousands, now orcs must die more than ever before! Grab a friend and slay orcs in untold numbers in this sequel to the 2011 AIAS Strategy Game of the Year from Robot Entertainment. Leap back into the fray as a powerful War Mage or crafty Sorceress. Defend new fortresses and dwarven mines, laying waste to thousands of orcs and other monsters with a dizzying array of weapons, spells, guardians, traps, and trinkets. Play co-op with a friend and continue the battle in a brand new campaign mode, or fight to stay alive in the challenging new Endless Mode! Unlock new defenses and old favorites, upgrade them like never before, and unleash them on the nearest pile of slobbering orcs! Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061489517-orcs-must-die-2-complete-edition-update-100362-cpy-pceng2012.html#.U-TOdaP5P20
  17. Halfway Developer: Robotality | Publisher: Chucklefish | 155 MB Genre: Action, Indie, RPG, Strategy Halfway is a turn-based strategy RPG taking place a few hundred years into the future. Humanity has begun to colonise new worlds and until now, they were alone… In Halfway you take control of a small team of survivors faced with a violent invasion onboard the colonial vessel Goliath. As their leader you will guide them through the dark and cramped corridors of the ship to slowly take back control. If you have any hope of surviving, you’ll have to fight, face your fears and outsmart the enemy! Key features - Tactical turn-based battles are at the core of Halfway. Use cover, position, equipment and skills to your advantage in your battles. - Unique characters: Your team is formed of unique characters you pick up along the way. Each one of them brings their own story, skills and experiences to the journey. - Find yourself in the middle of an engrossing story-line. Step by step you’ll uncover the mysterious events that took place and what it means for you and all of humanity. - Immerse yourself in 10-14 hours of gameplay in a beautiful pixel art environment with a lovely atmospheric soundtrack by Gavin Harrison - Mod support coming soon! Map and campaign editor soon to be released. Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061491683-halfway-v112-tptb.html#.U-YQzaP5P20
  18. Rush Bros Developer: XYLA Entertainment | Publisher: Digital Tribe | 324 MB Genre: Action, Indie, Racing Rush Bros. “Discover gameplay with custom music” Rush Bros is a music reactive Platform Racing Game that features a single player and a competitive multiplayer either split-screen local or online between two simultaneous racers. rush through over 45 unique levels jam-packed with puzzles, obstacles and power-ups in a race to the finish line where the victor can literally crush his competition. Key Features: - 45+ music-infused, platform racing tracks jam-packed with puzzles, obstacles and power-ups - Features musical tracks by Xilent, Dead Day Revolution, Black Parrot, Animal Music, winners of the Beat Battle and more! - Special themed stages including ReverbNation, Infected Mushroom, Dead Day Revolution, Xilent, Side FX, and the list keeps growing - Reactive level design where the music you play directly affects the movement of traps, obstacles and backgrounds - Single Player Mode allows players to learn the levels and race against their own Ghost Data - Two Player Local Split-Screen Action - Online Multiplayer that supports Cross-Platform competition between PC and Mac gamers - Rock out to your own MP3 or OGG music library - Remix your gameplay by turning on "Fast Forward" to speed everything up, "Survival Mode" where it is one hit and game over or the new "Zombie Repellant" which turning off will add the new zombeats to each level - Play as the Rush Sisters! Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061491679-rush-bros-v106a-tptb.html#.U-YRPKP5P20
  19. Super Comboman Publisher: Adult Swim Games | Developer: Interabang Entertainment | 586 MB Genre: Action, Indie Modern platforming action gets an extra helping of classic 2D fighting! Bust mad combos across 16 action-packed levels as Struggles, the comic book nerd with a sick arsenal of flashy moves. Action fans, fighting fans, and air combo fans…this one’s for you. Features: - Physics-based combat system inspired by fighting games - 15 unlockable Special Moves and Perks - Colorful sticker-based art style - 16+ stages to master - Environmental combo-based puzzles - Dozens of stickers to collect and add to your virtual sticker book - Training mode to get those combos JUST right - Mullet-domed hero with a talking fanny pack Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061489046-super-comboman-macosx-fix-activated.html#.U-OwSKP5P20
  20. Cult of the Wind Developer: North of Earth | Publisher: North of Earth | 101 MB Genre: Action, Indie In Cult of the Wind, players compete and cooperate in ritualistic multi-player human dogfights, complete with imaginary weapons, pretend explosions, and airplane noises made with their mouths. Shower your friends in a hail of imaginary bullets and proclaim, “I got you! You have to lie down,” to which they respond, “Nuh-uh, I have a shield.” You argue about whether or not airplanes can have shields, meanwhile some other guy does a cannonball onto your head while whistling. It’s great. With an intuitive point-and-click level editor you’ll be able to craft new levels or modify existing ones, then immediately share them with anyone on a server, even if you aren’t the host. You can also craft a personalized appearance for your character with numerous articles of clothing and more. Features: - Simple, robust level editor - Instantly share your creations with others - Character customization - Dozens of imaginary weapons and abilities - Infinitely expandable content - Blindingly high-speed mock combat - Weird noises Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061488647-cult-of-the-wind-v10-readnfo-tptb.html#.U-IUHKP5P20
  21. SkullGirls Developer: Lab Zero Games | Publisher: MarvelousAQL | 1.2 GB Genre: Action, Indie Skullgirls is a fast-paced 2-D fighting game that puts players in control of fierce warriors in an extraordinary Dark Deco world. Featuring all-new game systems which test the skills of veteran fighting game fans while also making the genre enjoyable and accessible to newcomers. Skullgirls is a modern take on classic arcade fighters with a hand-drawn high-definition twist. It’s a one-of-a-kind, action-packed competition complete with awesome combos and an intriguing backstory. Key Features: - Classic six-button play gives each character a huge variety of attacks and special moves - Variable Tag Battle system allows players to pit different size teams of one, two or three characters against one another - Custom Assists let you outfit your team with a huge variety of attacks for nearly endless strategic possibilities - A Robust Anti-Infinite Combo system keeps competitive play free of abusive tactics Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061488661-skullgirls-v20140805-incl-dlc-tptb.html#.U-ITqaP5P20
  22. Luna Shattered Hearts Episode 1 Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux | Languages: English | 97 MB Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG Luna - Shattered Hearts - Episode 1 is the first chapter of an Epic Fantasy Platform RPG! It's centered around two main characters, Lithien and Dez. They've both done terrible things in their past, and over the course of the game you'll see them both go through a metamorphosis from being self-centered disasters into the heroes that can confront any kind of adversity. They'll learn to help others, and how to change the world! Along the way they will form a sort of family of rejects. Luna Shattered Hearts Ep1 is now entering its Pre-Beta stage. Episode 1, Episode 2, and Episode 3 and will eventually be combined to create the Luna Omnibus and will at that stage be a full length RPG. Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061482408-luna-shattered-hearts-episode-1-outlaws.html#.U9zPrKP5P20
  23. The Last Tinker City of Color Developer: Mimimi Productions | Publisher: Unity Games | 897 MB Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie Upcoming indie superstars Mimimi Productions present The Last Tinker: City of Colors. A joyous platformer lovingly crafted in the image of all time classics such as Zelda, Jak and Daxter and Banjo Kazooie, The Last Tinker is a colorful adventure set in Colortown, a world built upon creativity, emotion and collaboration. A dark force named The Bleakness has emerged and seeks to tear the colors apart, draining all joy and life from the world. Koru, a young boy from the slums of Colortown, is forced to act. He embarks on an epic and one of a kind adventure to combat the Bleakness and to restore joy and color to his home. Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061481071-the-last-tinker-city-of-colors-macosx-activated.html#.U9od6KP5P20
  24. Ms Splosion Man Developer: Twisted Pixel Games | Publisher: Microsoft Studios | 369 MB Genre: Action, Indie You got a problem? Yo, she’ll splode it. At the Big Science after-party celebrating the capture of Splosion Man, a spill of champagne shorts out the safety protocols on the splosionatrix and from it emerges Ms. Splosion Man. The latest creation from Twisted Pixel Games, the creators of Splosion Man, The Maw, and Comic Jumper, Ms. Splosion man comes packed with fifty levels of single player and a separate fifty level co-op multiplayer campaign. Expanded map features, tons of unlockables, ghost replays, and countless other improvements make this the definitive edition for any splosion connoisseur. Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061478593-ms-splosion-man-multi9-rituel.html#.U9erIED5P20
  25. Windforge Publisher: Snowed In Studios | Developer: Snowed In Studios | 378 MB Genre: Action, Indie, RPG WindForge is a side-scrolling block-building game where you explore hostile skies in an ever-changing Steampunk world. Everything you see can be created or destroyed, creating an RPG without barriers that rewards creative problem solving and improvisation. Take off in fully customizable airships, and embark on a journey of discovery and survival that will take you to the heart of the world and beyond. Features: - Epic story line and quests that drive gameplay without constricting freedom - The first game to include minable sky whales, and meat blocks - Large completely destructible procedural world with multiple environments - Contra-style action mixed with the creative fun of Terraria - Build and fly fully-functional airships - Over 1200 craftable items and counting - Easy-to-control, skill-based combat with 360-degree aiming Source: http://www.tinydl.com/1061469603-windforge-v1184350-te.html#.U9S60ED5P20
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