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Cerere - Just.xeS- Logo


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Nick: Just.xeS

I want(avatar/signature/userbar/logo etc.): Logo

Picture(optional): http://weedarr.wikidot.com/local--files/main-character-skins/272.png

Theme(in case you didn't posted a picture): Stracci

Text: Coach( sa fie sus ) si The Stracci Family ( jos ) ceva in GENU . http://i.imgur.com/Dz8zS.png

Size: Ca in imagine . http://i.imgur.com/Dz8zS.png

Other details: Vreau sa fie Cum au multi Skinu ala de Stracci si cu un anim de scris. Sau ceva interesant. Multumesc .

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Da , dar vroiam ceva in genu cum astia la semnatura , Corleone. Skinu cu un anim ceva :) daca se poate


Cand o sa ai poza cu anim, atunci poti cere asa ceva, nu suntem obligati sa iti facem si pozele, ca model.

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