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Red Dragon Triad - Anunțuri importante/Important announcements


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Maine, 3/12/2015, la ora 19:55 va astept in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate veni sa faca cerere de invoire cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Absenta fara cerere va rezulta prin sanctionarea cu FW. Accept doar 3 invoiri!

Tomorrow, 3/12/2015, at 19:55 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept only 3 consent requests.

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Maine, 4/12/2015, la ora 20:20 va astept in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate veni sa faca cerere de invoire cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Absenta fara cerere va rezulta prin sanctionarea cu FW. Accept doar 3 invoiri!

Tomorrow, 4/12/2015, at 20:20 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept only 3 consent requests.

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Maine, 9/12/2015, la ora 19:50 va astept in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate veni sa faca cerere de invoire cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Absenta fara cerere va rezulta prin sanctionarea cu FW. Accept doar 3 invoiri!

Tomorrow, 9/12/2015, at 19:50 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept only 3 consent requests.

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Maine, 10/12/2015, la ora 19:50 va astept in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate veni sa faca cerere de invoire cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Absenta fara cerere va rezulta prin sanctionarea cu FW. Accept doar 3 invoiri!

Tomorrow, 10/12/2015, at 19:50 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept only 3 consent requests.

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Maine, 11/12/2015, la ora 19:50 va astept in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate veni sa faca cerere de invoire cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Absenta fara cerere va rezulta prin sanctionarea cu FW. Accept doar 3 invoiri!

Tomorrow, 11/12/2015, at 19:50 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept only 3 consent requests.

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  • RO: Marti, 15.12.2015, la ora 19:50 va asteptam in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Invoirile se accepta pana la 19:30 numai cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Cititi cu atentie topicul "Evidenta war" pentru eventuale informatii. Cine absenteaza va primi FW.

  • EN: Thusday, 15/12/2015, at 7:50 PM we expect you in HQ for disputing wars. Activities consent will be accepted until 7:30 PM for a good reason. Read carefully topic "War Evidence" for eventual information. Who won't come at wars will be punished with FW.

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  • RO: Miercuri, 16.12.2015, la ora 19:50 va asteptam in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Invoirile se accepta pana la 19:30 numai cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Cititi cu atentie topicul "Evidenta war" pentru eventuale informatii. Cine absenteaza va primi FW.

  • EN: Wensday, 16/12/2015, at 7:50 PM we expect you in HQ for disputing wars. Activities consent will be accepted until 7:30 PM for a good reason. Read carefully topic "War Evidence" for eventual information. Who won't come at wars will be punished with FW.

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  • RO: Joi, 17.12.2015, la ora 19:50 va asteptam in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Invoirile se accepta pana la 19:30 numai cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Cititi cu atentie topicul "Evidenta war" pentru eventuale informatii. Cine absenteaza va primi FW.

  • EN: Thursday , 17/12/2015, at 7:50 PM we expect you in HQ for disputing wars. Activities consent will be accepted until 7:30 PM for a good reason. Read carefully topic "War Evidence" for eventual information. Who won't come at wars will be punished with FW.

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  • RO: Vineri, 18.12.2015, la ora 19:50 va asteptam in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Invoirile se accepta pana la 19:30 numai cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Cititi cu atentie topicul "Evidenta war" pentru eventuale informatii. Cine absenteaza va primi FW.

  • EN: Friday , 18/12/2015, at 7:50 PM we expect you in HQ for disputing wars. Activities consent will be accepted until 7:30 PM for a good reason. Read carefully topic "War Evidence" for eventual information. Who won't come at wars will be punished with FW.

Bossulica M1H41 a prins again 2 attackuri!


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Felicitari pentru warurile de azi!

Cu ocazia venirii sarbatorilor de iarina si venirea vacantei, warurile sunt suspendate timp de 2 saptamani.

Asa ca pana la noi vesti sarbatori fericite!


Edited by M1H41 S4F
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Anunt important


Din cauza plangerilor playerilor la controalele PC-urilor din cauza ca TW nu este stabil si serverele lor cad, in acest mod ei primind ban aiurea, staff-ul serverului a gasit o noua metoda de a se face control in PC. Toate aceste informatii le aveti aici (cititi cu atentie) --> http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/311942-modificare-controale-control-modifications-team-viewer-new-level-6-admin/


Cititi cu atentie sa nu aveti surprize!

Edited by AIM AlexDOUD rTn
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Gata vacanta copaceilor, vreau sa castigam primele 4 waruri din noul an asa ca vreau sa fiti toti on!


Maine, 4/01/2016, la ora 21:25 va astept in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate veni sa faca cerere de invoire cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Absenta fara cerere va rezulta prin sanctionarea cu FW. Accept doar 3 invoiri!

Tomorrow, 4/01/2016, at 21:25 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

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  • RO: Miercuri, 6.01.2016, la ora 19:50 va asteptam in HQ pentru disputarea war-urilor. Invoirile se accepta pana la 19:30 numai cu un motiv bine intemeiat. Cititi cu atentie topicul "Evidenta war" pentru eventuale informatii. Cine absenteaza va primi FW.
  • EN: Wednesday, 6/01/2016, at 7:50 PM we expect you in HQ for disputing wars. Activities consent will be accepted until 7:30 PM for a good reason. Read carefully topic "War Evidence" for eventual information. Who won't come at wars will be punished with FW.


Edited by AIM AlexDOUD rTn
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Astazi 13.01.2016 ora 19:50 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. Spiny Bed LV - DEFFEND - Southern Pimps (20:00 - 20:30)

2. Millitary LV - DEFFEND -The Tsar Bratva (21:30-22:00)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,13.02.2015, at 21:25 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

Edited by AIM BlasT ZEWS
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Astazi 14.01.2016 ora 19:50 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. Military LV - DEFFEND - Southern Pimps (20:00 - 20:30)

2. CNN LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps (21:30-22:00)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,14.02.2015, at 21:25 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

Edited by AIM BlasT ZEWS
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Astazi 15.01.2016 ora 21:20 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. GSB LS - ATTACK - Green Street Bloods (21:00-21:30)

ESTE OPTIONAL, cine nu vine, nu baga invoire. Este in LS, noi nu putem lua un turf in LV, nici macar HQ, deci este optional venirea la acest war.

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,14.02.2015, at 21:25 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

Edited by AIM BlasT ZEWS
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Astazi 18.01.2016 ora 20:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. PigPen LS - ATTACK - Green Street Bloods (21:00-21:30) OPTIONA L !

Atentie, la acest war pe HQ vreau prezenta maxima. Cine nu vine are FW !

2. RDT LV - ATTACK - Sothern Pimps (21:30-22:00)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,14.02.2015, at 21:25 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

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Astazi 19.01.2016 ora 19:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. RDT LV - DEFFEND - Southern Pimps(20:00-20:30)

2.Car Drop LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps(20:30-21:00)

3.Creek LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps(21:30-22:00)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,14.02.2015, at 21:25 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

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Astazi 20.01.2016 ora 19:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. RDT LV - DEFFEND - Southern Pimps(20:00-20:30)

2.Bank LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps(21:00-21:30)

3.Creek LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps(21:30-22:00)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,20.02.2015, at 19:55 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

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Astazi 22.01.2016 ora 19:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. RDT LV - DEFFEND - Southern Pimps(20:00-20:30)

2.Bank LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps(20:30-21:00)

3.Creek LV - DEFFEND - Southern Pimps(21:00-21:30)

4. GSB LS - ATTACK - Green Street Bloods(21:30-22:00) -> Acesta este OPTIONAL !

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,20.02.2015, at 19:55 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.


Cine are de platit o amenda pe data de 20.01.2016 sa verifice in acest topic. ( AICI )

Dupa ce ati platit amenda, faceti poza si postati in acest topic. ( AICI )

Daca nu platit amenda in 48h primit FW !

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Astazi 22.01.2016 ora 19:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. RDT LV - DEFFEND - Southern Pimps(20:00-20:30)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,22.02.2015, at 19:55 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.


Cine are de platit o amenda pe data de 20.01.2016 si 21.01.2016 sa verifice in acest topic. ( AICI )

Dupa ce ati platit amenda, faceti poza si postati in acest topic. ( AICI )

Daca nu platit amenda in 48h primit FW !

Edited by AIM BlasT TARZAN
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Maine 25.01.2016 ora 19:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. RDT LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps(20:00-20:30)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Tomorow,25.02.2015, at 19:55 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

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Astazi 26.01.2016 ora 20:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. RDT LV - ATTACK - Southern Pimps(21:00-21:30)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,26.01.2015, at 20:55 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

Edited by AIM BlasT TARZAN
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Astazi 27.01.2016 ora 20:55 vreau sa fiti toti in HQ pentru warr-uri, cine lipseste nemotivat va primi FW !

Warr-uri :

1. Bratva I LV- ATTACK -The Tsar Bratva I(21:00-21:30)

In cazul in care nu puteti ajunge, faceti o invoire in topicul "invoiri", acceptam maxim 3 !



Today,27.01.2015, at 20:55 (in-game time) everybody in HQ for wars! Who can't come will post a consent request with a good reason. The absence without a consent request will be punished with FW. I will accept just 3 consent requests.

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