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69 Pier Mobs - Discutii - Discussions


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Din TTB nu l.am inghitit pe shadowking asta, cand a intrat in 69, ma gandeam ca o sa faca vreo prostie si am ezitat sa va anunt. Iar "sotia" lui e in aceeasi oala, ce se vorbeste pe /f in ELC stie toata Avispa, in special blast.

Toti membri 69 trebuiesc trecuti ca legende, pentru eforturile sustinute de a aduce mafia in top si de a o tine acolo, si o rubrica pentru dezertori speciala pentru Baroos ! Salut & pup all.

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Ce pot să zic doar că sunt mândru ce am făcut eu cu toți membrii care au fost alături de mine chiar și când am pierdut și am câștigat. De când sunt aici am reușit să luăm orașul de cel puțin 7 ori. Bravo shadowking vedete-aș lângă străbunicu. Să nu zic altfel te așteptăm pe skype să discutăm mai bine.

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@, fain discurs, ai +1 :)). Apropo unde ai invatat sa injuri asa ? :)).

Lasand gluma la o parte e cam naspa ce o sa urmeze. E si vina lui Unchiu. deoarece in calitate de lider nu ai voie sa injuri cel putin asa scrie in regulament. In fine asta e cred ca am sa ma duc cu fratii mei in GSB sau TTB, ma decid azi daca o sa se dea wipe.

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Hi guys!

07.03.2016,between 20:00 - 22:00 i want you all to be online to be present at wars.For the persons who are absent without a pass request, there will be a sanction of faction warn.

The Tsar Bratva - FBI SF: 20:00 - 20:30 (Defend)
2. Southern pimps - Jizzy SF: 21:30 - 22:00 (Defend)

and as termi said HERE!
You need to get the job of arms dealer before the beginning of wars, also you need to buy enough materials.Who is caught with another job at wars will get directly a faction warn.

-Try to connect to the server before 19:30 (as you know the server reaches 1000/1000 at wars time)

For the persons who are absent without a pass request, there will be a sanction of faction warn.
> so if you can't come to wars you can post an absence request HERE!, but i will accept only
5 pass requests maximum per day
and i will be
the responsible person of the wars evidence and i will reply to the topic of pass requests at every day of war at 19:45--20:00(server time), so any pass requests made after my post will be rejected automatically.
so starting from
monday the presence at wars will be obligatory, and this is some things you need to know in wars:

** if we have 4 wars **
Absent at
1/4 wars - fine 500$

Absent at 2/4 wars - Verbal Warning
Absent at 3/4 wars - Verbal Warning + fine 1.000$.
Absent at 4/4 wars - Faction Warn.

** if we have 3 wars:

Absent at
1/3 wars- Verbal Warning
Absent at 2/3 wars - Verbal Warning + fine 1000$
Absent at 3/3 wars - Faction Warn.

** if we have 2 wars:

Absent at
1/2 wars- Verbal Warning
Absent at 2/2 wars- Faction Warn
>> ( absent 1/1 wars-Faction Warn)

* 2 Verbal Warning = Faction Warn
* You have 24 hours to pay the ticket otherwise you will receive a Faction Warn

*If you don't have the minimum seconds in turf ( 900sec) = absent

*score -10 in war: 7000$
*score -15 in war: Faction Warn

HERE you can pay the fines

Good luck!

Edited by TheEmperror
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The.emperror in the rules there 750 seconds on turf not 900sec.

i get verbal warning for what....


Check rules..


6. Being active on turf at war is very important. If you don't have 750 seconds on turf you will get a Verbal Warning.

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@, we can choose how much sec we want at every war , theemperror is not wrong , also he mentioned above that you need 900 sec ( *If you don't have the minimum seconds in turf ( 900sec) = absent ) , next time be more careful

Edited by South Termi
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Hello guys, Losing that war vs SP doesn't mean that we're nobs, they are campers + Seeing you coming back from 7-1 to 7-6 that's a great progress, really.


Now think about later, Please Termi, Psyco or Emperor, attack turf Navel basel. Good Night.

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Hello nabs , gg for wars todayy :)) attack hq+rentbike , i hope we win tomorrow

@, how old are you man ? =)) go away son

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