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SF Police Department - 💬 Discuții / Discussions 💬


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Haha thats a really good spiderman basketball player :O

Cum a fost azi in joc? Eu nu am reusit sa intru deloc, maine revin in bucuresti, ne auzim la antrenament si sedinta. Noapte buna SFPD!

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Bafta mai departe Lucenzo, ai fost un coleg de nota 10, pot spune ca ne-am inteles extraordinar si niciodata nu ai avut un comportament inadecvat.

Bafta mai departe Tatarusanu, ai fost un coleg de nota 10, glumet, ne-am inteles bine.

Sper ca intr-o zi sa fim iar colegi.

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Buna dimineata SFPD, ce faceti? Mi-e dor sa intru si eu in joc :)) ne auzim in-game mai pe dupa-amiaza pe la ora 5-6 cand ajung si eu acasa. Bafta la licente & wanted!

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Bye to the people who left :(. I'll miss me 2 nabs :)).




Good morning. I have an extra 20 points to make before I can post my report haha. And don't forget meeting and training today too!


Bye to the people who left :(. I'll miss me 2 nabs :)).




Good morning. I have an extra 20 points to make before I can post my report haha. And don't forget meeting and training today too!

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Topic raport de activitate deschis pana acum? Wow, bine de cei care nu au postat:)) au postat dupa 18:00. Noapte buna, sau dimineata buna

Astazi eu plec in cantonament, sper sa ne vedem curand, sper sa fie si wifi acolo sa pot intra...oricum, va urez o saptamana placuta daca nu pot intra:D

Edited by Officer ALy
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Buna dimineata San Fierro Police Department. Spor la licente & amenzi, eu trebuie sa plec de acasa acum pana la antrenament si pe urma sa imi scot cazierul de la politie, ne auzim pe dupa-amiaza! Salut.

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