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SF Police Department - 📣 Anunţuri Importante / Important Announcements 📣


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In saptamana 23.12.2013 - 01.01.2014 raportul de activitate nu este obligatoriu.

Cine reuseste sa faca raport best (peste 100 puncte roads, peste 140 puncte swat) va primi +3 rapoarte (nu +2).


Primele de Craciun se vor da incepand cu Sambata (21.12.2013) pana Marti (24.12.2013).

Pentru a primi banii trebuie sa ma contactati in joc (/r /sms etc).

Banii se dau in functie de rankul vostru, deci:

- Rank 1 = 10,000$

- Rank 2 = 12,000$

- Rank 3 = 15,000$

- Rank 4+ = 20,000$


Pe 29.12.2013 NU se vor tine antrenamente sau sedinte !




In the period 23.12.2013 - 01.01.2014 the activity report will not be mandatory (not obliged to do it).

Who manages to make best report (over 100 points roads, over 140 points swat) will get +3 reports (not +2).


Christmas bonuses will be given starting from Saturday (21.12.2013) untill Tuesday (24.12.2013).

To get the money you must contact me in game (/r /sms etc).

The money will be given by rank:

- Rank 1 = 10,000$

- Rank 2 = 12,000$

- Rank 3 = 15,000$

- Rank 4+ = 20,000$


On the 29.12.2013 there will be NO trainings or meetings held !






1. Xtazy - a primit prima

2. Adolfe - a primit prima

3. Hero - recived the bonus

4. Dajicu - a primit prima

5. Sasa_sale - recived the bonus

6. liewo - a primit prima

7. silver - a primit prima

8. dany - a primit prima

9. kadircenko - recived the bonus

10. RazvyBest - a primit prima

Edited by Seba97
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Antrenamentul si Sedinta vor fi mutate cu o ora mai devreme (19:00 respectiv 20:00).

Vor ramane in aceeasi zi ca si pana acum (duminica).


The Training and Meeting will be moved one hour earlier (19:00 and 20:00) * GMT+2

The day will remain the same (sunday).

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Jucatorii AFK on Wanted nu vor mai fi somati si dupa omorati. Se va anunta pe chatul departamentelor [/d] X AFK on Wanted si se va face o poza care sa dovedeasca ca este AFK. Urmatorul politist care vine dupa 3 minute obligatorii si il gaseste tot AFK il va putea omora pe baza dovezilor polistului anterior.



AFK on Wanted players won't be summoned and killed immediately. After you summon a AFK on Wanted player you must announce on [/d] "X AFK on Wanted" and make a Screenshot proving that the suspect is AFK. The next cop who comes after MINIMUM 3 minutes finds the suspect still AFK can kill the suspect using the proofs from the previous cop.

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14/04/2014 - 21/04/2014 : Raportul de activitate este facultativ.


12.04.2014 s-a finalizat parteneriatul cu cei din Southern Pimps. In timp ce noi le vom oferii servicii cu pretul minim (/lawyer), ei ne vor oferii toate serviciile lor cu 1$ (refill si repair), ajutor in diferite situatii etc. Daca vad un comportament lipsit de respect fata de orice membru Southern Pimps, veti fi sanctionati ca atare.


14/04/2014 - 21/04/2014 : Activity report is optional.


12.04.2014 a new partnership was established with Southern Pimps. While we will offer them (/lawyer) with the minimum price, they will offer us all their services with 1$( refill and repair), help in different situations etc. If i notice a bad behaviour towards an Southern Pimps member, you will be punished.

Edited by GF DaNy
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A fost modificata regula cu privire la confiscarea licentelor jucatorilor AFK in Jail.

Atentie: Nu aveti voie sa confiscati licentele jucatorilor AFK (pe ESC sau /sleep). Daca un jucator se afla AFK in Jail NU aveti voie sa ii confiscati licentele !






The rule regarding AFK players was changed.

Attention: You are not allowed to confiscate the licenses of AFK players ( on ESC or /sleep ). If a player is AFK in Jail you are NOT allowed to confiscate his licenses.

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- Dacă prindeţi un civil cu levelul cuprins între 1 şi 3 îi daţi o amenda in valoare de 50$ şi nu îi suspendaţi licenţa de condus (daca e cazul).
- Dacă prindeţi un civil cu levelul cuprins între 4 si 7 ii dati o amenda in valoare de
-- Dacă prindeţi un civil cu levelul cuprins între 4 si 7 caruia trebuie sa-i suspendati licenta va avea dreptul să aleagă între suspendarea licenţei de condus si amenda
100$ .

- Dacă prindeţi un civil cu levelul 8+ îi daţi amenda maxima (in functie de caz).




- If you catch a civilian with level between 1 and 3 is driving illegaly you must give them a fine that costs
50$ . You can't suspend their license.
- If you catch a civilian with the level between 4 and 7 must get a fine you give them one that costs
100$ .
- If you catch a civilian with the level between 4 and 7 is driving illegaly he will have the right to chose between
1 00$ fine and confiscating the driving license.
- If you catch a civilian with the level 8+ he will recive the full ticket.

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Primaria are parteneriat cu San Fierro Police Departament!

Din acest parteneriat rezulta urmatoarele:

-In primul rand respectul reciproc;

-Primaria premiaza cel mai bun raport al unui membru SFPD cu o suma de bani saptamanal (cel mai bun raport SWAT si cel mai bun raport ROADS va fi premiat, fiecare, cu cate 15,000$)

-Primaria ofera servicii de mechanic cu 1$ membriilor SFPD;

-Membrii SFPD ofera protectie la orice activitate a primariei;

-Membrii SFPD ofera saptamanal [/accept lawyer] avocatilor primariei (5.000$/accept);

-Fiecare membru SFPD care vinde un accept unui avocat al primariei va primi in plus 2.000$;

Edited by GF DaNy
Pret accept
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Modificari (17.05.2014)


Sedinta / Antrenament:

--Antrenamentul va avea loc in fiecare Duminica la ora 14:00!

--Sedinta va avea loc in fiecare Duminica la ora 15:00!

*Antrenamentul / sedinta de pe data de 18.05.2014 se va tine la aceeasi ora ca si pana acum.


A fost adaugat raportul obligatoriu si pentru membrii de rank 5. Acestia au obligatia de a intocmi saptamanal un raport de minim 25 de puncte, dupa criteriile SWAT.


Raport de activitate:

--o licenta suspendata - poza sa contina /id.

--o amenda data - poza sa contina /id.


Parteneriatul dintre Southern Pimps si SFPD a fost anulat.

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**Duminică, 01.06.2014 la ora 19:00 va avea loc un War For Fun impreuna cu LSPD si LVPD împotriva celor din Hitmen Agency.



  • LocaÅ£ia War-ului va fi zona Montgomery.
  • Ne vom aduna cu 10 minute mai devreme.
  • Durata war-ului este de 1 ora.
  • AveÅ£i voie cu toate armele si armura.

Prezenta este Obligatorie. Cine nu poate veni să posteze în topicul de învoiri sau va primi FactionWarn.



**Raportul de activitate nu mai este obligatoriu pentru membrii de Rank 5.


**Sedinta si Antrenamentul de Duminica (1 Iunie) vor fi anulate.


**Incepand de luna viitoare, aveti dreptul doar la maxim 2 cereri de invoire / luna.


**Sunday, 01.06.2014 at 19:00 there will be a War For Fun together with LVPD and LSPD against Hitmen Agency.



  • Location of War will be Montgomery.
  • We'll get there 10 minutes earlier.
  • The duration of the war is 1 hour.
  • All weapons and armor.

Attending to this activity is mandatory. If you can't come please post a Pass request or you will get FactionWarn.


**Activity report is no longer obligatory for members of Rank 5.


**The Meeting and Training from Sunday (1st June) will be cancelled.


**Starting with next month, you can only make two pass requests / 1 month.


Edited by D a n y
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1. In urma update-ului din data de 06.06.2014, a fost introdus level-ul playerului in textul de amenda, respectiv confiscate. Asadar, de astazi, 09.06.2014, nu mai este obligatoriu sa apara comanda /id in poza de raport pentru cele 2 comenzi (/confiscate si /ticket).


2. A fost introdusa urmatoarea regula in Regulamentul Intern:

  • Membrilor Tow Truck Company care se afla in procesul de tractare a unui masini si au girofarul aprins nu l-i se va confisca licenta de condus pentru condus neregulamentar. Aceasta regula se aplica doar pe durata tractarii vehicului.




1. Due to the new update (06.06.214), when the ID of the player was introduced in the ticket and confiscate text, you are no more obliged to use /id in the activity report's screenshots.


2. The following rule has been added to Internal Rules:

  • If a Tow Truck Company member is towing a vehicle and he has the siren ON you are NOT allowed to confiscate his driving license for illegal driving. This rule only applies only when he tows a vehicle.
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Au avut loc mici modificari in Wanted List!



Wanted List / Arrest List:

Wanted 1 ( /arrest ID )
- Murder [ S ]

- Car jacking [ S ]

- Apeluri nefondate la 112
- War

Wanted 2 ( /arrest ID )
- Atacarea unui civil
- Neconformare ordin
- Pătrunderea pe proprietăţi guvernamentale (închisoarea, garajul LSPD, FBI şi NG, area 51)
- Neprezentarea actelor în faţa unui poliţist

Wanted 3 ( /arrest ID )
- Răpirea unui civil
- Posesie droguri / Folosire droguri (wanted + /confiscate)
- Atacarea unui poliţist (Cop attack)
- Neplată amendă

- Car Lock Picker [ S ]

Wanted 4 ( /arrest ID )
- Drive-by shot sau călcat
- Dare de mită
- Omorârea unui civil (Civil kill)

Wanted 5 ( /arrest ID )
- Răpirea unui poliţist
- Omorârea unui poliţist (Cop Kill)

Wanted 6 ( /arrest ID )
- Bank robbery * [ S ]

- Department Car Jacking * [ S ]

- Runner (fugar) *
- DM în Jail
- Complice la fuga unui criminal

* - Nu are drept de predare.

[ S ] - Wanted acordat de server.



Wanted List / Arrest list:

Wanted 1 ( /arrest ID )

- Murder [ S ]
- Car jacking [ S ]
- 112 prank calls

- War *

Wanted 2 ( /arrest ID )
- Attacking a civilian
- Disobeying orders
- Trespassing on a Governmental Territory (LSPD garrage, SFPD garrage, LVPD garrage, Area 51, Jail)
- Not showing the licenses to an officer

Wanted 3 ( /arrest ID )
- Kidnapping a civilian
- Possession of drugs / Drugs use ( wanted + /confiscate )
- Not paying the ticket
- Attacking an officer ( Cop attack )

- Car Lock Picker [ S ]

Wanted 4 ( /arrest ID )
- Drive-by shot or hit
- Bribery
- Killing a civilian ( civil kill )

Wanted 5 ( /arrest ID )
- Kidnapping an officer
- Killing an officer ( cop kill )

Wanted 6 ( /arrest ID )
- Bank robbery * [ S ]

- Department Car Jacking * [ S ]

- Runner *
- DM in Jail
- Accomplice for another criminal

* - doesn’t have the right to surrender ( KILL ON SIGHT ).

[ S ] - Wanted given by the server.


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Incepand de sptamana viitoare:


Raport de activitate

*Pentru a usura munca celor care verifica rapoartele de activitate este OBLIGATORIU ca fiecare membru sa foloseasca font de culoarea destinata echipei din care face parte (portocaliu pentru echipa rutiera si albastru pentru echipa SWAT).


*Punctajul minim pentru echipa Rutiera este de 60 de puncte pentru membrii rank 1 si 2. Pentru membrii echipei rutiera rank 3+ punctajul minim este de 30 de puncte.
Punctajul minim pentru echipa SWAT este de 80 de puncte pentru membrii rank 2 si 3. Pentru membrii echipei swat rank 4+ punctajul minim este de 40 de puncte.

Best SWAT: 150p

Best ROADS: 100p


Antrenament / Sedinta

*Antrenamentul si sedinta vor avea loc din doua in doua saptamani (pe timp de vara).

6/07/2014 - 20/07/2014 - 3/08/2014 - 17/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 - 14/09/2014


*A fost scoasa urmatoarea regula:

Aveti dreptul doar la maxim 2 cereri de invoire / luna.



*A fost modificat modelul de postare al unei cereri de invoire:

* Nick:
* Rank:
* Echipa:
* Lipsesc din motivul:

* Antrenament / Sedinta:
* Alte precizari?:


Aplica SWAT

*A fost introdus un test pentru a putea intra in echipa SWAT.

-5 dueluri (arma: deagle) – trebuie sa castigati 3 dueluri din 5.




Activity Report

*In order to help the members who verify the activity reports you must use the color of your team when posting your activity report (orange for Roads team and blue for SWAT team).


*The minimum score for the Roads team is 60 points for members rank 1 and 2. For members of the roads team rank 3+ the minimum score is 30 points.
The minimum score for the SWAT team is 80 points for members rank 2 and 3. For members of the swat team rank 4+ the minimum score is 40 points.

Best SWAT: 150p

Best ROADS: 100p


Training and Meeting

*Training and meeting will be held every two weeks.(summer)

6/07/2014 - 20/07/2014 - 3/08/2014 - 17/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 - 14/09/2014


*The next rule was removed:

You can only make two pass requests / 1 month.


Pass Requests

*The new model:

* Nickname:
* Rank:
* Team: ( Roads or Swat )
* I will be gone because:

* Training / Meeting:
* Other specifications?:


Apply SWAT

It introduced a test to join in SWAT team.

-5 duels (the gun: deagle) - you must win 3 duels of 5.

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I. Incepand cu data de 06.07.2014, ora 14:00, o noua regula intra in vigoare privind amenzile:


- Încălcarea limitei de viteză cu 50 km/h sau peste 50km/h - 500$ amenda + anularea permisului de conducere


*Aceasta regula este doar pentru cei de level 8+.



I. From now on (06.07.2014, 14:00 hours), a new rule regarding overspeed has been added:

- Violation of the speed limit with 50 km/h or more than 50km/h- 500$ ticket + confiscation of the driving license

*This rule is only for those of level 8 +.

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1. Nu aveți voie să stați la pândă în alte orașe cu radarul sau să confiscați carnete pentru condus neregulamentar. O excepție de la regulă poate fi doar atunci când sunteți în trecere. Dacă dovezile pe care le aveți dovedesc că nu erați doar în trecere, sunteți sancționat (era regula nescrisa).


2. Metoda WAR

  • Cum departamentele au mereu de lucru cu wantedul È™i gangsterii se plâng că nu-È™i pot duce warurile la bun sfârÈ™it am hotărât să înlăturăm intervenÈ›iile poliÈ›iei la waruri. Se va interveni doar în cazul gangsterilor cu wanted È™i vor fi întrebaÈ›i dacă se predau (în cazul în care au drept de predare) sau omorâți (dacă nu au).


3. Am adaugat un nou punctaj pentru rapoartele de activitate, si anume pentru wantedul "neprezentare acte".

  • Un wanted acordat (neconformare ordin, neprezentare acte): - 1 punct;


Noul model al raportului de activitate: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/126055-sf-police-department-raport-de-activitate-activity-report/




1. You are not allowed to use /startradar or to confiscate licenses / give tickets in other cities than Las Venturas. An exception is when you are passing by. If your proofs are not demonstrating that you were passing by, you will be sanctioned.


2. Method WAR

  • Since departments always have players with wanted and gangsters always complain about the inability to have wars till the end we have decided to renounce police interventions during wars. Police will intervene only if there are gangsters with wanted and will ask them to surrender (if they have the right to do so) or kill them (if not).


3. I have added a new score for the activity reports (wanted "not showing licenses").

  • One wanted given (disobeying orders, not showing licenses): - 1 point;

New model of Activity Report: http://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/126055-sf-police-department-raport-de-activitate-activity-report/


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1. Orice somatie trebuie sa fie pe nume (level 1+). Intre somatii trebuie sa fie un interval minim 5 secunde.


2. Jucatori cu level cuprins intre 1 si 4 vor primi maxim wanted 1, indiferent de fapta (setat din script).

* Jucatorii cu level 5+ vor primi sanctiunea maxima, in functie de caz.


3. Membrii rank 3+ pot merge dupa wanted si aresta cu apoape orice masina personala. Este interzis ca echipa Roads sa foloseasca masina personala (sa stea la panda, sa dea amenzi, etc).


4. Nu mai trebuie sa anuntati pe /d cand luati un suspect in custodie. Cu toate acestea, sunteti obligati sa folositi /cuff.




1. The summons have to contain the player's name (level 1+). Between summons should be an interval of 5 seconds.


2. Players with level from 1 to 4 will receive maximum wanted 1 for any crime (script restriction).

* Players with level 5 + will receive the maximum penalty, depending on the case.


3. Members rank 3+ can go after wanted and can arrest suspects from (almost) any vehicle. You are not allowed to use personal cars for Roads (confiscating licenses / giving tickets, etc).


4. There is no longer need to announce on /d when you take a suspect into custody. Anyway, you are obliged to use /cuff.

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Duminica, 31.08.2014, la ora 20:00 va avea loc un WAR 4 FUN intre departamente. Locatia: Oraselul Blueberry de langa Los Santos. PD vs NG + FBI

Vreau sa fiti prezenti cat mai multi. Cine nu poate sa vina are obligatia de a-mi trimite PM cu motivul. In caz contrar, cei absenti nemotivati vor primi Faction Warn.

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1. Au fost adaugate noi reguli cu privire la confiscarea armelor jucatorilor:

- Este interzis sa confiscati armele unui suspect daca acesta nu are drept de predare.

- Este interzis sa confiscati armele unui jucator care se afla in HQ sau in curtea HQ-ului, daca acesta nu va ataca sau le foloseste pentru a ataca alti jucatori.

- Este permis sa confiscati armele unui suspect cu drept de predare, daca acesta la tine la vedere sau ataca alti jucatori.

2. A fost readaugat testul de intrare in echipa SWAT. Trebuie sa faceti 5 duele deagle cu Liderul / Sub-liderul si sa castgati cel putin 3 din ele pentru a intra.


1. New rules about confiscating player's weapons were added:

- It's forbidden to confiscate a suspect's weapons if he doesn't have right to surrender

- It's forbidden to confiscate a player's weapons if he is in or near his HQ. You can confiscate them only if he attacks someone.

- It's allowed to confiscate a player's weapons if he has right to surrender.

2. I added the SWAT Team entrance test. You have to make 5 deagle duels with the Leader / Sub-Leader and to win at least 3 of them to enter Swat.


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1. Regulamentul a fost imbunatatit. Regulile importante care lipseau au fost adaugate. Va sugerez sa il cititi din nou pe tot pentru a nu avea probleme.

2. Majoritatea topicurilor importante au fost imbunatatite. Au fost adaugate mai multe informatii pe prima pagina, iar la unele topicuri a fost schimbat / imbunatatit modelul de postare. Din nou va sugerez sa cititi din nou tot ce se afla pe prima pagina a lor.

3. Vor urma in curand mici schimbari cu privire la raport, dar si la Sedinte / Antrenamente, deoarece Luni incepe scoala. Urmariti topicul de ,,Anunturi importante" pentru a afla aceste schimbari.



1. The Rule Book got updated. Important missing rules were added. I suggest to read it again to avoid problems.

2. Most of the important topic got updated. New information were added on the first page, and some of them had their posting model changed. Again I suggest you to read the first page of every important topic.

3. In the near future I will change some rules about the activity report and about Meetings / Trainings, because the school starts on Monday. Watch the ,,Important Announces" topic to find out these changes.

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1. Punctajul minim al raportului de activitate a fost schimbat. Echipa Roads Rank 1-2: Minim 50p, Rank 3+ La fel 30p. Echipa SWAT Rank 2-3: Minim 70p, Rank 4+ La fel 40p.

2. Am creat un poll unde puteti vota Data si Ora Sedintei si a Antrenamentului.

3. Incepand de azi, dovezile sunt valabile numai 3 zile! Asta inseamna ca aveti la dispozitie 3 zile sa sanctionati pe cineva.

4. Numarul maxim de membrii al departamentelor a fost marit la 40, exceptie NG care au 50 de locuri.



1. The minimum points for the activity report were slightly changed. Roads Team Rank 1-2: Minimum 50p, Rank 3+ as ussualy 30p. SWAT Team Rank 2-3: Minimum 70p, Rank 4+ as ussualy 40p.

2. I have created a poll where you can vote the Date and Hours of the Meetings / Trainings.

3. From now on, the proofs are available only 3 days! This means you have only 3 days to punish someone.

4. Maximum number of department members was risen to 40, exception NG which has 50 slots.

Edited by Reyzard
Am uitat sa precizez ceva
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1. Noul Assitant Chief al San Fierro Police Department (sub-lider) este DonGambetta.

2. Antrenamentul va avea loc in fiecare Duminica de la ora 20:00, iar Sedinta de la ora 21:00. De asemenea noi reguli legate de Antrenament si sedinta au fost adaugate. Mai multe detalii:

- Antrenamentul va avea loc in fiecare Duminica de la ora 20:00, iar sedinta va avea loc Duminica de la ora 21:00.

- Aveti dreptul de a intarzia 10 minute la antrenament. Daca veniti in intervalul 20:00 - 20:10 nu veti fi sanctionati. Daca veniti in intervalul 20:10 - 20:30 veti fi sanctionati cu Avertisment Verbal pentru intarziere la Antrenament. Daca ajungeti dupa ora 20:30, NU veti fi primiti la activitate si veti fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn pentru absenta la Antrenament si Sedinta.

- Cine nu poate veni la Antrenament/Sedinta este obligat sa posteze in topicul de Invoiri. In caz contrar veti fi sanctionati cu FW.

- Daca faceti cerere de invoire veti fi invoiti atat pentru Antrenament cat si pentru Sedinta.

- Daca veniti la Antrenament sunteti obligati sa participati si la Sedinta. Daca chiar nu puteti ramane veniti la cel care sustine antrenamentul si ii spuneti pe [/w] de ce trebuie sa plecati.

- În timpul ședințelor sau antrenamentelor veți opri telefoanele și veți asculta de Lider sau Sublider până când acesta vă va da voie să vorbiți.

3. Noi informatii adaugate in Ghidul Incepatorului:

4.2. Atacarea unui politist (wanted 3)

- se acordă doar daca civilul v-a lovit de cel putin 4-5 ori

4.3. Omorarea unui politist (wanted 5)

- nu se iau in considerare pozele care au pe chat /call 112, dar care nu contin Data si Logo-ul

- e de preferat sa faceti si cateva poze din momentul in care civilul va ataca pentru a vedea daca v-a omorat intentionat

4. Locurile echipei SWAT au fost marite la 20. Cei de Rank 2+ pot aplica si apoi da testul cu Liderul / Sub-liderul.



1. The new Assistant Chief of San Fierro Police Department (sub-leader) is DonGambetta.

2. The Training will now take place on Sunday at 20:00 and the Meeting at 21:00. Also new rules regarding the Training and Meeting were added. For more details:

- The Training will take place on Sunday at 20:00 and the Meeting will be after the Training at 21:00.

- You have the right to be late at the Training for 10 minutes. So if you come to the Training between 20:00 and 20:10, you will be forgived. If you come between 20:10 and 20:30, you will get a Verbal Warn for being late to the training. After 20:30 you won't be allowed to participate at the Training or Meeting and you will get Faction Warn for absence.

- If you can't come to the meeting/training you have to make a pass request in the topic. Other way, you will receive FW.

- If you make a pass request you will be forgived for both Training and Meeting.

- If you come to the Training, you are obbligated to come to the Meeting too. If you really can't stay for the Meeting, go to the Training Leader and tell him on [/w] why do you have to go.
- During meetings or tranings you need to turn off your phones and listen to what the Leader or Subleader has to say until they let you talk.

3. New information were added in the Begginer's Guide:

4.2 Cop attack (wanted 3)

- you are allowed to give wanted only if the civilian attacked you at least 4-5 times (4-5 punches or 4-5 bullets)

4.2 Cop kill (wanted 5)

- the photos which has the /call 112 message, but they don't have the Date and the Logo (Bottom Right), will not be accepted as proof

- it is most likely to make photos when the civilian attacks you, to be sure that his intention was to kill you

4. The slots for SWAT Team has been risen to 20. Rank 2+ can apply and then take the gun test with the Leader / Sub-Leader.

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Au fost adaugate skinurile pe echipe. Aveti 2 zile sa schimbati skinurile dupa echipa si rankul vostru. Cine va fi prins ca poarta alt skin va fi sanctionat.


The skins by teams were added. You have 2 days to change the skin after your team and rank. Who will be caught wearing other skin, will get punished.


Skinuri dupa RANK si ECHIPA:

Rank 1 - Au doar un skin si sunt doar din echipa Rutiera - Skin_71.png

Rank 2 Rutiera - Skin_284.png

Rank 2 SWAT - Skin_280.png

Rank 3 Rutiera - Skin_282.png

Rank 3 SWAT - Skin_281.png

Rank 4 - Au doar un skin - Skin_266.png

Rank 5 Rutiera - Skin_288.png

Rank 5 SWAT - Skin_283.png

Rank 6 (Sub-Lider) - Are doar un skin si poate actiona la ambele echipe - Skin_267.png

Lider - Are doar un skin si poate actiona la ambele echipe - Skin_265.png

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Noua regula cu privire la antrenamente si sedinte: - Intr-o luna aveti voie sa faceti MAXIM 2 cereri de invoire de la antrenament si sedinta. Adica sunteti obligati sa fiti prezenti macar la 2 antrenamente si sedinte pe luna. In caz contrar veti fi sanctionati cu FW.

De asemenea modelul de postare al unei invoiri a primit un nou camp: Invoirea numarul: x/2


A new rule about the training and meeting was added: - In a month you are allowed to make a maximum of 2 pass requests from the training / meeting. That means you are obligated to come to at least 2 trainings / meetings per month. If you don't, you will be punished with FW.

As well the posting model of a pass request got a new field: Request number: x/2

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Sambata, 11.10.2014, la ora 20:30 va avea loc o activitate intre mai multe factiuni de pe server, la care vom participa si noi. Vor fi 3 event-uri diferite. Race cu un anumit tip de masina + rotile sparte, Duele 1 vs 1 cu o arma speciala, Maraton. Locatia, premiul si celelalte detalii le veti afla la momentul respectiv. Prezenta este OBLIGATORIE. Daca nu puteti, veni sunteti OBLIGATI sa imi trimiteti PM cu motivul absentei. Daca nu va prezentati si nu aveti nici cerere de invoire, veti primi un Avertisment Verbal.


Saturday, 11.10.2014, at 20:30 will be some events with some other factions from the server. We will be there too. There will be 3 different events. Race with broken wheels, Duels 1 vs 1 with a special weapon, and Marathon. You will find out the location, the prize and other details at the right moment. Presence is OBLIGATORY. If you can't come, you are OBLIGATED to send me a PM with your absence reason. If you will be absent without a pass request, you will receive a Verbal Warning.

Edited by Reyzard
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Activitatea nu mai va avea loc datorita problemelor de organizare si a lagului de pe server. In compensatie, maine la antrenament vom face un WAR cu cei din NG.


The activity won't take place anymore because of the organisation problems and the lag from the server. For compensation, tomorrow at the training we will make a WAR with NG.

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