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SF Police Department - 📣 Anunţuri Importante / Important Announcements 📣


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Regula: " - Intr-o luna aveti voie sa faceti MAXIM 2 cereri de invoire de la antrenament si sedinta. Adica sunteti obligati sa fiti prezenti macar la 2 antrenamente si sedinte pe luna. In caz contrar veti fi sanctionati cu FW."

A fost scoasa! Consider ca nu da randament si deja am cateva plangeri de la unii dintre voi in privinta acesteia. Dar, de acum inainte, prezenta voastra la Antrenamene / Sedinte va conta pentru Rank-Up!



Rule: " - In a month you are allowed to make MAXIMUM 2 pass request for Training and Meeting. That means you are obligated to be present at least at 2 Trainings / Meetings per month. Other way you will receive FW."

Was deleted! I think that it wasn't a very efficient rule and I've already got complaints from some of you regarding this rule. But, from now on, your presence at Trainings / Meeting will count on Rank-Ups!


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Au fost adaugate urmatoarele reguli:



- Sunteti obligati sa somati suspectii de minim 3 ori inainte de a le acorda wanted (Neconformare Ordin sau Runner). Cine nu respecta aceasta regula va fi sanctionat drastic.

- Sunteti obligati sa somati suspectii in functie de ceea ce au facut. Daca un suspect are wanted si l-ati prins cu radarul, nu il somati cu [/ms] deoarece lui ii va aparea mesajul ,,Te predai?!" in loc de ,,Trage pe dreapta!". In aceste cazuri folositi [/m].


Raport de activitate:

- In urma Update-urilor, suspectii care au wanted si ies de pe server in momentul in care sunt in apropierea unui politist cu find pe ei vor intra in Jail direct. Politistului ii va aparea un mesaj, iar acesta poate fi pus ca punct pentru raport impreuna cu ceilalti ,,Suspecti Ucisi".

- In urma Update-urilor, suspectii care nu au wanted si ies de pe server si au fost somati prin [/ms] cel putin o data vor primi wanted. Politistului ii va aparea un mesaj, iar acesta poate fi pus ca punct pentru raport impreuna cu wanted-urile Neconformare Ordin.



New rules were added:



- You are obligated to summon the Suspects at least 3 times before you give him Wanted (Disobeying Orders or Runner). Who doesn't respect this rule will get punished.

- You are obligated to summon the Suspects after what they did. If a suspect has wanted and you caught him in the radar don't summon him with [/ms] because he will receive the message ,,Do you surrender?!" instead of ,,Pull over!". In this cases use [/m].


Activity Report

- Because of the Updates, now the suspects who have wanted and leave the server when a cop is nearby with [/find] on them, will automatically receive Jail Time. A message will appear and it can count as a point for ,,Suspects killed" in the activity report.

- Because of the Updates, now the suspects who leave the server after they were summoned at least one time will automatically receive wanted. A message will appear and you are allowed to place it in the Disobeying Order field and count it as a point for your activity reports.

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Duminica, 16.11.2014, la antrenament, vom lua parte la un WAR intre departamente. Locatia: Blueberry ; Echipe: SFPD + LSPD vs. LVPD + FBI ; Skin-uri: LSPD si SFPD vor avea skin-ul de Rank 3 Roads, LVPD va avea skin-ul Rank 2 Roads, iar FBI skin-ul lor de Rank 1. Prezenta este obligatorie deoarece war-ul se desfasoara in locul antrenamentului. Pentru invoiri postati in topic dupa modelul normal.



Sunday, 16.11.2014, at the training, we will make a WAR with the other departments. Location: Blueberry ; Teams: SFPD + LSPD vs. LVPD + FBI ; Skins: LSPD and SFPD will take the Rank 3 Roads Skin, LVPD will take the Rank 2 Roads Skin, and FBI will take their Rank 1 Skin. Presence is obligatory because the war takes place at the training. For pass requests post in the right topic after the normal model.

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Romana: A fost adaugata Harta cu locatiile de Radar. Daca aveti si alte idei de locatii trimiteti-mi un PM. Pentru mai multe detalii check ,,Ghidul Incepatorului".



- vei pune radar doar în oraşul San Fierro, conform imaginii de mai jos. Inainte de a amplasa un radar esti obligat sa intrebi daca se afla deja cineva acolo, folosind numele exact al locatiei de pe harta de mai jos. ATENTIE: Nu aveti voie sa amplasati radare in acelasi timp in locatiile numerotate. Adica, daca cineva se afla cu Radar in zona Tunel 1, nu aveti voie sa amplasati radar nici in zona Tunel 2 (La fel si pentru Aero SF 1/2).


English: The Radars Map was added. If you have other ideas of Radar locations send me a PM. For more information check ,,Begginer's Guide".

-You will place radars only in San Fierro, according to the image bellow. Before placing a Radar you are obligated to ask on /r if is someone there already, using the exact name of the location according to the map. ATTENTION: You are not allowed to place Radars at the same time in the numbered locations. For example, if there is a Radar in the location Tunel 1, you are not allowed to place Radar in Tunel 2 (Same with Aero SF 1/2).


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Duminica (07.12.2014) va astept in numar cat mai mare la antrenamentul, respectiv sedinta saptamanala deoarece o sa am cateva lucruri de discutat.
- Antrenamentul a ramas la fel ca pana acum de la ora 20:00 ,iar sedita de la ora 21:00.
- Prezenta este
- Cine nu poate ajunge este rugat sa faca o invoire in topicul de invoiri




Sunday (12/07/2014) will wait in large number in training or as a weekly meeting to have a few things to discus with all.
- Training remained the same as before at 20:00 and at 21:00 meeting.
- Presence is
- Who can can not come must do an pass in the topic of Pass Requests


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Activitate între: National Guard & Red Dragon Triad vs. Los Santos Police Departament, Las Venturas Police Departament, San Fierro Police Departament.
Dată: 14/12/2014
Oră: 20:00.
Locație: Blueberry (ferma veche)
Alte precizări: War 4 fun!


  • Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate ajunge este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire.

  • Aceasta activitate va tine locul antrenamentului saptamanal.

  • Acesta va fi ultima activitate speciala de anul acesta.



Activity between: National Guard & Red Dragon Triad vs. Los Santos Police Departament, Las Venturas Police Departament, San Fierro Police Departament.

Date: 14/12/2014

Hour: 20:00

Location: Blueberry (old farm)

Other specifications:War 4 fun!



  • Presence is obligatory, who can not reach is asked to make a request for invoice.

  • This activity will take place weekly training.

  • This will be the last special activity this year.


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- Incepand cu 21.12.2014 pana pe data de 04.01.2015 aveti dreptul de a tetine orice job legal

- In urmatoarele doua saptamani 22.12.2014 - 05.01.2015 raportul saptamanal va fi optional. Cine va dori sa faca raportul este liber sa o faca, iar daca raportul este incomplet sau gresit acesta nu va fi sanctionat.




- Starting with 21.12.2014 until 01.04.2015 can contain any legal job.

- In the next two weeks
22.12.2014 - 05.01.2015 weekly report will be optional. Who will want to make the report is free to do, and if the report is incomplete or wrong it will not be penalized.

Edited by J o n n Y
greseala minora
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Antrenamentul de astazi (28.12.2014) va fi anulat, dar sedinta se va tine. Cine nu poate ajunge este rugat sa faca o cerere de invoire.


A fost adaugata o noua regula in regulamentul departamentelor


Orice suspect cu wanted care ataca un politist isi pierde automat dreptul de predare politistul avand dreptul sa-l omoare. Daca politistul este omorat acesta va fi sanctionat cu wanted pentru Cop Kill.




Training today (28.12.2014) will be canceled, but the meeting will be held. Who can not get is asked to make a request for invoice.


A new rule has been added in departments rules


Any suspect of attacking a police wanted automatically loses its right to surrender the police has the right to kill. If the police officer is killed, it will result in Kill Cop wanted.

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Duminica incepand cu 20:00 va astept la antrenamentul/sedinta saptamanala.
Event time:
- In locul antrenamentului se va tine un event cu un premiu in bani.
- Eventul va fi de tip LAST CAR STANDING cu DRIVE-BY , iar la urma (inca nu am stabilit exact) probabil ca eventul o sa se termine cu un LAST MAN STANDING intre concurentii din ultimul vehicul ramas.
- Locatia unde se va tine eventul va fi organizat intr-un interior special, ori daca nu in Bayside sau la Aeroportul parasit.
- Va astept intr-un numar cat mai mare si nu uitati ca puteti castiga bani !
Starting Sunday 20:00 (8:00 P.M). expect training / meeting weekly.
Event time:
- Instead of training will be held an event with a cash prize.
- Event type will be the LAST CAR STANDING with DRIVE-BY and after (still have not determined exactly) Event will likely end in a LAST MAN STANDING between competitors in the last vehicle left.
- The location where you will be Event will be held in a special interior, or in Bayside or Airport leaved.
- We expect a large number and remember that you can earn money !


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Atentie : NU este suficientă o poza cu /call 112 pentru a dovedi că un jucător a fost omorât. Datorită unor buguri sau a unor abuzuri, dorim mai multe dovezi, care prezintă situația înainte de crimă.



Warning: One proof with /call 112 it's not enough to prove a murder. Because of some bugs or some abusers we want more proofs, we want to understand the situation before crime.

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Reguli noi:

- Jucatorii de level 8+ care au pe G un alt jucator fara drept de predare vor fi somati o singura data sa foloseasca comanda [/eject] pe jucatorul fara drept. Daca nu se conformeaza in 15 secunde vor fi sanctionati cu Wanted 6 "Complice".

- Jucatorii cu level 8+ care patrund in garajele departamentelor ( trec de poarta de fier ) sau in Area 51 vor primi wanted 2 "Teren Guvernamental" fara somatii.


New Rules:

- Players with level 8+ on G as another player without teaching will be summoned once using the [/eject] on the player without right. If you do not comply will be sanctioned in 15 seconds with Wanted 6 "Accomplice".

- Players with level 8+ garages which go into departments (iron gate pass) or in Area 51 will receive wanted 2 "Government land" without summons.

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Salutare, SFPD! Acesta este primul meu post ca si lider prin care vreau sa va urez succes in timpul carierei mele!

Noul sub-lider al departamentului este Rough17.Felicitari!

Ora si data sedintei/antrenamentului vor ramane neschimbate, duminica la 20, respectiv 21.

Va urez mult succes!



Good afternoon, SFPD! This is my first post as a leader in which i want you to with good luck in my career time!

The new-sublider is Rough17.Congratulations!

The hour and date for meeting/training will remain the same, sunday at 20, respectivly 21. (Romanian hour)

I wish you good luck!

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Modificarea unei reguli din regulamentul intern

Toti membrii rank 5 sunt obligati sa aiba jobul detective, in cazuri speciale puteti lua si jobul de Lawyer. Orice abatere de la aceasta regula va duce la FW.


Changing a rule from internal rules

All rank 5 members must have detective job, in special cases you can also take Lawyer job.Any deviation from this rule will bring you FactionWarn.

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Modificarea unei reguli din regulamentul intern

Toti membrii sunt obligati sa aiba jobul detective, s-a revenit la regula initiala.Nu aveti voie cu alt job, abaterea de la aceasta regula duce la FactionWarn.


Changing a rule from internal rules

All members must have detective job, we returned to old rule.You are not allowed to have another job, any deviation from this rule will bring you FactionWarn.

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Incepand de saptamana viitoare, sistemul rapoartelor de activitate va trece pe RPG.Acest lucru inseamna ca evidenta voastra va fi corectata personal de mine, direct de pe site-ul RPG, unde activitatea voastra va fi in permanent monitorizata.Pentru a va vedea punctele pe care le faceti, accesati site-ul RPG sectiunea Faction Activity.In fiecare luni, ora 00:00, sistemul va face totalizarea rapoartelor, asta insemnand ca se aduna toate punctele care sunt valide si rezultatul mi se comunica mie.Veti putea sa va vedeti activitatea doar din saptamana curenta.

Atentie! Renuntarea la ss-uri se va face incepand cu ziua de luni(30.03.2013).De luni aveti voie sa nu mai faceti ss-uri, toata activitatea voastra fiind contorizata pe site-ul RPG. In aceasta saptamana raportul de activitate va fi postat in mod normal, in topicul cu rapoarte, ca pana acum.

Rapoartele sunt contorizate de luni pana luni, ceea ce inseamna ca veti primi "cadourile" in cursul zilei de marti.Nu voi mai schimba sedinta si antrenamentul, deoarece nu cred ca ii convine nimanui sa o facem in cursul saptamanii.

Atentie! Chiar daca nu voi mai acorda "cadourile" la sedinta, asta nu inseamna ca veti veni odata la cinci sedinte.Cand voi acorda rank, voi tine mult cont de prezenta voastra la antrenamente / sedinte.Nu le neglijati!

Va urez weekend placut tuturor!




Starting with the next week, the activity reports system will move on RPG.It means that your evidence will be corrected personally by me, directly from RPG website, where your activity will be permanently monitorized.For seeing all the points you have made, go on RPG website section Faction Activity.Ever Monday, at 00:00, the system will make the total of your points at your activity report, which means that all the points will gather and the result comes to me.You can see your activity just from the current week.

Attention! You won't give up the ss-s untill Monday(30.03.2013).From Monday you are allowed not to make ss-s anymore, all your activity being counted on RPG website.In this week, you will post your activity report normaly, in activity reports topic, as you did until now.

The activity reports are counted from Monday to Monday, which means that you will recieve the "gifts" during Tuesday.I won't change the meeting / training, because i don't think anyone will like to have the meeting/training during the working week.

Attention! Even if i won't give the gifts at meeting, this doesn't mean that you come once in 5 meetings.When i give rank, I will take into account your presence at meeting/training.Don't neglected them!

I wish you all a nice weekend!

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1)Au fost realizate modificari pe prima pagina a topicului Rapoarte de activitate.Cititi cu mare atentie tot ce scrie acolo.Daca aveti intrebari astept PM.

2)Membrii departamentelor nu vor avea voie sa participe la noua activitate a clanurilor.(graffiti)



1)Changes were made on the first page from Activity Reports topic.Read carefully all what is written there, if you got any questions i am waiting for your PM.

2)Members of the departments are not allowed to participate on the newest clan activity (graffiti).

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Introducerea unei noi reguli in regulamentul intern

Nu aveti voie sa acordati wanted-ul "Cop Attack" jucatorilor care va ataca in Safe-Zone. Le puteti confisca armele. In cazul in care va aflati intr-o masina si sunteti atacat puteti sanctiona civilul cu wanted-ul "Cop Attack".



Introduction of a new rule in internal rules:

You are not allowed to give "Cop Attack" wanted to players who will attack you in Safe-Zone.You can confiscate their weapons.In case that you are in a vehicle and you are attacked, you can punish the civilian with "Cop Attack" wanted.

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Pana in data de 14.04.2015 sunteti scutiti de raportul de activitate, si puteti folosi orice job legal, dar nu abuziv. Bucurati-va de saptamana de vacanta si de venirea sarbatorilor Pascale!



Untill 14.04.2015 you are exempt from your activity report and you can use any legal job that you want, but not abusively. Enjoy your holiday week and coming Easter!



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Introducerea unei noi reguli in ceea ce priveste reclamatiile:

Odată făcută o reclamație unui jucător la facțiune, liderul trebuie să răspundă la ea în maxim 48 de ore iar reclamatul poate aduce (alte) dovezi în maxim 24 de ore.


Introduction of a new rule referring to complaints:

Once a complaint is made for a faction member, the leader must answer it within 48 hours and the plaintiff may bring (other) evidence within 24 hours.

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Introducerea unei noi reguli in regulamentul intern

Jucatorii care muncesc la job-uri nu trebuiesc opriti pentru controale de rutina sau alte instante similare deoarece isi vor pierde misiunea de la job fara nici un motiv bine intemeiat.Pot fi opriti pentru incalcari ale regulilor traficului (si sanctionati) sau atunci cand au wanted.Aceasta regula intra in vigoare din 19.04.2015 ora 15:15 (24h de acum).


Introduction of a new rule in internal rules:

The players who are working at jobs can not be stopped for routine controls or other similar things because they will lose their job mission without a good reason.They can be stopped for violating rules of the road (and punished) or when they have wanted.This rule comes into force from 19.04.2015 at 15:15 (24h from now).

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Introducerea unei noi reguli in regulamentul intern

- Daca un jucator are pe G un suspect evadat din inchisoare soferul va primi wanted 6 "Complice" fara somatii. Se considera ca soferul este constient ca are in masina un suspect fara drept (se observa skinul de evadat si wanted level-ul de deasupra capului).


Introduction of a new rule in internal rules:

- If a player has on G a suspect prison-breaker the driver will recieve wanted 6 "Accomplice" without summons.It is considered that the driver is conscious that he has in his car a suspect without surrender-right ( you can observe the prison-breaker skin and the wanted level above the head ).

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In data de maine, 03.05.2015, ora 20:00, in locul antrenamentului vom organiza un eveniment PTV(Protect the VIP) cu NG, FBI, LSPD, LVPD .Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate sa ajunga trebuie sa faca o invoire in topicul de invoiri.Organizarea si impartirea pe echipe, atat cat si tactica o vom face in armoury. (va rog sa fiti on de la 19:45).


Tomorrow, 03.05.2015, 20:00, in place of our regular training we will organize a PTV event (Protect the VIP) with NG, FBI, LSPD, LVPD.The presence is compulsory, who can't arrive must make a pass request in pass requests topic.The organization and division team will be made in armoury (please be online at 19:45).

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Adaugarea unei noi reguli in regulamentul intern

Membrilor departamentelor le este interzis sa acorde wanted pe zona de clan "Clan Zone".



Introduction of a new rule in internal rules

It is forbidden for department members to give wanted on clan zone named "Clan Zone".

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Duminica, 17.05.2015, ora 20:00, in locul antrenamentului vom organiza un WAR for fun impreuna cu toate departamentele (LSPD,LVPD,SFPD vs NG & FBI).Locatia in care se va desfasura war-ul va fi Blueberry.Prezenta este obligatorie, cine nu poate veni este obligat sa faca o invoire in topicul de invoiri!


Sunday, 17.05.2015, ora 20:00, instead of regular training we will organise a WAR for fun with all departments (LSPD,LVPD,SFPD vs NG & FBI).The location is Blueberry.The presence is compulsory, who can't come must make a pass request in Pass Requests topic.

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