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🚖 San Fierro Taxi - Evidența testelor / Test logs 🔰

Daniel ZEW

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Nick: TeRoRe

Rank: 4

Data: 28.03.2019

Am dat test cu: [CrJrr

Teorie (x/3) 0/3

Practic (x/5) 0/5

Teren (x/4) 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Admis

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Nick: Urkelbama

Rank: 6

Data: 07.03.2019

Am dat test cu: Andrei_UrBaNgRuV

Teorie (x/3 3/3

Practic (x/5 x/5

Teren (x/4) x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins) .  Respins

Alte precizari: Luat Crash si nu sa mai intors in 5 minute

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Nick: [SS]Raul_Madalin

Rank: 4

Data: 16.01.2019

Am dat test cu: s1mPL3

Teorie (x/3? 3/3

Practic (x/5? x/5

Teren (x/4) x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ? respins 

Alte precizari: baftă 

Edited by NeneaTROLL
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Nick: florynn_fly

Rank: 5

Data: 28.03.2019

Am dat test cu: Masseria_Gambino[LCN]

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 2.5/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final (Admis / Respins) Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitari. Mai multa atentie. Repeta locatiile.

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Nick: Urkelbama

Rank: SF Taxi Company Manager (6)

Data: 29.03.2019

Am dat test cu: DarkMaster

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 4/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final (Admis / Respins) Admis

Alte precizari: Felicitari!! Verificati din nou locatiile.

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Nick: [HaVaNa]

Rank: 6

Data: 29.03.2019

Am dat test cu: RobinQ17

Teorie (x/3): 2.5/3

Practic (x/5):6.5/5

Teren (x/4): x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: -


Nick: [HaVaNa]

Rank: 6

Data: 29.03.2019

Am dat test cu: AlexTeodor2001

Teorie (x/3): 1.5/3

Practic (x/5): 2/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Admis

Alte precizari: GG.

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Am dat test cu: FreshStyle23

Teorie (x/3? 0/3

Practic (x/5? 2/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins  Admis 

Alte precizari: Felicitari !

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Nick: TeRoRe

Rank: 4

Data: 8.4.2019

Am dat test cu: NekkeT

Teorie (x/3) 0/3

Practic (x/5) 0/5

Teren (x/4) 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Admis


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Am dat test cu: ..RaZvy..

Teorie (x/3? 0/3

Practic (x/5? 3/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins  Admis 

Alte precizari: Felicitari !

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Nick: [havana]

Rank: 6 

Data: 9.04.2019

Am dat test cu: FlorinN.

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5):0/5

Teren (x/4]: 0.4 

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): ADMIS

Alte precizari: Felicitari, ai primit invite pentru ca ai trecut cu 0 la toate probele. pwp

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Nick: TeRoRe

Rank: 4

Data: 9.4.2019

Am dat test cu: .WhosYourDaddy

Teorie (x/3) 0/3

Practic (x/5) 0/5

Teren (x/4) 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Admis

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Nick: TeRoRe

Rank: 4

Data: 11.4.2019

Am dat test cu: AbsoluTe.

Teorie (x/3) 2.5/3

Practic (x/5) 4/5

Teren (x/4) 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Admis



Nick: TeRoRe

Rank: 4

Data: 9.4.2019

Am dat test cu: Dani1120

Teorie (x/3) 0/3

Practic (x/5) 0/5

Teren (x/4) 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Admis

Edited by TeRoRe16
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Am dat test cu: Filip_Markovic

Teorie (x/3? 0/3

Practic (x/5? 1/5

Teren (x/4? 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins  Admis 

Alte precizari: Felicitari !

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Nick: Khiri

Rank 5

Data: 22.05.2019

Am dat test cu: KaTa.G

Teorie (x/3):3/3

Practic (x/5):x/5

Teren (x/4):x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ? Respins

Alte precizari: Bafta!

Edited by FreeBoom
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Nick: RobyAlexis

Rank: 5

Data: 22.05.2019

Am dat test cu: Branel

Teorie (x/3) 3/3

Practic (x/5) -

Teren (x/4) - 

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Respins

Alte precizari: Mult succes data viitoare

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Nick: RobyAlexis

Rank: 5

Data: 22.05.2019

Am dat test cu: RoZaToR_FTW

Teorie (x/3) 3.5/3

Practic (x/5) -

Teren (x/4) -

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ) Respins

Alte precizari: Sper sa mai primeasca o sansa, s a descurcat bine si a gresit chiar la ultima intrebare

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