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🚖 San Fierro Taxi - Evidența testelor / Test logs 🔰

Daniel ZEW

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Nick: Heisenberg

Rank: Dispartcher

Data: 15 aprilie 2017

Am dat test cu: Darwin

Teorie (x/3): 3.5/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Teren (x/4): x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: Nu-i graba.

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Am dat test cu:Biaanca.Fox

Teorie (x/3):0/3

Practic (x/5):5/5

Teren (x/4):x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Respins

Alte precizari:Pacat de munca depusa la testu teoretic.Mult succes data viitoare.

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Nick: Heisenberg

Rank: Dispartcher

Data: 16 aprilie 2017

Am dat test cu: Kopgee

Teorie (x/3): 2/3

Practic (x/5): 4/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Admis

Alte precizari: Bine ai venit pe la noi, sedere placuta.

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Nick: Andreey.

Rank: 5

Data: 18.04.2017

Am dat test cu: KecskeSajt321

Teorie (x/3): 3.5/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Teren (x/4): x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: Nu ai fost bine pregatit bafta data viitoare!

Edited by Andreeey
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Nick: Heisenberg

Rank: Dispartcher

Data: 18 aprilie 2017

Am dat test cu: Lendy

Teorie (x/3): 2.5/3

Practic (x/5): 3/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Admis

Alte precizari: Bine ai venit, sedere placuta. Mai repeta.

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Am dat test cu:Cozman.

Teorie (x/3):1.5/3

Practic (x/5):2/5

Teren (x/4):1/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Admis

Alte precizari:Mai repeta putin regulamentul si locatiile importante.Bun venit in San Fierro Taxi.

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Am dat test cu:.EaSy.

Teorie (x/3):0/3

Practic (x/5):2/5

Teren (x/4):0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Admis

Alte precizari:Mai repeta putin regulamentul si locatiile importante.Bun venit in San Fierro Taxi.

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Nick: [TL].HuBloT.

Rank: 4

Data: 19.04.2017

Am dat test cu: [Red][bull]

Teorie (x/3): 3,5/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Teren (x/4): x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: Imi pare rau, dar nu ai invat nimic. Mult succes data viitoare!

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Nick: WediN

Rank: 4

Data: 20.04.2017

Am dat test cu: eKeey

Teorie (x/3): 1.5/3

Practic (x/5): 5/5

Teren (x/4): -

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: La teorie a stiut, dar la teren s-a pus AFK de multe ori, nu am avut ce-i face. Imi pare rau !

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Nick: Roberte

Rank: 6

Data: 23.04.2017

Am dat test cu: borisborysanu

Teorie (x/3): 1/3

Practic (x/5): 6/5

Teren (x/4): -

Rezultat final (Admis/Respins): Respins

Alte precizari: Nu sti locatiile prea bine. Mult succes data viitoare.

Edited by Roberte
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Am dat test cu:Salvatore007

Teorie (x/3):1/3

Practic (x/5):0/5

Teren (x/4):0/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Admis

Alte precizari:Foarte bine pregatit.Bun venit in San Fierro Taxi.

Edited by Stefane
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Nick: Roberte

Rank: 6

Data: 24.04.2017

Am dat test cu: [AT]xBlaz

Teorie (x/3): 1/3

Practic (x/5): 4/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final (Admis/Respins): Admis

Alte precizari: Bun venit in San Fierro Taxi sa mai repeti bine regulamentul si locatiile importante.

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Nick: [TL].HuBloT.

Rank: 4

Data: 24.04.2017

Am dat test cu: EmmA_

Teorie (x/3): 2.5/3

Practic (x/5): 6.5/5

Teren (x/4): 4/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: Imi pare rau, am incercat sa fiu cat de ingaduitor am putut. Bafta data viitoare!

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Nick: Heisenberg

Rank: Dispatcher

Data: 25.04.2017

Am dat test cu: Sorin69

Teorie (x/3): 2.5/3

Practic (x/5): 5/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final (Admis/Respins): RESPINS

Alte precizari: Asta este. Si eram bland.

Nick: Heisenberg

Rank: Dispatcher

Data: 25.04.2017

Am dat test cu: Maonkhal

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 2.5/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final (Admis/Respins): ADMIS

Alte precizari: Sedere placuta!

Edited by Victory Heisenberg
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Nick: WediN[nWo]

Rank: 4

Data: 25/04/2017

Am dat test cu: tOdO

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Teren (x/4): 1/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Admis

Alte precizari: A stiut tot la Teorie, la fel si la Practic, dar la Teren nu a pus /fare corect, defapt nu trebuia sa puna /fare, deoarece cei din SF Taxi se transporta fara fare. Bun venit in factiune !!!

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Nick: [TL].HuBloT.

Rank: 4

Data: 26.04.2017

Am dat test cu: [$]Adelin.

Teorie (x/3): 3/3

Practic (x/5): 5/5

Teren (x/4): 4/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ): Respins

Alte precizari: Ai luat crash, am asteptat chiar 8-9 minute sa revii, insa n-ai facut-o. Imi pare rau, mult succes data viitoare.

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Nick: Heisenberg

Rank: Dispatcher

Data: 27.04.2017

Am dat test cu: CoolMario01

Teorie (x/3): 3/3

Practic (x/5): x/5

Teren (x/4): x/4

Rezultat final (Admis/Respins): RESPINS

Alte precizari: Bafta.

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Nick: Roberte

Rank: 6

Data: 26.04.2017

Am dat test cu: [D]eaD

Teorie (x/3): 2/3

Practic (x/5): 2.5/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final (Admis/Respins): Admis

Alte precizari: Bun venit in San Fierro Taxi, sa mai repeti bine regulamentul si locatiile importante.

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Am dat test cu: Bl1ze

Teorie (x/3):2/3

Practic (x/5):4/5

Teren (x/4):1/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Admis

Alte precizari:Mai repeta locatiile importante si regulamentul intern.

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Am dat test cu:COSCIUG4

Teorie (x/3):3/3

Practic (x/5):x/5

Teren (x/4):x/4

Rezultat final ( Admis / Respins ):Respins

Alte precizari:Slab pregatit.

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Nick: Baoke.

Rank: 5 (Shift Supervisor)

Data: 2.05.2017

Am dat test cu: DarkKing

Teorie (x/3): 0/3

Practic (x/5): 0/5

Teren (x/4): 0/4

Rezultat final (Admis/Respins): Admis

Alte precizari: Mici scapari, dar s-a descurcat bine. Felicitari!

Rezultat: Admis, felicitări, bine ai venit!!

Edited by florynn fly
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